Assassination Attempt On Stalin: Weapons - Mystical Power - Alternative View

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Assassination Attempt On Stalin: Weapons - Mystical Power - Alternative View
Assassination Attempt On Stalin: Weapons - Mystical Power - Alternative View

Video: Assassination Attempt On Stalin: Weapons - Mystical Power - Alternative View

Video: Assassination Attempt On Stalin: Weapons - Mystical Power - Alternative View
Video: 012 - The Mysterious Threat to the Royal Navy - Magnetic Mines - WW2 - 17 November, 1939 [IMPROVED] 2024, July

You shouldn't think that in Russia they only used to "bast soup". There were also amazing people here who mastered the extraordinary secrets of the East, which the common people revered as real witchcraft. The possibility of using unusual human abilities was taken seriously even in pre-revolutionary Russia.

Under cover of the night

With the obstinacy of fanatics, on Thursday nights, a small group of like-minded people gathered in the same apartment. In ethereal shadows in the darkness, they slipped into the black cave of the entrance. Trying not to make noise, they climbed the shabby stairs and knocked softly on the oilcloth door. Observing conspiracy, the new guest arrived 10-15 minutes after the previous one. Their shoulders trembled from each sharp sound, their heads pressed into their shoulders - they were expecting that NKVD agents were about to attack them and … But nothing happened. In the apartment they changed: they put on black silk robes to the floor, pointed caps and sat at an equal distance from each other at a round table. In its center stood a bust of Comrade Stalin made of wax. Before each of the members of this secret circle lay an open book with ancient incomprehensible letters. Master,who usually assumed the role of chairman of this strange gathering, would begin chanting, and it soon became clear that he was casting incantations. All in chorus repeated the words of the curse after him. In the right place the owner waved his hand, one of the guests got up from the chair and thrust a steel needle into the back of the head of Stalin's bust. In the very place where, as we now know, the centers responsible for the functioning of the lungs and heart are located in a person …

Yes, you shouldn't think that in Russia they only used to "bast soup". There were also amazing people here who mastered the extraordinary secrets of the East, which the common people revered as real witchcraft. The possibility of using unusual human abilities was taken seriously even in pre-revolutionary Russia. For a long time, special people protected the Grand Duke, Tsar or Emperor from damage, evil eye and witchcraft. The sorcerers, suspected of wicked schemes against the father of the king, were mercilessly executed at the first suspicion, quickly and mercilessly. Later, the protection of members of the imperial family and representatives of the highest authorities from a secret force was entrusted first to the Search Order, then to the Secret Chancellery and, finally, to the Third Police Department.

This tradition has been preserved in the Soviet Union as well.

The shadow of death

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Many wished for the death of the communist leader, but few dared to oppose him openly because no one knew how to get to him. And then there were people who tried to use mystical forces for the assassination attempt. But Stalin knew about such a possibility, because he had a certain spiritual education - he studied at a theological seminary. And therefore, back in the 1920s, he instructed his secretary and assistant I. P. Tovstukha to create a secret laboratory. The specialists in graphology and psychics recruited into it studied samples of handwriting of delegates to party congresses and conferences. So Stalin tried to find his secret opponents. In 1929, the leader ordered one of the leaders of the OGPU, Heinrich Yagoda, to create a secret photographic department that studied the essence of people from photographs. Its employees (mystics and magicians) examined photos of party and Soviet workers,military leaders of the Red Army, business executives, directors of large industrial enterprises, scientists and art workers of the Land of the Soviets, group photographs of participants in various congresses, conferences, symposia. Political and public figures of foreign countries and functionaries of the Comintern who came to the USSR were also diligently photographed.

“The main question that constantly interested and even tormented the leader,” says the writer and historian V. Vedeneev, “how do clairvoyants, magicians and various psychics manage to determine from a photograph whether the person depicted on it is alive or not? Stalin wanted to translate this into a simple technical operation performed by the staff of the OGPU. Trying to comprehend this secret, the Chekists very diligently "shoveled" hundreds of thousands of photographic materials, various photographs and negatives, old photographic plates and even daggerotypes with images of different people - both known to the state security organs and unknown - at different periods of their lives. They tried to grope: does the photo reflect some changes that are invisible to the ordinary eye? And if so, which ones, and how do you learn to catch them?"

As a result, a sensational discovery was made - in the photograph of Lenin, taken a year before Ilyich's death in Gorki, a dark shadow that had the outlines of a human figure was clearly visible! In earlier photographs, there was no shadow in the photographs.

