Who Are The Illuminati? Mystery School Renegades - Alternative View

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Who Are The Illuminati? Mystery School Renegades - Alternative View
Who Are The Illuminati? Mystery School Renegades - Alternative View

Video: Who Are The Illuminati? Mystery School Renegades - Alternative View

Video: Who Are The Illuminati? Mystery School Renegades - Alternative View
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The word "Illuminati" has become an all-encompassing term for the rulers of planet Earth. The definition is critical as the words "conspiracy" and "Illuminati" themselves have become code words for occult (covert) powers of power.

With the advent of the Internet and its sharp decline in "news" and misinformation, what was once considered esoteric knowledge has been opened up and made visible to everyone.

Even the Coons - a derogatory Masonic term for non-Masons - and Gentiles (goy) - a derogatory Hebrew term for non-Jews - learn of the Illuminati black magic man who pervades the planetary matrix.

The Illuminati originally meant "enlightened" in Latin, and this refers to those who control the planet's political, economic and social infrastructure. In their opinion, they believe that they are (themselves) appointed rulers of planet Earth.

Also referred to as the "Olympians" and "Mori conquering the wind," the Illuminati are a "web" of interconnected "bloodlines" who call themselves "family" or "circle". Intergenerational Satanism - or more accurately Luciferianism - is its core belief structure (these are the belief systems for you, the partner).

Do not forget their fatal mistake … The Illuminati call themselves a separate tribe - Bande à part - a proud super-race, tracing their genealogical origin in the biblical Nimrod.

To contribute to the confusion, people sometimes refer to the Illuminati as a Bavarian secret society that infiltrated Freemasonry - also because the term "Illuminati" is a de facto title in Freemasonry.

The current understanding of the Illuminati stems from the direct knowledge of post-mind survivors such as Arizona Wilder, author of Trance America, Bryce Taylor, author of Thanks for the Memories, Kathleen Sullivan, author of M. K. and Annie McKenna, Writer of the Paperclip doll.

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Their reports describe a parallel "Illuminati culture" whose main goal is to keep people "productive" and in control, although their common motto promises to deliver "Ordo ab Chao" (order out of chaos).

This parasitic Illuminati culture also uses mind control programs to keep their family members, as well as the rest of society, trapped in a web of obedience.

Various authors have also flawed their Illuminati "revelations" by interpreting the story with a bias that reflects their own political and religious ideology.

For example, to do the work of Fritz Spring Meyer and Cisco Wheeler, although informative about sociopathic "traditions" of the Illuminati (not es mi costumbre) and psychopathic behavior, still includes that torture, human sacrifice and mind control, Christian programming distort something to chaos and contributes to confusion in trying to distinguish history from any misinformation.

Likewise, while even in the writings of John Coleman, author of The Committee of 300 and Eustace Mullins, author of World Order, various Illuminati organizations describe exercises of political and religious control in pursuit of their often fixed intent to create a new world order. Christian fundamentalist thinking that undermines their confidence.

However, the biggest confusion seems to be with the Illuminati and Gnostics. For example, authors such as Nesta Webster, in her book Secret Societies, argue that the Illuminati can be traced back to the Gnostics.

In other words, she formulated her argument that the Illuminati and Gnostics are "bad" because they seem to be in opposition to Christianity.

This conflict then refers to the constant struggle between the Gnostics, representing the secret school, and the Roman Catholic Church, which fought wildly against self-knowledge, mysticism, and other metaphysical concepts that are hostile to the awareness of the controlling confabulation of the Vatican.

Today, this hostility in the belief system of Christian evangelicals is so evident, among others, because they see all secret societies, Gnostics, New Ages and the like as devil worshipers and ignorant (or conscious) agents of the Illuminati.

But this is not so … The Secret Schools were pre-Christian mystical communities that were in fact learning centers with libraries and workshops in the midst of a vibrant cultural life.

This may be precisely the scene of the crime and the source of the current metaphysical confusion.

Is this why the great ideological division or separation of paths began?

Gnostic vs. Erudite

Comparative mythologist John Lam Lashi, the world's leading authority on Gnosticism and esoteric traditions, is the author of the irreplaceable groundbreaking book Not In His Image: A Gnostic Vision, Sacred Ecology, and the Future of the Faith.


According to Lasch, the adepts of the mystical schools (the so-called Gnostics) were originally members of the magical order of initiate shamans, whose goal was to guide humanity as a mystic teacher with the goal of spiritual / human evolution.

The controversy began when some Mystery Schools insiders began to misuse their mystical knowledge and distract it with behavioral manipulation, psychological programming, and mind control technology.

Essentially, the Illuminati gave up their role as teachers to become social engineers and advisors to the ruling class. This coincided with the rise of the patriarchal Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Islam and Christianity, which also required mind control techniques to keep their followers ("believers") at bay.

“About 4000 BC. with the growth of urban civilization in the Middle East, some members of the Order of the Magick decided to apply some of the secrets of initiation to state and social design,”writes Lash, describing the spiritual progress of the Kali Yuga.

