Putin At The Forefront Of The Fight Against The Power Of The Reptilians Alternative View

Putin At The Forefront Of The Fight Against The Power Of The Reptilians Alternative View
Putin At The Forefront Of The Fight Against The Power Of The Reptilians Alternative View

Interesting opinions circulate on the "bourgeois Internet" regarding the personality of President Putin and his global role - one that only a select few and a small group of fanatical conspiracy theorists know about.

The latter have a very hard time, since who will believe them until he sees it? So, here is a rough translation of an article from YourNewsWire.com.

The words at an extraordinary meeting convened by Vladimir Putin yesterday, where, according to sources, the Russian president said that "95% of the world's ruling class are not even humans," but "cold-blooded hybrids" who are "members of an ancient cult", caused a strong resonance.


“Is Putin just from the world political and financial elite as a cold-blooded hybrid human being a reptile? Does he really just go there? (I could not translate it clearly)

Speaking behind closed doors at a forum for the highest echelons of government and staff in his hometown of St. Petersburg, Putin answered questions about the Panama Papers leaked, pointing out who was behind the story: the US government, their spy agencies, and George Soros OCCRP.

According to sources close to the president, Putin exclaimed: "George Soros, this is a bloodthirsty and treacherous snake." Then Putin promised to increase sanctions against Soros OJSC even more.

Answering the host's question about what he meant by "bloodthirsty serpent" (a rare expression in Russian), Putin sighed heavily and looked with his trademark gaze at the assembled people, before explaining that everything is not what it seems in about how the world works.

Promotional video:

Despite the presenter's timid attempts to interrupt the president's speech, Putin said he had ample evidence and that he personally had reliable information about their activities. He said that he is not one of them, but they are afraid of him and are trying to lure him into their "ancient Babylonian cult."

“Ancient and modern evidence is overwhelming,” he said.

Putin said that humanity is being manipulated to be "weak-willed" through the use of media programs and politics, of which the recent leak of the Panama Papers was a prime example. The world ruling class has tyrannical control over our food, water and air, and they are actively dumbing down the masses.
