About Historical And Literary Versions Of The History Of Petrovsky Time - Alternative View

About Historical And Literary Versions Of The History Of Petrovsky Time - Alternative View
About Historical And Literary Versions Of The History Of Petrovsky Time - Alternative View

Video: About Historical And Literary Versions Of The History Of Petrovsky Time - Alternative View

Video: About Historical And Literary Versions Of The History Of Petrovsky Time - Alternative View
Video: The Logic of Contextuality 2024, July

“Knowing the past, you can foresee the future” - from this expression you can deduce another thing - by changing the past, you can change the future. History is the same strategic science, like, for example, military physics, and writers on a historical theme are the special forces of those who consider themselves statesmen or directors of history, or at least somehow try to influence its course. The battle for the future begins in the historical archives, and ends with the change of state symbols, the transfer of border posts and the coronation of new ruling dynasties.

A change in ideology or foundations of power is always accompanied by a revision of history. This can be seen in the example of the historical science of Russia from the 18th century to the present day, and even in other countries where changes are brewing. History is the formative foundation of the building of the state and a portrait of the spiritual and moral image of the people inhabiting it. The new government will never stand on the old historical foundation. She must completely destroy it, and if this fails, the restoration of its former form will begin. This happened in Russia during the Great Patriotic War. The Khrushchev thaw, in fact, was the second Bolshevik revolution, which began to destroy the restored historical foundations and laid the foundations for a future catastrophe - perestroika - the third Bolshevik revolution.

Historical science, in its fundamental sense, based on all existing historical sources and corresponding scientific and technical support, is a conservative and elite science, completely dependent on those in power. Therefore, only with a change of power are some breakthroughs in historical science possible, when this dependence is removed for a short time. This was the case after the October Revolution, when the tsarist censorship was removed from historical research, and the Chekists had other concerns. I mean the historical works of the Bolshevik Mikhail Pokrovsky. But when they read what he had written, they woke up, his books were immediately condemned and banned, and the scientist was punished posthumously, luckily he had already died by that time.

At all times and now, too, the historical research of modern historians is available to few, dissertation research generally undergoes the strictest censorship in the academic councils where they are presented. But when there is a political order for history, I mean the "new chronology" destroying all the foundations of historical science, then all restrictions are removed. For the sake of truthfulness, the "chronology" is full of huge factual material, which was hidden somewhere and by someone until the time, but shuffled in the "right" order, beautifully packaged, this is a real Trojan horse for the seizure of historical science. We will not get an answer to the question - who paid for such an expensive company and who are the real authors of these multivolume and many-page works, since the people represented in this capacity are very busy in the fields of science and business that are far from history. They will never reveal themselves, since the goals they pursue will be immediately clear.

The common people will not read thick scientific books, and you cannot put an adventure film on the dissertation material, and the historical version must be made the property of the broad masses of the people. This is where the writers come to help the directors of history who, based on one or two actual historical facts or simply on the mention of a real historical personality, will create a large-scale historical action movie, where, thanks to virtual pseudo reality, they will lead a new historical plot into the future, which in reality did not exist. This was the case with Alexei Tolstoy's custom-made novel "Peter the First" - Joseph Stalin was looking for support for state reforms in the past.

It is interesting to note that Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy had a literary idea to write "A Novel of the Times of Peter I".

In 1870, having just finished War and Peace, Tolstoy was thinking about writing a new historical novel. Perhaps it was a desire to continue his dispute with historians, which he began in the epilogue of War and Peace, to expand it within the limits of a new literary text. “What is the power that drives the peoples? Private biographical historians and historians of individual nations understand this power as the power inherent in heroes and rulers”(Tolstoy 1981, p. 313). This disagreement, in particular, with Solovyov, who believes that the government is the product of the historical life of a famous people, is the best test of this life. In his Diary for 1870, Tolstoy writes: “I am reading the story of Solovyov. Everything, according to this story, was an outrage in pre-Petrine Russia: cruelty, robbery, rudeness, stupidity, inability to do anything. You involuntarily come to a convictionthat the history of Russia took place in a series of outrages. How is it that a series of outrages have caused a great, united state? (Tolstoy 1985, p. 265). \

Here are the literary versions for "NIKOLAI PALKIN", April 1886:

