Ancient Civilizations Learned From Aliens! - Alternative View

Ancient Civilizations Learned From Aliens! - Alternative View
Ancient Civilizations Learned From Aliens! - Alternative View

Video: Ancient Civilizations Learned From Aliens! - Alternative View

Video: Ancient Civilizations Learned From Aliens! - Alternative View
Video: "Aliens built the pyramids" and other absurdities of pseudo-archaeology | Sarah Kurnick 2024, July

In the state of Chhattisgarh (India), in prehistoric caves, archaeologists have discovered images of some ancient creatures similar to aliens.


The figure clearly shows armed people in spacesuits next to an incomprehensible object resembling a spaceship.


The drawings are over 10 thousand years old. The significance of this find for historians, so far, cannot even be estimated. The world's leading scientists and even representatives of NASA have already announced their participation in the research.


Nothing like this has happened yet. The Aeronautics Administration of the US Federal Government is interested in cave paintings in the Indian jungle. What could have sparked such interest from NASA? Did our ancestors really witness the landing of an alien ship? And these images are nothing more than evidence of contact between humanity and aliens?


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In the Kapova cave of the Bashkir reserve, drawings resembling UFOs were also found in the rock art of the Paleolithic era.

Burl cave. The drawing is 14 thousand years old
Burl cave. The drawing is 14 thousand years old

Burl cave. The drawing is 14 thousand years old.

Maybe our ancestors really received sacred knowledge from alien civilizations?

Another confirmation in the deciphering of the Sumerian tables. If you believe their texts, several millennia ago, a powerful explosion on Sirius damaged the mysterious planet Nibiru. There is a hypothesis that the Sumerian civilization originated exactly where immigrants from another planet landed. How else to explain the incredible knowledge of the Sumerians in the field of chemistry, cosmogony, astronomy and even genetic engineering?

Unknown aircraft are also mentioned in chronicles. Another document is a papyrus dated from the 15th century BC. found Egypt. It tells about the appearance in the sky of a flying disc with a diameter of 45 meters (this is about half of the football field of a large stadium).

Not only NASA employees, but also space agency experts from India are ready to decipher the drawings of the discovered cave in the Indian state of Chhattisgarh. This is the first time in the history of archeology that the National Space Administration has taken an interest in ancient finds.