Yagoda immediately reported the results to Stalin. The leader ordered to quickly find out who was behind Lenin's back. And then Yagoda's specialists - by that time two laboratories had already turned into a whole unit dealing with things absolutely incredible from the point of view of an ordinary person - gave the conclusion: this is, they say, Ilyich's astral double. The people call this phenomenon "the shadow of death." However, experts in the occult part prudently preferred not to go into details: the object was too slippery and dangerous!

For a long time Yagoda did not dare to report the results to Stalin, but nevertheless he was forced to do so. To his amazement, the leader did not get angry, but, releasing a club of fragrant tobacco smoke, poked his pipe at the ceiling:

- There are forces that are beyond our control, comrade Yagoda! They decide the fate of mankind, not us. But we must listen to them and understand what they are going to do. Let your people know the will of the gods. Even though we do not believe in gods and preach the teachings of Marx.

“The possibility of the existence of a secret bio- and psychoenergetic weapon,” writes one of the oldest esotericists of Russia I. Vinokurov, “was taken seriously in the USSR by both those in power and the groups opposing them. About the case that took place at the turn of the twenties and thirties (from which the story began - author's note), I heard from A. Chizhevsky, the founder of heliobiology - the science of solar-biospheric connections, who was once Chekhovsky's friend.

The main character in organizing the assassination attempt on Stalin was the radio engineer V. Chekhovsky, who conducted serious research in the field of mental suggestion. For this purpose, he used the so-called collective inductor - a group of people who simultaneously mentally try to inspire a person in another room with their thoughts, orders, an image unknown to him. His experiments yielded amazing results. Chekhovsky tried to use his achievements in order to kill Stalin with the help of mental influence. After all, for this you do not need to enter his residence, you do not need to shoot, you do not need to do anything at all that the guards might notice. For a lot of money, Chekhovsky's associates bought hair from his head from a hairdresser who served Stalin and attached it to his wax bust. Sometimes, instead of a bust, a photograph of Stalin's head taken from the back of the head was placed in the center of the table. Then everyone sat around the table and persistently, over and over again, sent a deadly impulse. They sent all the curses they knew.

It is said that the conspirators sometimes managed to get hold of Stalin's cut nails. And they conjured over them, sending mortal damage and curses to the head of state.

It is not known how this "experiment" would have ended if Chekhovsky's group had not been arrested …

There are various rumors about how the OGPU managed to get to the carefully conspiratorial group of Chekhovsky. One of the versions claims that a secret photo department helped in this. By that time, its specialists had achieved a lot. For example, they predicted the assassination of Kirov. Shortly before this event, Yagoda showed Stalin a photograph of Kirov, in which an ominous shadow was clearly visible behind Sergei Mironovich's back, already well known to the Chekists and Stalin from other dying photographs. Soon a fatal shot rang out in the corridor of Smolny, ending Kirov's life. But soon Stalin had to worry about his own life, for the "shadow of death" had already appeared in his photographs. We do not know how the Chekists managed to reach Chekhovsky's group, but they succeeded, and the fatal double disappeared, and the conspirators were buried in unmarked graves.

Deadly Ninja Impulse

The ancient culture of the East and its martial arts keep a lot of secret knowledge about the unusual abilities of man. It is believed that Chekhovsky, who visited Japan, possessed the so-called "ninja death touch", which caused damage to human vital organs. Such a touch could result in the death of the victim in three days, a month or a year. And there are no traces of influence at the same time … It is curious that the death of the victim with a delay of a year was caused without physical contact with her - only by the direction of the negative flow of cosmic (or divine) Ki energy. At the same time, everything looks as if death occurs as if for natural reasons.

In conclusion, I will quote the words spoken to me by Igor Vladimirovich Vinokurov, who for many years studied in theory and practice the problem of mental influence on a person:

- Over the past decades, dozens of studies have been carried out in the world in order to confirm or deny the possibility of remote mental impact on a person. The distances varied from a few meters to several thousand kilometers. The vast majority of researchers report that they have received evidence of the reality of such an impact at a distance. It also turned out that the power of mental influence is directly related to the ethical attitudes of the influencing person. For example, according to experts, unkind telepathic messages very poorly reach the addressee. Or do not reach at all! In this regard, it is worth remembering once again about the failed attempt to mentally kill Stalin. The object of the unusual assassination attempt lived after that in health for another quarter of a century! The assailants may have been the first, but certainly not the last among thosewho wanted to destroy the leader. But all their efforts were wasted. However, in the writings of many ethnographers, many mysterious cases have been recorded when evil sorcerers sent from a distance.

Victor Potapov