Promotional video:

“With Peter I, especially striking and especially close and understandable to us, the horrors of Russian history begin. Furious, drunk, rotted from syphilis, 1/4 of the table ruins people, executes, burns, buries the living in the ground, imprisons his wife, raves, sodomy, drunken, playing himself like slashing in the head, blaspheming and in the likeness of the Gospels - to glorify Christ with a box with vodka, that is, to swear at the head, crowns his whore and his lover, ravages Russia and executes his son and dies of syphilis, and not only do they not remember his evil deeds, but they still do not stop praising valor of this monster, and the end of every kind of monuments to him. After him, a series of horrors and disgraces similar to his reign begins,one harlot after another rush to the throne, tormenting and destroying the people and forcing some to torment others and reigns without any right to the throne, a man-murderer, a harlot who terrifies with her debauchery, who gives full scope of mischief to her changing lovers - and punishes all the horrors the murder of the legitimate heir, the closure of half of Russia, the war, the depravity and ravage of the people, everything is forgotten and some great wisdom, almost the moral height of this vile whore is still praised. Not only do they praise her, they praise her for the beasts of lovers. The same with the father-murderer Alexander. The same with Palkin. Everything is forgotten. And nonexistent valor and merit for the fatherland are invented. " Leo Tolstoy, PSS, M., 1936, vol. 26, p. 568568568and all the horrors - executions, murder of a husband, martyrdom and murder of a legitimate heir, the closure of half of Russia, war, depravity and ravage of the people, everything is forgotten and some great wisdom is still praised, almost the moral height of this vile whore. Not only do they praise her, they praise her for the beasts of lovers. The same with the father-murderer Alexander. The same with Palkin. Everything is forgotten. And nonexistent valor and merit for the fatherland are invented. " Leo Tolstoy, PSS, M., 1936, vol. 26, p. 568and all the horrors - executions, murder of a husband, martyrdom and murder of a legitimate heir, the closure of half of Russia, war, depravity and ravage of the people, everything is forgotten and some great wisdom is still praised, almost the moral height of this vile whore. Not only do they praise her, they praise her for the beasts of lovers. The same with the father-murderer Alexander. The same with Palkin. Everything is forgotten. And nonexistent valor and merit for the fatherland are invented. " Leo Tolstoy, PSS, M., 1936, vol. 26, p. 568The same with the father-murderer Alexander. The same with Palkin. Everything is forgotten. And nonexistent valor and merit for the fatherland are invented. " Leo Tolstoy, PSS, M., 1936, vol. 26, p. 568The same with the father-murderer Alexander. The same with Palkin. Everything is forgotten. And nonexistent valor and merit for the fatherland are invented. " Leo Tolstoy, PSS, M., 1936, vol. 26, p. 568

The next close to this investigation, "The Iron Mask" by Alexandre Dumas, was undoubtedly ordered, a suitable French version of the secret prisoner of the Bastille was needed, since someone could simply by chance or out of curiosity get to the bottom of the truth. But Voltaire was one of the first to write about the history of the Bastille prisoner in the "Iron Mask", in fact he was also the first foreign historian of the reign of Peter the Great ("History of the Russian Empire during the reign of Peter the Great" 1759 - 63). Is this coincidence a coincidence?

Obviously, the Ukrainian epic "Mazepa" is also ordered. For reliability, it shows a new, hitherto unknown, appearance of a pervert Muscovite false Peter, who is opposed by the chaste "hero" of the Ukrainian people Mazepa, who relies on the help of the Swedish king Charles in the struggle for independence. And who else will help the freedom-loving independent Ukraine if not the West? Without a doubt, the film anticipates a possible future scenario of historical events. By the way, Mazepa was awarded the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called No. 2 for his services to Russia. This order has now been restored again and is being given away for very dubious services to our Fatherland. What is most curious is that television, broadcasting in Russia and not distinguished by chastity and morality, abandoned plans to show this film. Of course, temporarily,before that hour has come yet. So believe me, there is no censorship on television.

