Dancing On The Bones: The Remains Of The Romanov Royal Family Haunt - Alternative View

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Dancing On The Bones: The Remains Of The Romanov Royal Family Haunt - Alternative View
Dancing On The Bones: The Remains Of The Romanov Royal Family Haunt - Alternative View

The shooting by the Bolsheviks in July 1918 of the royal family in Yekaterinburg (later Sverdlovsk and again Yekaterinburg) was not advertised in the USSR. This is understandable: who will direct the shadow on his own fence. And yet it escaped censorship once. This is what was reported in the book “History of the USSR. Chronicle of the Great Country. In documents, photos, diaries, memoirs, newspaper publications”.

Gui prodest? (who benefits?)

The details were revealed in the nineties of the twentieth century. The prevailing version is that no one was killed, they were not buried in a semi-bog, in a mine, and identification was carried out on the basis of the skeletons of someone unknown, and the corpses did not match the height of someone from the family. And Stalin himself met with Nicholas II twice. And it was about the money of the royal treasury and hidden valuables.

The authors of the version say: these funds were spent on building socialism.

Emperor Nikoai II
Emperor Nikoai II

Emperor Nikoai II

But back to the outline of our story. There are so many myths, legends, "truthful" explanations of the executioners themselves around the execution of the royal family and the subsequent several burials that new generations will not be able to separate the grain from the chaff. There will be “fresh” evidence, “new” remains of the royal family of the Romanovs, the requirements of modern examinations will be put forward.

Promotional video:

And what is there for today? Since the ataman of Siberia, Kolchak, was eager for power over all of Russia, he quickly pushed the weak revolutionary troops. Although he had no use for the former emperor, the Bolsheviks held him with a different aim. The emperor and his family were transported from Tobolsk to the Urals. It is a known fact that the angry residents of the city persistently besieged the Ipatiev House, where high-born newcomers were settled. Some even came up with a creepy analogy: Nicholas II assumed the role of emperor in the Ipatiev Monastery, and ended his life, according to investigators, in the Ipatiev House.

Among the crowd were both monarchists, who wanted to rescue "Nikolashka", and supporters of the revolution, eager to deal with the hated tsar. The Ural Cheka set up a powerful guard of the house behind high walls.

Emperor Nicholas II with Empress Alexandra Feodorovna
Emperor Nicholas II with Empress Alexandra Feodorovna

Emperor Nicholas II with Empress Alexandra Feodorovna

But Kolchak's people could enter Yekaterinburg in a day or two. Therefore, the regional leadership makes a decision on its own, since its appeal to Lenin for execution (through Sverdlov) was not considered. According to another version, Lenin did give permission. But the logic of subsequent events is not in favor of this.

Lenin, firstly, wanted a show trial of the living emperor. To calculate how robbed the country is, and take away the royal capital, as well as what was the human damage. In addition, Ulyanov was a professional lawyer, and he himself suffered from Nicholas II. Therefore, at the trial he could perfectly speak out with denunciations.

Children of Nicholas II
Children of Nicholas II

Children of Nicholas II

Secondly, at the beginning of March 1918, enemy troops prepared an unacceptable treaty for Russia to end the First World War on its territory. The text was never published. Most likely through text secrets. Perhaps the Kaiser of Germany, a relative of the wife of the Emperor of Russia, heard about her fate and wanted the women of the Romanov family to return to their historical homeland. There was no talk of the Tsarevich, since he is a pretender to the Russian throne. Father and son remained hostages to the treaty in Russia.

Boris Yeltsin, a resident of Sverdlovsk, promised his fellow countrymen when he ran for the presidency of Russia that he would deal with this matter thoroughly. Then, on the site of the Ipatiev house, demolished in two days, to build the Church-on-the-Blood. In memory of the innocent murdered in this place!

But who exactly was killed? Nicholas II, wife, daughters and son? There are documents from the Yekaterinburg authorities, and the old Chekists remembered this, as two days before the Kolchakites entered Yekaterinburg, the emperor's family was taken to Perm. Maybe Joseph Stalin went there to see him much later.

Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna
Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna

Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna

On the night of July 17, someone was shot in this House of Special Purpose, as it was called in the documents of the city Bolsheviks. The noise of the car engine drowned out the groans and screams of the wounded, and the shooting in the basement. Then the corpses began to be taken out and loaded into a car in order to take them out to where the remains of the royal family of the Romanovs would not be found.

The first grave was nearby - in the Verkh-Isetsky district of Yekaterinburg. The poet of the revolution V. Mayakovsky wrote the mocking poem "The Emperor": at the root, under the cedar, there is a road, and in it the emperor is buried. How did he know about Piggy Forest, if the burials were found here much later than the poet's death ?!

Other burials are also named.

Epilogue of history

There is reliable information that Olga, the daughter of the emperor, was not killed in the Urals by the revolutionaries, but lived for a long time in Italy. Where she was buried, as evidenced by her grave with a given name and surname and date of birth, corresponding to reality, and death at the end of the seventies of the twentieth century. Residents remember her, knew about her origin and called the princess in the Italian manner.

What to say? Let's believe the officialdom: the remains of the royal family of the Romanovs have been found, they are buried in the Peter and Paul Cathedral of the northern capital. We are waiting for new investigations