Secret Mission Of Peter I To Africa - Alternative View

Secret Mission Of Peter I To Africa - Alternative View
Secret Mission Of Peter I To Africa - Alternative View

Video: Secret Mission Of Peter I To Africa - Alternative View

Video: Secret Mission Of Peter I To Africa - Alternative View
Video: Ancient Aliens: Secret Vatican Archives Contain Explosive Revelations (Season 5) | History 2024, October

Two years and 3000 gold rubles were spent on preparing the secret mission of Peter I. And all in order to make Russia a colonial power. The emperor was sure that in order to formalize a protectorate over the "Kingdom of Madagascar", only a few warships were needed …

Portrait of Tsar Peter I. Gustav von Mardefeld, 1707
Portrait of Tsar Peter I. Gustav von Mardefeld, 1707

Portrait of Tsar Peter I. Gustav von Mardefeld, 1707

During the era of the great geographical discoveries, Spain and Portugal became the most active "players". In the 15th and 16th centuries, these two leading maritime powers explored most of the Earth and even legally divided the globe in half. In the 17th century, England, France, Holland entered the world maritime arena, who also wanted to snatch their piece of the pie. Thus began the struggle of the European powers to seize the colonies in Africa, Asia, America, and the Pacific Ocean.

Peter I at the shipyards of the East India Company in Amsterdam. M. V. Dobuzhinsky
Peter I at the shipyards of the East India Company in Amsterdam. M. V. Dobuzhinsky

Peter I at the shipyards of the East India Company in Amsterdam. M. V. Dobuzhinsky

In Russia at that time no one thought about distant lands, but the situation changed with the coming to power of Peter I. The famous reformer tsar resolutely took on the most daring projects, if they could, in his opinion, be useful. Vice-Admiral Daniel Jacob Wilster shared one of these adventurous plans with Peter. Born in Dane, Wilster was forced to leave his country's fleet and move to Sweden. But even there he did not stay long, in 1721 he settled in St. Petersburg and took up an administrative position.

World map of the 17th century with the proposed route of the expedition to Madagascar
World map of the 17th century with the proposed route of the expedition to Madagascar

World map of the 17th century with the proposed route of the expedition to Madagascar

Wilster convinced Peter that Russia needed its colonies in Africa, from which considerable profits could be made. A specific location was suggested - the island of Madagascar. By that time, in addition to the natives, pirates lived there, who founded settlements for rest and repairing ships. To formalize the protectorate over the "Kingdom of Madagascar", only a few warships were needed.

A working copy of the Russian sailing frigate "Standart"
A working copy of the Russian sailing frigate "Standart"

A working copy of the Russian sailing frigate "Standart"

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Curiously, Sweden also established ties with filibusters who tried to legalize their status and formalize the occupied lands. But the Scandinavians simply did not have enough money. One of the leaders of the failed expedition was just Wilster.

Peter I - Tsar and reformer of Russia. N. F. Dorovolsky
Peter I - Tsar and reformer of Russia. N. F. Dorovolsky

Peter I - Tsar and reformer of Russia. N. F. Dorovolsky

Preparations began for the campaign, which was immediately classified. Only the most trusted persons knew about the plans of the king. The College of Foreign Affairs and the Admiralty, "packed with foreigners", were not notified. The travel strategy was developed in the office of Admiral General Fyodor Apraksin. But the exact destination was not known even there.

The triumph of the Russian fleet. IN AND. Nesterenko
The triumph of the Russian fleet. IN AND. Nesterenko

The triumph of the Russian fleet. IN AND. Nesterenko

For the 3000 rubles allocated from the treasury, two 32-gun Dutch-built frigates were equipped: "Amsterdam-Galey" and "Dekrondelivde". The ships were keel, sheathed with boards and wool. On December 12, 1723, under the Wilster flag, frigates left Kronstadt on a long voyage. Just a week later, during a storm, the flagship was severely damaged and the detachment went to the island of Nargen (modern Estonia). On December 31, the hike continued, but on January 8, a leak reopened at the Amsterdam-Galey. The expedition had to be interrupted, the ships returned to Revel (modern Tallinn).

Map of Madagascar. Samuel Thornton, 1702-1707
Map of Madagascar. Samuel Thornton, 1702-1707

Map of Madagascar. Samuel Thornton, 1702-1707

Preparations for the second expedition began, but further attempts to "conquer Madagascar" ceased after the death of Peter. His successors began to pay more attention to the nearest lands: Persia, Central Asia, the Caucasus. And so it happened that a strong storm in the harsh Baltic prevented Russia from gaining its colony in Africa.