Lakes Of Death - Alternative View

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Lakes Of Death - Alternative View
Lakes Of Death - Alternative View

Video: Lakes Of Death - Alternative View

Video: Lakes Of Death - Alternative View
Video: Death Lake - The Movie 2024, September

There are hundreds of infamous lakes in the world. Often the fear of people about these anomalous lakes is obvious from their very names: Lakes Dead, Smerdyachye, Lake of Death. What could be the reason that people prefer to bypass some bodies of water?

Lost bodies of the drowned

In the lake located not far from Pereslavl-Zalessky (Russia), local residents do not swim - it is forbidden, but fishermen catch fish. Quite often they come across either fish breeds not even known to scientists, or real mutants: one-eyed, three-eyed, with paws instead of fins, and even hairy!

Representatives from the regional sanitary and epidemiological station repeatedly took the lake water for analysis: water is like water, closer in composition to mineral water. There are seven springs in the lake. The water level never drops, despite the fact that a river leaves it and flows into the nearby Pleshcheyevo Lake, which feeds the city with water.

Every summer tourists drown in the lake, not paying attention to the numerous prohibition shields installed on the shore. However, until now no one has been able to answer - where do the drowned people disappear to? Fishermen once saw how one of the swimming tourists swam into the middle of the lake, and then, with a cry, disappeared under the water. A moment later, an oil slick appeared at this place, spreading throughout the lake. In the evening, at the place of the death of a person, a light circle appeared, phosphorescent - a spot with a diameter of about five meters.

Two daredevil fishermen swam on a boat to this place, and those observing from the shore suddenly saw how the whole boat immediately lit up with some kind of greenish light. This lasted for several seconds, and then a four meter high fountain hit from the water. The fishermen immediately rushed to get out of the damn place so that, God forbid, they themselves would not drown.

There have been several recorded cases when those who bathed in the lake fell ill with an unknown skin disease. Their bodies were covered with horny scales, their face completely changed, their hair fell out. In addition, long horn-like processes grew on the forehead, which subsequently fell off by themselves. All this lasted six months, then the disease slowly receded.

Divers, who were conducting research on the bottom of the lake, found several strange cracks in the ground, where water is leaving at a tremendous speed. There is a depression-well in the middle of the lake. But where it leads, no one has determined. It's too deep.

Another deadly lake - Smerdyachye - is located in the Shatura district of the Moscow region. It is peaty, the water has a reddish-brown color, and in some places it even seems black. There is no fish in it, and Smerdyachye is notorious among local residents. As soon as you approach him, your state of health immediately deteriorates, a feeling of discomfort and anxiety arises. People regularly drown in Smerdyachye, and it is not surprising that many try to bypass it. From a bird's eye view, the lake looks like a perfect circle with an earthen bank.

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Assumptions about the cosmic origin of the lake were expressed back in the late 80s of the last century, but it was only now possible to prove this version. Experts from the laboratory of space chemistry, having studied the mysterious lake, came to the conclusion that it really is a crater formed after a giant meteorite fell in the distant past.

Shadows of the pagan gods and the Lord's Thunder

80 kilometers from St. Petersburg, in the vicinity of the town of Sosnovy Bor, local residents can show you another dead lake - Kaplischenskoye. The name of the lake probably comes from the old Russian word "temple", which meant the place where the ancient Rus made sacrifices to their gods. The forest surrounding the lake is full of small animals, birds and insects, but they prefer not to approach the water. There are no fish in the lake, and scientists cannot explain this mysterious fact.

Locals say that near the lake, a person is seized with inexplicable fear, and sometimes this happens to whole groups of people at the same time.

Occasionally, square pits with a cross section of one square meter are found on the shore. And on clear nights, a slight glow can be observed over the lake. Experts explain this phenomenon by gases released from the bottom, although the glow is located a meter above the water.

The Yachensky reservoir, located in the Kaluga region, also has a bad reputation. Local residents nicknamed one of its sections the Thunder of the Lord and superstitiously avoid it. In early spring this cursed place is perfectly visible, as if outlined by an invisible circle. The fact is that for several years in a row there have been regular accidents and half of them are fatal. This is caused by sudden electric shock of great magnitude.

One of the last victims of the Thunder of the Lord was the resident of Kaluga, who together with his family at the beginning of last summer came to rest at the Yachensky reservoir. As soon as the family settled down on the shore, there was a crackling sound, accompanied by a flash, and the man's clothes immediately began to smoke and flare up. Coaches from a nearby sports base helped to save the victim from imminent death. With severe burns affecting 50 percent of his body, the man was taken to the hospital.

What is the mystical Thunder of the Lord? Locals say that ball lightning is to blame, which, like mosquitoes, circle over the same place of the reservoir. Ufologists add that the Thunder of the Lord is associated with UFOs that regularly land in the nearby Kaluzhsky pine forest. And experts say that the fatal anomaly in the area of the Yachensky reservoir occurs primarily due to man-made reasons. The fact is that a high-voltage line runs along the shore of the reservoir, the wires of which sag in places so that they almost touch the water. And from time to time, a favorable discharge environment is created, and the discharge from the power transmission line affects the gaping vacationer.

