Aryan Traditions Of The Cossacks - Alternative View

Aryan Traditions Of The Cossacks - Alternative View
Aryan Traditions Of The Cossacks - Alternative View

Video: Aryan Traditions Of The Cossacks - Alternative View

Video: Aryan Traditions Of The Cossacks - Alternative View
Video: Slavic sword art 2024, October

The problem of Aryan traditions in the culture of the Cossacks-Zaporozhians requires studying: 1) folklore, 2) terminology, 3) anthropology, etc. The traditions of the Aryans in the culture of the Cossacks have an obvious expression, while the Aryan roots can also be traced. The Aryan army in the Northern Black Sea region, in the Cossack Batkovshchina (the land of the fathers), appeared in the VI-IV millennia BC. e., as evidenced by the inscriptions on the "Stone Tomb". (A. G. Kifishin. Ancient sanctuary Kamennaya Mogila. - K., 2001), as well as other archaeological finds of the burials of the leaders of the Aryans and Cossacks in burial mounds, which preserved the remains of warriors with "settlers", clubs and even with harness (Yu. A. Shilov. The ancestral home of the Aryans. - K., 1995).

There are similar graves in Zaporozhye and on Khortytsya - where, perhaps, from that time the name of the channel arose: "Khariyskaya", or "Aryan throat". She was also known to the Byzantines. The name Khortytsia can go from before the Aryan times, from the fact that the river here makes a "brace" because of the rapids of the island, and can also come from the sun-zodiacal god Khors. "The wolf ran across the path to the Great Xop," - said about the prince-sorcerer Vseslav in "The Lay of Igor's Campaign" And this mythologeme - the wrapping up of the Cossacks-Siromachs (the descendants of Queen Siromakhi who defeated the Persian King Cyrus in the 6th century BC) on the Syrian wolves, and the chieftain Serko on the horta is not an embellished legend at all. In Ukrainian myths (V. Voytovich, K., 2002), it is said as follows: “Khors is a deity that gives life to sunlight, reflected in the Month. Khors is the son of Dazhbog (like Kolyada). "The latter turned into the constellation Taurus, and the first - the Great Dog. Maybe that's why the Cossacks-siromakhs loved not the daytime, but the nightlight more.

Historians astronomers know that the era of Taurus lasted from 4440-1700 BC. e. At this time, the origins of the "Supoiski retelling", transmitted to L. Bezklubiy in 1964 by the Cossack Chornyi, one of the secret keepers of knowledge, also fell. In this retelling (recorded by Yu. Mirolyubov in the "Tales of Zakharikha" Munich) it is said: "Once upon a time in hoary antiquity, [the heavenly] father Kolyada (son of Tarkh-Dazhdbog, grandson of the god Perun) gave birth to his mother Dazh-earth at the hour of a night thunderstorm. Cossack, she gave them land from north to south, from sea to sea, from sunrise to sunset from the Danube to the Don and Kuban. She commanded not to go from that land anywhere and not to give it to anyone and gave his brother the Month (Khors) to the watchman of the Cossacks that characteristic, so that they would take care of that land day and night. And so that they can be spoken and squeezed, then dropping all the skills and skills of their Cossack from the sky,so that through the Cossack circle they receive his blessing and know what their Cossack strength is. And they would have been the guardians of the world from their Old Man, and when they saw the black hatred, boundless and untruth, they would not have allowed it with their minds among their comrades, but they would have been fierce to the gate. And from the mother of the earth, thunderous love unrestrained for the people of their land would have, - such a scarlet red, like a heavenly flare. " "A Cossack was born for happiness" - echoes the above retelling of the most important (publication by L. Bezklubiy) from the commandments of the Cossack Code.- such a scarlet red, like a heavenly flare. " "A Cossack was born for happiness" - echoes the above retelling of the most important (publication by L. Bezklubiy) from the commandments of the Cossack Code.- such a scarlet red, like a heavenly flare. " "A Cossack was born for happiness" - echoes the above retelling of the most important (publication by L. Bezklubiy) from the commandments of the Cossack Code.

