Why Were The Results Of The Population Census Classified In 1937 - Alternative View

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Why Were The Results Of The Population Census Classified In 1937 - Alternative View
Why Were The Results Of The Population Census Classified In 1937 - Alternative View

Video: Why Were The Results Of The Population Census Classified In 1937 - Alternative View

Video: Why Were The Results Of The Population Census Classified In 1937 - Alternative View
Video: history of computer 2024, October

Data collection was carried out in the Soviet Union more than once. However, only the 1937 census had such dire consequences. Many of its organizers ended up in camps, and some, including the head of the statistical department, Ivan Kraval, were shot.

The first and only

The preparations for the 1937 all-Union census were very thorough. This is evidenced by the fact that back in 1932, a trial balloon was launched in the Moscow region - a preliminary census, taking into account the results of which the process of collecting data from all residents of the country was planned. In addition, the event was postponed at least 2 times: first it was scheduled for 1935, then for 1936, as evidenced by the printed draft documents with the corresponding date.

In addition, the census of the 37th year for the first and only time was declared as one-day. That is why 1 million 250 thousand meters were attracted to implement this idea. Also, a fundamental difference was the registration of only those people who were at the time of the scribe's visit in a particular settlement, regardless of their place of permanent residence.

Kvitkin became the head of the Census Bureau, and Kraval already occupied the position of head of the statistical department. Comrade Stalin personally supervised the organization of the census. He even took part in the formulation of the questions.

The 1937 census was widely advertised. For these purposes, millions of brochures and leaflets, hundreds of thousands of posters, countless matchboxes with agitation were issued. By its results, according to the authorities, the 1937 census was obliged to demonstrate to the rest of the world the achievements of the Soviet system.

Promotional video:

Unexpected results

However, hopes were not justified. The increase in the population in the USSR compared to 1926 was not 37 million, as previously announced, but only 15 million.

Many experts agree that the reasons for this were the high mortality rate among minors from various infections, hunger and, of course, repression. However, some are inclined to believe in the unsatisfactory work of the registry offices. Historians believe that the registry offices did not register a considerable number of deaths and births. This was possible in rural areas or in the "backward" republics: the Kolmyk ASSR, the Buryat-Mongol ASSR and others.

In general, all information regarding the results of the 1937 data collection was now confidential, and the census was declared incorrect.

Sentences in the case

Many leaders were declared guilty of disrupting the census, including the head of the bureau, Kvitkin, and the head of the statistical office, Kraval. The latter was sentenced to death and executed in August of the same 1937. Most of those convicted in the case went to the camps.

It was decided to organize a second census in 2 years.

The surviving documents with the results of the 1937 census were revealed to the world only in 1990.

Yulia Popova