Who Was Able To Make Such A Masonry In Ancient Times? - Alternative View

Who Was Able To Make Such A Masonry In Ancient Times? - Alternative View
Who Was Able To Make Such A Masonry In Ancient Times? - Alternative View

Video: Who Was Able To Make Such A Masonry In Ancient Times? - Alternative View

Video: Who Was Able To Make Such A Masonry In Ancient Times? - Alternative View
Video: Baffling Ancient Artefacts Found In Coal...Incredible, They Are Far Older Than We Thought 2024, July

In this article I will show some interesting photos of ancient masonry from Turkey and give my opinion about its creators.

In my humble opinion, such masonry could only be mastered by a highly developed civilization, at least in the field of construction.

To calculate and fit the blocks, knowledge in mathematics, geometry, materials science, stone processing, and so on was required. Do you think at least some of the ancient civilizations had such?

I believe that if someone possessed such knowledge, then their defenses could not have been conquered for hundreds of years.

Just look at how well the huge megalithic blocks are connected and fitted to each other. It is worth paying attention to the technology of connecting blocks to each other.


Why not make simple rectangular blocks, but cut out such complex grooves? There is no explanation for this.

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To put it bluntly, even the remnants of these ruins resemble mysterious technologies that differ from everything we know about the world.

Here completely different methods of processing, creating and pairing blocks could be applied. So complex that even in our time such work is almost impossible.

With our knowledge, we cannot understand the meaning of such mates, let alone the technology used to create them.

Was it possible that ancient primitive civilizations or peoples were able to create something so complex that we cannot understand even with our knowledge and capabilities? I doubt it.

It is worth mentioning that next to the incredible masonry you can find other masonry, sharply differing in quality tenfold for the worse. This at least raises strong suspicions of logic.


In most cases, we get a picture that directly indicates the existence of an ancient highly developed civilization on Earth.

Judging by the majority of megalithic ruins on Earth, they were abandoned quite a long time ago, so that civilization was with us from 10 thousand years ago. Ultimately, something happened to this civilization, after which the ruins of their structures were left to gather dust with us.

And primitive people did not disappear at this time. Lacking enough knowledge, they began to find and admire these incredible ruins.

Some used them for their own needs, others tried to replicate their technology or appropriated other people's structures for themselves.

Now, if this version of history is considered, then most of the riddles immediately disappear, and the picture acquires logical validity.

If someone disagrees, you can try to explain and recreate the technologies of the brilliant Incas, Greeks or Egyptians.


Many scientists and researchers have tried and are trying to explain all this, but so far no one has succeeded. After all, it is easier to say that the Incas possessed a secret technique of processing stones of any hardness than to admit the existence of an ancient highly developed civilization.

By the way, it is precisely the secret processing methods that explain all these structures and masonry in our favorite Wikipedia. Moreover, the methods are so secret that only 20-30 percent of structures and masonry are made according to them, and the rest differ tens of times in quality.

Ultimately, I have shown only a small fraction of the facts that do not fit into the official story. Whether or not you agree with my thoughts on these facts is up to you.