Home Ghost In An Elegant Man's Suit - Alternative View

Home Ghost In An Elegant Man's Suit - Alternative View
Home Ghost In An Elegant Man's Suit - Alternative View

Video: Home Ghost In An Elegant Man's Suit - Alternative View

Video: Home Ghost In An Elegant Man's Suit - Alternative View
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Lon Strickler, an American researcher of mysterious creatures, recently received a new letter with a story about a ghost in the house. This ghost, according to the author, was seen not only by her, but also by her children, and outwardly he looked like a well-dressed man in a classic suit and looked like James Bond (agent 007).

“Hello Mr. Strickler. I have been reading your site for a long time and I want to share my story, but please do not enter my name. I do not want to be snapped at me and my children.

In my life I have had many cases of encounters with the paranormal, but the most interesting thing happened when in 1999 we moved from our cottage to another house, which was built in 1958. From the very first day when I entered this house, I really liked its atmosphere, there was a positive energy in it.


After some searching, I found out that the house had previously belonged to a couple who, out of mercy, adopted several orphans. When the couple became elderly, the old woman died of cancer in the hospital, and the old man moved to a nursing home and soon died there of a heart attack.

After we moved into this house, we often heard strange sounds in the evenings on the first floor, while we were all in our bedrooms on the second floor. Sometimes, with a special creak, the cupboards in the kitchen opened by themselves. So a year passed, and then one day I walked from the corridor into my bedroom, and out of the corner of my eye I noticed a dark figure against the wall.

I stepped back and managed to examine it in detail. He was a man of average height, dressed in a dark classic suit. His dark hair had an outdated haircut - very short on the sides and back, and on the top of his head, carefully styled back with the help of varnish or lipstick. His appearance reminded me of Agent 007 - James Bond from old movies.

I looked at him and did not feel a threat from him, but he stood with his back to the wall and silently looked at me. In his right hand was what looked like a cigar. Suddenly, I blinked and swore softly and the ghost immediately disappeared, as if it had never existed.

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Several years have passed since that phenomenon, over the years I became pregnant and my daughter was born. We allocated my room for her, my son moved to another bedroom, and I moved to my son's bedroom. Two years earlier, my son had told me that one night he woke up and saw in his room a man in a suit and black coat. He just stood and looked at his son.

Two years later, shortly before the move, the ghost appeared again at night in his son's bedroom and this time it seemed to the son that the man wanted to tell him something, but suddenly the ghost disappeared again, as soon as the son turned around.

Closer to our days, when my son was already a teenager, he said that the ghost had recently come to him again at night and this time he sat on the edge of the bed and again tried to say something. But he disappeared again as soon as the son moved. The boy was not afraid of the ghost, he was only surprised by his visits and did not understand why he quickly disappeared.


I told him that maybe this person is his guardian angel or maybe he was courting family members who lived here before. I made this assumption because I found out that he was hardly a member of the family itself, he did not resemble the description of anyone who had lived in this house before.

Now my son is already 20 years old and he no longer lives with us, he left for his apartment. We never discussed a ghost in a suit with our daughter, but she herself once said that he came to her room. It started a few months ago and he had already visited her three times. Probably due to the fact that the daughter now lives in her son's room.

She is very afraid of this ghost and even hid a knife under my pillow, which I recently found and took away. Daughter is already 14 years old, she is an active teenager, she has read various horror stories and calls our ghost "Slenderman", she is sure that it is he. I explained to her that Slender Man is an Internet fiction, and this ghost has been in our house since the very beginning, when we moved into it in 1999. I told her that if she is afraid of him, then let him ask him not to come when she sees him again.

The ghost came to her recently at about 2.40 at night and she found the courage to ask him to leave. But he suddenly touched her leg with his hand and she felt an icy coldness from his touch. She immediately sent me a text message on my mobile and called me for help, but I did not hear her and slept until morning. The daughter wrapped herself in a blanket out of fright and the ghost left. I saw her message on my mobile only early in the morning.

After that terrible night, my daughter got hold of pieces of quartz crystals somewhere and scattered them near the bed. She is confident that they will scare away the ghost. I hope that even if it's just self-hypnosis, it will work.

PS We have a dog and a cat in our house, at night the cat can sleep in all bedrooms, and the dog always stays downstairs and does not go upstairs. But I suppose that if there was an evil spirit, the cat would not sleep there?"

Lon Strickler left a comment on this letter. He wrote that the ghost probably appeared due to the strong atmosphere in the house and it is possible that it is the ghost of a deceased old man who looks younger. “It is possible that he is trying to find his wife. I don’t think he’s evil, he’s probably tied to a particular room and can only wander in this place or near it.”