Its age is no less than 2300 BC. eh … (when priests everywhere replaced monthly calendars with solar ones), and this prescription is confirmed by commandments 20 and 24: “A month is a senior uncle over truthful Cossack souls”, “Cutting a sealed one means becoming under Father's commandment. And that will be Kolovi, solar brothers-craftsmen who are brought to the borders. " From the same Aryan, ancient Scythian times, commandments 5 and 13 appear, which testify to the twinning of blood (Mazepa), described by Herodotus in the 5th century. BC er … "Mazepstvo" was carried out one on one. One hand is placed on a saber, the other on a belt and incised, and then smears are mixed on the Holy grave of the mother or parent (father) and turning in all directions, they say: "Our holy God is our dad Kolyada, that steppe is wide mother." Then they sprinkle the blood into a bowl of wine and drink it once. If just a brotherthen he drinks himself in front of his comrades. Another commandment warns: “Do not fight between yourselves. Juveniles with mother's milk should absorb obedience to the elders assigned to them in the family.”The Cossack dance go-pak and tro-pak also date back to ancient Aryan times. Let us recall in this connection the Aryan god Kryshen Gopala (hence the nicknames of the Cossacks - Kryshnenko and Gupalo), the Slavic god Kupalo, Trojan hoplite warriors, warriors of the priests-kuriti who were the forerunners of the Cossack characterists. Let us recall in this connection the Aryan god Kryshen Gopala (hence the nicknames of the Cossacks - Kryshnenko and Gupalo), the Slavic god Kupalo, Trojan hoplite warriors, warriors of the priests-kuriti who were the forerunners of the Cossack characterists. Let us recall in this connection the Aryan god Kryshen Gopala (hence the nicknames of the Cossacks - Kryshnenko and Gupalo), the Slavic god Kupalo, Trojan hoplite warriors, warriors of the priests-kuriti who were the forerunners of the Cossack characterists.

Indeed, in ancient times, each Zaporozhye kuren had its own character, or several. Among the published commandments of the characterists, as well as retellings and legends about them, the most important are associated with the teachings of the "Savior". This is clearly a pre-Christian heritage, formed the basis of Cossack martial arts, its origins can be traced (Yu. O. Shilov, 1995, 2002; "Aryan military doctrine." Ukrainian Light. - K., 1996, 1-3; Kharakterniki // Krinitsa. - Poltava, 1996, 4-6) in salvation, which formed the basis of the skill of the priest-rulers of Apiyana. The teaching of the Aryan rakhman-kharaterniks also echoes the commandments and retellings of the Cossacks. For example (A. Sokulsky): “Nine of God's invisible sources live on a person (meaning the main energy centers of the aura). All at once live mostly amicably. If there is a powerful connection between them, then a blue brill with a yellow bottom appears over the head of that person, which is painted on icons. " Before the great battle, if the regiments were preparing to attack, then the old Cossack-characterist took the young Cossack and did, according to the tales, as follows: “Then the dad took me by the cap, and leaned his forehead to my forehead and sharply bowed my head to the bottom, and retreated back he said: "Marvel at my shoulder by two fingers" I took a moment to look and stabbed at an unfamiliar phenomenon - a thin silver syaivo [biofield] two fingers thick encircled the whole body of the old man. […] "and leaned his forehead up to my forehead and abruptly bent my head to the bottom, and stepping back trochie said: "Marvel at my shoulder by two fingers" I stopped looking and poked an unfamiliar phenomenon - a thin silver syaivo [biofield] with a thickness of two fingers encircled the whole body dad. […] "and leaned his forehead up to my forehead and abruptly bent my head to the bottom, and stepping back trochie said: "Marvel at my shoulder by two fingers" I stopped looking and poked an unfamiliar phenomenon - a thin silver syaivo [biofield] with a thickness of two fingers encircled the whole body dad. […]"

And then the dad explained that: “Nine mighty invisible sources (sources of energy) and the Silver Lyudin (Syaivo) are: Dazh, Malka, Sak, Vol, Chorus and four more (Cossack names of chakras) … Your grandfather told about this, and my daddy, if on the steppe mound "tied" (connected) me to the Sun. Infection, I can already tell you the names of the higher companions (the sixth is called Kalen, the seventh is Tar, the eighth is Shvakh, and the one that lives in heaven is called Rod (fontanelle on the crown of the head). Tse is not a "top", tse Guardian Angel … "The Aryan origins of the teachings of the Savior are also represented in the mythical rituals of Cossack Mamai - the Hero from Savur-grave. The most ancient of them is a ritual symbolizing the Aryan Savior who was the top man and stretched out his hand to humanity on earth, to his people, symbolizing space and time - and bringing himself as a sacrifice (Yu. A. Shilov. Gandharva is the Aryan Savior. - M., 1997; The beginning of time. - K.; M., 2002). Including the Cossack Mamai, the Cossack people canonize such heroes to the rank of Saviors. In the Zaporozhye legends Ivan Serko and Semyon Paliy, Nestor Makhno and Anatoly Ermak are ranked among them (Yu. A. Shilov. The origins of Slavic civilization. - K., 2003) … And so from all of the above, we see that Zaporozhye and all the Black Sea and The Azov steppe is entirely the land of the Aryan tribes. In another way (from ancient authors) we know them under the name, like Dandaria or "Iron Aria". Cossacks-Slavs inhabiting these lands, according to Yu. Shilov, are direct descendants of the Aryans. The ethnos of the Cossacks-Slavs was formed in 2300-1700 BC. er … and they worshiped their relatives, the clan of Saks, Chimerians (Antes), Rusov-Khatniks, and cattle, etc. But the semantics of the word Cossack could be derived from the word "scythe"which the warriors wore on their heads.