It is no accident that I called the historical writers the military special forces conquering the historical foothold. They either conquer it for the future prosperity of their Fatherland or destroy it, preparing the arrival of enemies and invaders. It is after them that historians and politicians will join this battle, and the military will complete it, but they will prepare the people for future events and changes. A historical writer, if he is not an intruder, has no right to make mistakes, like a miner or a builder, but the consequences of his mistakes or delusions can be even more serious. The writer, destroying history, destroys the State, and restoring history recreates the State. Of course, this also applies to screenwriters.

Now about the liars and false rulers. Since the factual material on this topic is practically unavailable, I will suggest that in past times, and perhaps very recent, this phenomenon was more widespread than it is reflected in the historical chronicles. False representation is only discovered if it fails, when the given role is played unsuccessfully. If the introduction takes place successfully, it is almost impossible to find out about this, of course, before the Last Judgment. The success of the introduction of the impostor entirely depends on the environment of the former ruler and is a hidden form of a palace coup. Neither the first nor the second False Dmitriev would never have been exposed if they had not entered into conflict with their environment.

Sometimes, in the event of the sudden death of a ruler, so that there would be no destabilization of power and a change of policy, his entourage could simply appoint an impostor similar to the previous ruler, holding a knife to his throat. It is known that there are approximately 600,000 distinct faces in Caucasians. So, for one and a half to two million of the country's population of the same sex, two or three doubles can be found. A good example is the celebrity lookalike contests. And I am sure that this competition is not just entertainment, but a self-sustaining study of the phenomenon and statistics of doubles.

In the conditions of the developing global controlled democracy, the technology of imposture fades into the background, since using PR technologies, any person can be brought to power by creating an appropriate virtual image for him. If there is a question about its legitimacy, then it is removed by democratic changes in the constitution. The main problem of using such a ruler is only in its reliable control or isolation and the selection of the appropriate environment. That is, the problems remain the same.

Based on the identified cases of imposture in Russia, one can distinguish typical signs of false tsars and their rule:

1. They put the interests of foreign states above the interests of their state. The same applies to obligations to them.

2. An environment of foreign advisers, a priority for foreigners in government positions.

3. Contempt for their own people, their traditions and history.

4. Tendency to sadism or the presence of sexual deviations.

Poland has always played the main role in the advancement of impostors to Russia in the past. False Dmitrii, False Peter entered Russia from Poland. Pugachev, before declaring himself Peter III, also trained for some time in Poland. And Lenin also noted there. These are well-known examples, but I think they are not isolated ones.

Why is the idea that they were true kings regularly imposed? Yes, in order to justify and appreciate the contribution they made to the destruction of the Russian state, anticipating what the next false prophets and false tsars must do. Imposture has an evangelical and eschatological meaning and is associated with the creation of conditions conducive to the arrival of the Antichrist, and the establishment of a cruel dictatorship for all surviving humanity. "… Many will come under my name, and will say that I am (the Gospel of Mark ch.13, 6)." and "… by their fruits you will recognize them (Gospel of Matthew ch. 7, 20."

Why and when do impostors come to power?

There is a statement by the Apostle Paul: “Let every soul be submissive to higher authorities; for there is no authority that is not from God, the existing authorities from God are established (Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Romans, ch. 13.)”It is impossible to object to this, but we need to know that not all authority is blessed by the Lord God, and the authority is what we deserve or chose of their own free will.

The day after the resurrection of Lazarus, the Israeli people greeted the Lord Jesus Christ as king at His entry into Jerusalem, and five days later they shouted: “… crucify Him! (Gospel of John ch.19.15.

In 1598, the people, on their knees, asked and persuaded Boris Godunov to become their king. Three years later, a murmur and excitement began against the tsar for the fact that he began to restore order in Russia, and seven years after complicity in the murder of his son, Tsar Fyodor, solemnly met the first impostor with bread and salt.

The impostors do not conquer the country by force, it is the people themselves who go captive to them, hoping to live not according to God's laws, but as they want. The most severe punishment allowed by God is not when they are punished unjustly, but when you achieve what you really want. This is exactly what damages the soul and which, generally speaking, is akin to the suicide of the soul. And when such "suicidal" souls increase in the people, then impostors come.

The main purpose of the impostor is to abruptly change the previous state policy and subordinate it to external cosmopolitan forces, as well as the destruction of the spiritual and moral foundations of the people, on which the state was built and is being built and the whole world stands.
