UFO - What's Under The Water? - Alternative View

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UFO - What's Under The Water? - Alternative View
UFO - What's Under The Water? - Alternative View

Video: UFO - What's Under The Water? - Alternative View

Video: UFO - What's Under The Water? - Alternative View
Video: Something in the air: The increased attention to UFOs 2024, September

Our planet, in a proper way, should not be called Earth, but Ocean, because two-thirds of it is occupied by salt water. It is extremely difficult to penetrate the secrets of the seas and oceans - if only because there is enormous pressure at depth - hundreds of atmospheres

Only special deep-sea vehicles, of which there are only a few on Earth, are today capable of delivering a researcher to the bottom of the ocean to look for Atlantis there, or to the Chilean Trench to try to find there the true creators of the stone idols of Easter Island …

It is not surprising that the truth about what is happening under water is often mixed with the most incredible rumors and speculations. This is our page.

"Parisian" testifies to Atlantis

Dozens of popularizers of history have already done PR for themselves on Atlanteans and Atlantis. The latest theory is that Atlantis is located near the Spanish coast in the Bay of Biscay. The theory satisfies Plato's "boundary condition" - Atlantis is, as he wrote, beyond the Pillars of Hercules (beyond the Strait of Gibraltar). The idea is no worse and no better than many others - zero archaeological evidence, tons of fiction and advertising.

But the problem, in all likelihood, has long been solved! Almost all historians already agree that Plato's Atlantis is the Minoan civilization of the Aegean Sea with its center on the island of Santorini (Thira). In this case, there are just a lot of archaeological sites - beautiful frescoes in the Palace of Knossos in Crete, ceramics and foundations of buildings on Santorini, quarries and bronze items.

The cause of the death of civilization is also known - the explosion of a volcano in Santorini and the monstrous tsunami that struck the coastal settlements of the Atlanteans. The geological evidence of the disaster is abundant and undeniable, with many deep underwater.

There is, however, an aesthetic proof. Anyone who has seen the 3.5 thousand-year-old fresco "Parisienne" will agree that only an atlas could have been its author.

This Nessie is not such a Loch

Recently, there has been a funny twist in the story of the famous plesiosaur from Loch Ness in Scotland. A certain gentleman proposed a new interpretation of the mysterious objects observed by locals and tourists. According to the interpreter, a classic photograph of a long neck with a small head protruding out of the water is a photo of the trunk of an elephant that escaped from a tent circus and tried to swim across the lake.

The comic nature of the new theory should not set us up in advance to be skeptical about the Nessie phenomenon. Why, in fact, some representatives of the floating dinosaurs do not survive in remote corners of the Earth? They found their contemporary, a live fish coelacanth, near Africa. Another thing is that numerous expeditions that have worked on the lake for decades have found, at best, a couple of submerged logs - and no plesiosaur.

In fact, the strongest argument against Nessie lies in the area of population biology. Namely: to preserve a species for millions of years - since the time of the dinosaurs - it is necessary, of course, not a single individual, but several hundred, rather even several thousand individuals. And so many plesiosaurs, turning a small Loch Ness into a kind of broth with meatballs, would be simply impossible not to notice.

In fairness, we add that supporters of the existence of prehistoric Nessie recently came up with a counterargument - it turns out that the lake sometimes communicates with the Atlantic Ocean, where the main part of the plesiosaur family swims, and look for fistulas in the ocean. The coelacanth was also discovered only 100 years after the first reports of the aborigines about the amazing cross-finned fish!

Aliens went to the bottom?

Reports of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) began to arrive en masse from the late 40s of the last century. Modern science doesn't say they don't exist, or that UFOs are not aliens. However, science takes nothing for granted and requires serious evidence - and there is none.

But in addition to UFOs, there may be NGOs - unidentified underwater objects, reports of which are also dark and dark. At the same time, NGOs most often do not see, but hear - submarine acoustics, automatic buoys for tracking the naval activities of various states.

In the 70s and 80s of the last century, the USSR even had a special program and commission to study mysterious underwater noise, however, which did not give out exactly any results. And then the noises disappeared, but the questions remained.

“We know poorly about ocean acoustics,” says Vsevolod Belkovich, chief researcher at the RAS Institute of Oceanology, Doctor of Biological Sciences. - Systematic studies of technogenic acoustics, shelf acoustics were carried out, but bioacoustics was studied for "three plus".

The fact is that such work was carried out mainly by the military, and they are only interested in specific sounds. And even the famous "songs" of humpback whales were identified by accident - there were two scientists in the US Navy.

As for the suspicious noises, their connection with the acoustically active buoys that the Americans set up to detect our submarines near Severodvinsk was discussed. And these buoys could indeed change the nature of their acoustic behavior when the submarine approached.

There was another hypothesis - noises could be produced by some living organisms. And if there are alien NGOs at the bottom of the ocean - who knows, maybe there is something.

Whom and what not to look for under water

1. Animals - Loch Ness plesiosaur, “sea serpent” capable of turning a cruiser, a man with gills - Ichthyander.

2. Cities and civilizations - Atlantis in the Atlantic Ocean, Hyperborea of the Aryans in the Arctic Ocean, mystical civilizations such as Shambhala near Easter Island.

3. Treasures - the gold of the USSR and the allies, drowned during the Second World War (almost everything was raised), the archives of the Gestapo in the Alpine lakes (everything has been examined, there is nothing).

4. Mineral resources - rhenium deposits on the Kuril shelf, oil and gas in Antarctica (if discovered, the "clean" continent of Antarctica will come to an end).

Who and what to look for under water

1. Animals - giant squids, sea snakes, fossil fish such as coelacanth, unique inhabitants of sub-ice lakes in Antarctica.

2. Cities and civilizations - Atlantis in the Aegean archipelago, sunken coastal cities in Turkey, on the Black Sea, in the Bay of Biscay, as well as on the Yucatan Peninsula (Mayan wells).

3. Treasures - several dozen Spanish ships are still resting on the seabed, loaded to the brim with gold and silver from the New World. Somewhere in the Baltic Sea, there is a German submarine with a valuable Nazi cargo - perhaps gold, or perhaps documents on the placement of valuables in Swiss banks. There is a version of the Kolyma gold that sank along with the ship in the Sea of Okhotsk.

4. Mineral resources - oil in the Arctic Ocean, ferromanganese ore at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, hydrated methane in the northern seas.