The deadly spirit of the lakes is the result of an ecological crisis

Many reservoirs are associated with barbaric or ill-conceived human activities, even approaching them closer than a kilometer is strongly discouraged. For example, the deadly lake located in the town of Cherdyn, in the Perm region, has no name at all. Locals bypass it by the "tenth road", And all because it is actually a trench filled with water, formed as a result of … three nuclear explosions!

In winter it is almost impossible to get to it - only by winter road. The places around are deaf. The tests were carried out at a record minimum depth of only 270 meters, and the explosions were twice as powerful as the nuclear charge dropped on Hiroshima. The project was carried out under the code name "Taiga" and marked the beginning of the "epoch-making" transfer of northern rivers to the south. Fortunately for nature and people, this was all over, there were only crumpled metal structures sticking out of the ground, heaps of cement and graphite turned into stone around a radioactive lake.

The Karelian Lake Surzi has also recently become famous. First, fish began to float belly up in huge quantities here. Then, under mysterious circumstances, two fishermen died, and 15 more were taken to the regional hospital with severe poisoning.

A few months later - another tragedy. The fishermen had just settled on a small island in the middle of the lake, when suddenly two of them fainted.

“It was something inexplicable,” said later one of the victims, a resident of the Leshukonsky district, Aleksey Shitikov. - It seemed to me that some terrible force was creeping from the sky, my arms and legs immediately became heavy, the earth disappeared from under my feet. My friend Venya fell completely. I threw myself into the water and swam to the shore, began to call my father to help. But my father felt bad too. Venya died at night.

The Shitikovs were sent to the regional hospital, and the corpse of Veniamin Rodionov was taken to the regional forensic medical examination bureau. The relatives and friends of the deceased were told that an unknown poison was found during a forensic chemical study.

“No natural anomalies have been identified on Surzi,” they said after a medical and ecological study of the composition of lake water in the Department of Natural Resources of the Administration of the Arkhangelsk Region. -The only thing that was discovered was a significant excess of the fluorine content in the water.

However, fluorine is not some neutral element from the periodic table, and in no case can its danger be underestimated. On contact with the skin, scientists believe, it causes severe burns, and inhalation of it leads to severe inflammation of the airways and lungs, which can result in pulmonary edema and death. Penetrating into water and soil, fluorine can persist in them for many years and lead to the most unpleasant consequences for animals, plants and, naturally, people.

But how did fluoride end up in the lake? On this score, the experts involved in the investigation of accidents have so far only a guess. Surzi abounds in springs and underwater rivers. So the poison could get into the lake from Arkhangelsk or from the Komi Republic, where there are quite a lot of chemical industries. However, this is only a guess.

The drowned ones stand at the bottom

There are mysterious lakes that bring death to all living things, and on the territory of the former Soviet Union. One of them is located in Latvia. Its name is appropriate - Devilish!

Locals do not like the Devil's Lake, telling visitors that if a person is on the shore for a long time, he is seized with inexplicable horror. Tourists do not always believe the warnings and settle down to rest by the water, but after half an hour or an hour they jump up and try to get away from the lake as far as possible. The most impressionable then end up in a psychiatric hospital. One of the local legends says that the Devil's Lake has no bottom, so drowned people are never found.

Latvian scientists believe that the anomalies of the reservoir are due to relief features and put forward several versions of the origin of the lake.

According to one of them, it is a meteorite crater about 70 meters deep, at the bottom of which the radioactive gas radon accumulates, destroying all life in the lake.

Recent studies of the lake show that a powerful stream of energy is constantly coming from the depths. That is why it is dangerous to be on the shore for more than an hour - a person can simply "go crazy" and he will go crazy. The strongest energy flow hits in the middle of the lake. Perhaps that is why not a single person has managed to successfully swim across the damn body of water.

Near the village of Gerasimovka, in Kazakhstan, there is a small - one hundred meters long and sixty wide - Lake Dead.

It is surprising and sad that almost every year people drown in the Dead. Local residents try to bypass it and advise visiting tourists to do the same. However, that's what they are tourists, to walk unbeaten paths!

For some unknown reason, even at the height of the hot summer, the lake does not dry up, and the water remains icy in it. There is no fish in the reservoir, no algae grow, all types of aquatic insects are absolutely absent. And, by the way, you won't find mosquitoes and flies on the shore either.

It is impossible to be in the waters of the Dead Lake for a long time. The diver, even with a full tank, cannot withstand more than three minutes, begins to suffocate for mysterious reasons and is forced to urgently rise to the surface.

Drowning in the Dead is mainly visitors who do not listen to the advice of local residents or simply do not know anything about the mysterious properties of the mysterious lake. What is noteworthy is that the drowned people do not rise to the surface, as is usually the case after a few days, but stand at the bottom, straight like candles.

According to rationalists, the absence of life in this lake is provoked by a kind of gas released from the crevices of the bottom. But this cannot be asserted with certainty, since the hypotheses of scientists are not based on any targeted studies of an anomalous object.

Source: Maria Korzun