"They became advisers to the first theocratic patriarchal nation states, but in reality the advisers left the store."

“Their subjects were systematically programmed to believe they were descended from the gods,” Lash continues.

“The Illuminati have introduced elaborate initiation rites or royal rituals. These rituals were actually methods of mind control exercised by the collective symbolism and mysticism of royalty for the common people."

Civilization - civil action in action - required an iron fist in a velvet glove from the beginning, and the Illuminati were there to ensure obedience.

“The rule of kings rivaled the initiation rituals that led to the teachings of light and the blessing of the Great Goddess,” Lesch writes. "Their goal was not education and enlightenment, but social management."

The strains of control of the Illuminati are now evident everywhere, as their inability to manage the global financial system is causing the planet to rapidly collapse.

"The Gnostics refrained from taking any role in politics, because it was not their intention to change society, but to create experienced, balanced, enlightened people who would create a society that would be good enough, should be governed by external management," continues Lash.

"The purpose of dissenting sorcerers to guide society through covert control is based on their assumption that humans are inherently not good enough or talented enough to create a humane world."

Of course, Lash is too “liberal” to characterize the Illuminati as “dissent”, as her spiritual betrayal from the Mystery Schools was more of a blow to Gaia than a red flag of hidden rebellion.

“The difference in views on human potential was the main force that nullified the division of magicians,” writes Lash, citing the condemning arrogance of the Illuminati, who believed they were necessary, they thought they were nothing more than a gift from God for humanity.

“It is enough now to see that this way of thinking will develop hierarchical structures in society today,” continues Lash.

It's true. The so-called "Global Elite" keep the planet in check with the Illuminati boys known as politicians, military personnel, police officers and religious leaders whose job it is to be the shepherds of society - to guard the sheep … until they are ready to kill their endless wars and races between tribes.

People who behave like sheep or so-called "sheople" are always the ones who suffer the most because of their programming. Meanwhile, the Illuminati runners pretend this is the way it should be.

This long-standing ideological disagreement in secret schools seems to have led to the gross injustice of life on planet Earth.

“The Illuminati program was (and still is) necessary for the patriarchy and its disguised executing religion,” writes Lash, describing the global conspiracy that conquered the world.

“While it cannot be said for certain that the deviant masters (adepts) known as the Illuminati created patriarchy, they certainly controlled it,” Lash continues.

“And they still do. The misuse of initiative knowledge to induce infatuation, manipulation of multiple individuals in the same person (platforming), and team behavior through post-hypnotic suggestion (Manchu candidate technique) are still truly evil to this day. The consequences for the whole world."

In an effort to unravel the false idea that Gnostics and Illuminati refer to the same symbols, Lash writes:

“If we agree that the Mystery Schools were for Gaia's co-evolution, dedicated to the goddess Sophia, they could not lead the Illuminati as some modern writers (who believe they are revealing the Illuminati) thought. Everything that the Gnostics did in the schools was intended to fill and correct the machinations of the deviant adepts."

Right intent becomes critical again, and the radical ideological difference between Gnostics and Illuminati becomes apparent.

Initiation involves the melting of ego boundaries in preparation for a deep relationship with nature, so that the object by power of suggestion, foil stamping and other psychotic dramatic techniques can be programmed to behave without diminishing the ego consciousness. These tools for modifying the behavior of the Illuminati were strictly forbidden in the mysteries controlled by the Gnostic."

The metaphysical perverts known as the Illuminati must ward off the manipulation of humanity through religious belief systems, political connections, and the ruthless attack of the media programs known as "news" and "entertainment" structured modern society.

Illuminati failure

Apostates from mystical schools, betrayed secrets and undermined gnosis ("knowledge"), has the Illuminati's plan to divide the world to conquer and rule, works very well, because people easily have it in belief systems, ignoring it to be programmed for your own good.

As Lash notes, "Experienced in theology and dialectical argument, the Gnostics were able to refute fanatical beliefs, but they cannot defend themselves against the violence controlled by that belief."

In other words, Illuminati-sponsored Jewish-Christian annihilation and apocalyptic theology were responsible for the destruction of the Mystical schools and the murder of the Gnostics, who in no way dealt with those who perceived them as a threat to their planetary rule.

“The Gnostica (teacher of philosophy) Hypatia [was killed by the church] was not just apolitical, they deliberately refrained from participating in politics in order to distance themselves from another type of initiate, the Illuminati, who from the beginning participated in patriarchal and theocratic games with energy,” concludes Lasch …

The Illuminati can be considered apostate Gnostics who have revealed their role in enlightening humanity to gain the advantages and claims of the ruling class.

Now, as before, the Illuminati continue to move towards their goal - a feverish dream of world supremacy, culminating in the so-called New World Order (world government), which simply means Global Techno-Feudalism.

It has always been a metaphysical war. And the choice of humanity is again - freedom or slavery.

Perhaps "who know everything" - a derogatory term used by the church against the Gnostics - could help them …