Supernatural Phenomena In The Subway. Should You Be Afraid Of Ghosts On The Subway? - Alternative View

Supernatural Phenomena In The Subway. Should You Be Afraid Of Ghosts On The Subway? - Alternative View
Supernatural Phenomena In The Subway. Should You Be Afraid Of Ghosts On The Subway? - Alternative View

Video: Supernatural Phenomena In The Subway. Should You Be Afraid Of Ghosts On The Subway? - Alternative View

Video: Supernatural Phenomena In The Subway. Should You Be Afraid Of Ghosts On The Subway? - Alternative View

Over the past 150 years, the population of large cities has grown so rapidly that classic roads have become insufficient for normal and comfortable movement on the streets. People have found alternative modes of transportation, one of which is the metro.

It is not for nothing that the metro is called an underground city, because the network of its tunnels, stations, passages laid underground is hundreds of kilometers. Every day millions of different people go down there, hurrying about their business. However, the invention of the metro not only simplified the urban life of modern people, but also opened the door to the world of secrets, mysteries and unusual phenomena that people still cannot find a logical explanation for.

The first metro was opened in London in 1863, and almost immediately the stories of people began to appear about the mysterious phenomena that took place in the subway. Someone claimed that in the area of the Bank station saw a ghost of a woman in an old-fashioned black dress, someone at Farrington station had a chance to hear a piercing crying of children, sounding out of nowhere, someone claimed to have seen an ominous ghost head sticking out straight out of the wall.

Mystical phenomena take place not only in the London Underground. Thus, the passengers of the Moscow subway claim that they have seen soldiers of the Civil War more than once in the area of Izmailovsky Park; moreover, it is on this stretch of the way that mechanical watches stop and electronic devices lose their charge. The Sokol station is also of interest. Metro workers say that in the predawn hours, when the metro is not yet crowded with people rushing to work, you can see the ghosts of people in white shirts walking along the rails in the tunnel.

The Kiev metro, built during the Soviet era, is no less mysterious; it is an excellent bomb shelter, adapted for long-term people staying underground. However, it is interesting not only for this, as many passengers claim, in the Kiev subway you can often find ghosts of people in medieval clothes.

Of course, all these strange phenomena could be attributed to the rich imagination of people, and simple urban legends, if not for the rapid development of technology, which contributed to the fact that the first surveillance cameras appeared in the subway about thirty years ago. These impartial witnesses to everything that happens at the stations and in the tunnels have recorded many chilling videos. So, on the Internet, you can find a large number of videos with ghost trains silently arriving at the station, with shadows of unknown origin walking through the tunnels, with translucent silhouettes among a large crowd of people. The recorded materials have been checked by experts more than once, and their authenticity has been proven. Now they cause genuine interest and make even the most convinced skeptics think about life and death. So why is the subwayno matter in which country or city it is located, has become one of the most mysterious and mystical places filled with supernatural phenomena?

The reasons for the unusual phenomena occurring in the subways become clear if you delve a little into the history of cities and see exactly where the subway lines are laid.

For example, it is known that in Paris people were building tunnels long before the idea of underground trains arose. The world famous Paris catacombs with a network of passages and labyrinths have a length of more than 200 km underground. Their construction began in the 10th century and was associated with the extraction of limestone; in the 13th century, the catacombs were used by the monks of Parisian monasteries as wine cellars and burials of the holy brethren.

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London is also one of the oldest cities in Europe, which has experienced a lot during its existence: there were terrible fires that wiped out half of the city from the face of the earth, and numerous plague epidemics that claimed thousands of human lives. It is known, for example, that in 1665 about seventy thousand Londoners died from the plague. Due to endless deaths, there was not enough land in the cemetery, and people who tried to stop the infection tried to bury the dead as soon as possible. All this led to the appearance of huge mass graves, arranged not only in the cemetery, but also on lands that were not originally intended for this.

Moscow, like any old city, has been rebuilt and modified more than once. It is known that Catherine the Second, who loved walks in squares, gave the order to use old cemeteries for new parks and alleys. During the construction of the Moscow metro, these places turned out to be extremely convenient for laying tunnels in an open way, therefore they were repeatedly subjected to engineering work.

The ancient city of Kiev is no exception, where during the construction work between the stations Vydubychi and Druzhby Narodov, the remains of several hundred people were discovered, allegedly killed in the 13th century by the Mongol-Tatars.

As you can see, every ancient city stands on the bones, literally on every street you can unearth a burial dating back to one or another era. As long as the graves are not touched, the people who are in them rest in peace. However, rapidly growing cities dictate their own rules, and people, building more and more metro lines, destroy ancient cemeteries, disturbing the peace of the dead. In addition, the troubled souls of the dead need energy, and the daily flow of living people underground is just the place where it can be obtained. That is why there are so many mystical phenomena and events in underground stations.

Of course, there are people who don't believe in the supernatural nature of things. The strange sensations that some passengers experience underground, visions or a deterioration in well-being, they explain by quite logical reasons. So, for example, it is known that the air under the ground has a different chemical composition, the content of carbon dioxide and oxygen in it differs significantly from that of air on an open surface. Some people are very sensitive to these changes and may experience dizziness and hallucinations. In addition, even a vast space underground is still, in fact, a closed place, which causes fears, anxieties, phobias of people. They begin to feel space a little differently, so they often see what is not.

From the very beginning, the metro has sparked genuine interest in some people, and superstitious fears in others. However, now it has become an integral part of the life of a modern metropolis, performing mainly its main function - to quickly move people around the city. Therefore, you should not be afraid of those mysterious phenomena that occur in the metro from time to time, because during the time that people use underground transport, not a single tragic incident has happened due to the fault of supernatural forces.