Lord Of The Great Navi Grad - Alternative View

Lord Of The Great Navi Grad - Alternative View
Lord Of The Great Navi Grad - Alternative View

Video: Lord Of The Great Navi Grad - Alternative View

Video: Lord Of The Great Navi Grad - Alternative View

Based on: "Novgorods! Pay for the first - the second!"

The past is like this, now the memory is weak, now I want to embellish, now and then this and that, now somewhere I heard something, now I can't believe it, then we don't really want to hear about something at all. It, as usual, becomes overgrown with details, changes, and the world changes by itself, and now we can no longer understand where it is, what and what it is where. The past of the City of Nav, the Great Lord of Nav. The Grada, which was once even the gateway to this Nav world, being a borderland, is fanned with legends, legends and byli, but where is the real Grad? Here we are kind of confused. But maybe everything is not so complicated, you just need to stretch your understanding into the depths of the centuries? And weed out the desire to manipulate and embellish?

What do we actually know about the interworld, besides everyday discussions? Almost nothing! Are the legends idle, but embellished conjectures? But the inhabitants of that world until recently wandered around our world in a completely natural way. And no one was surprised, unless they knew how this or that resident there differs from others. Naturally, border posts stood at the crossroads, which allowed the worlds to have a certain order of passage of inhabitants, so as not to create all kinds of conflicts, which took place in the distant past. We can observe the abandoned ruins of border buildings even now, they are like abandoned railway stations of the once great USSR and now they meet with rubble, and in some places they are quite adjacent to us. Naturally, we have long forgotten the meaning and the need for different things, it is quite possible that someone thinks that he will find out and immediately understand everything. This is unlikely, because this is a completely different world,other principles and other attitudes. And the perception of the world does not change suddenly, these are not just our settings, it is our whole nature. That is why children differ in their world from their parents, who strive to preserve the old world order, while children already live in a different world order, order, and new energies.

The Lord of the Great Navi Grad excited the inhabitants and in view of its importance and wealth, being the largest port (portal), leaving us legends, disappeared into oblivion, as if it had dissolved. Shifting the philistine pronunciation of Nav City into simple Novgorod at the moment, you can certainly look for the former greatness of Nav Grad in the wreckage of everyday Novgorod. But this makes no sense, and has no use, for it is clear that such a huge and legendary in the past the City simply could not disappear, leaving scanty fragments of modern Novgorod. Yes, sir, the wreckage of modern Novgorod may remind the residents of something, but they do not indicate antiquity, rather their involvement in it, and then sideways.

The real wreckage certainly has a centuries-old history, traditions and legacy that we inherited from those times. We would hardly have been able to destroy, no matter how hard we tried. Would there be something left? After all, the Grads of such a scale, and such greatness, as well as such legendaryness, could hardly have gone anywhere, because from the past we also got much smaller buildings!

We ask ourselves, why do we need this? What will it give us, are we ready to see what it has become now? Will it not upset us, because we long to see something majestic and no less rich, in order to comprehend our wealth in the past, as if it belongs to us. Someone will say that St. Petersburg, somewhere, somehow is the very legendary city. What? Consider this version.

Rumor has it that de Petersburg was built from scratch by Peter 1? Who says it like that? Are historians dropouts who want to quickly give up something and forget? After all, it is not difficult to dig around and find out that the place for the St. Petersburg zone has always been inhabited! But such grief, historians defame the title of historians, and then become authorities and bring their "knowledge" to people, and they believe and are very surprised. However, loafers are everywhere. There were villages and other settlements there and even fortresses! There was also a temple, however, it still is. So what did Peter 1 start? He founded the Burg! He built a fortress, under the protection of which the adjacent area fell, for which until then there were massive battles and thereby secured this area from an attack from Europe! Peter 1 did not build any Grads and cities! He founded it! Having given him the basis in the form of a fortress, which they called Petersburg,by whose name they gave the name of the neighborhood that fell under the protection of this fortress, and therefore this area was called "Saint"! Those. the territory collected under the protection of the Peter's fortress, which gave it the name Petra Burg, i.e. under the protection of the fortress of Petra. In fact, this was the place that in the future historians will little by little call the city of St. Peter-Burg, where the capital will be moved, so that the sovereigns have an incentive not only to sit out their asses, but also to do business in a new place, i.e. to equip the neighborhood, bringing in the accumulated wealth and protecting these lands, already as their own. This is how St. Petersburg appeared. And when the coastal regions became a full-fledged city, St. Petersburg became just St. Petersburg without any "Saint".collected under the protection of the Peter's fortress, which gave it the name Peter Burg, i.e. under the protection of the Petra fortress. In fact, this was the place that in the future historians will little by little call the city of St. Peterburg, where the capital will be moved, so that the sovereigns have an incentive not only to sit out their asses, but to do business in a new place, i.e. to equip the neighborhood, bringing in the accumulated wealth and protecting these lands, already as their own. This is how St. Petersburg appeared. And when the coastal regions became a full-fledged city, St. Petersburg became just St. Petersburg without any "Saint".collected under the protection of the Peter's fortress, which gave it the name Peter Burg, i.e. under the protection of the fortress of Petra. In fact, this was the place that in the future historians will little by little call the city of St. Peter-Burg, where the capital will be moved, so that the sovereigns have an incentive not only to sit out their asses, but also to do business in a new place, i.e. to equip the neighborhood, bringing in the accumulated wealth and protecting these lands, already as their own. This is how St. Petersburg appeared. And when the coastal regions became a full-fledged city, St. Petersburg became just St. Petersburg without any "Saint".so that the sovereigns have an incentive not only to sit out their asses, but also to do business in a new place, i.e. to equip the neighborhood, bringing in the accumulated wealth and protecting these lands, already as their own. This is how St. Petersburg appeared. And when the coastal regions became a full-fledged city, St. Petersburg became just St. Petersburg without any "Saint".so that the sovereigns have an incentive not only to sit out their asses, but also to do business in a new place, i.e. to equip the neighborhood, bringing in the accumulated wealth and protecting these lands, already as their own. This is how St. Petersburg appeared. And when the coastal regions became a full-fledged city, St. Petersburg became just St. Petersburg without any "Saint".

What confuses historians? That the Castle was built before Peter 1? Hail - yes, no city! And for us, who do not know the difference between these concepts, it is difficult to figure out what and where? In general, why was this area subject to attacks, and why did these Swedes, this is the common name for the then European invaders, climbed into this area? What did they share there ?! They divided the temple there, something sank. It was a city-forming "enterprise", and what is funny, it functioned automatically, even when it sank due to widespread water spill. This is also a topic for a different storytelling and conversation.

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We want to understand what scale the buildings of that time were in order to look for a certain City of Navi. After all, it should at least be similar in scope! Well, or principle. To understand the scale of the Temple, which will later be called St. Petersburg, you can turn to the icon. They generally write quite authentically. Here at least "Alexander Nevsky, with scenes of life"


Which, although indicated as the 19th century, but looking closely, you can see that this is not the 19th century! In the 19th century, as it was possible, it was tinted, well, i.e. restored. Naturally, they painted on all sorts of different things, but in little things and it absolutely does not bother us to date it according to the style of writing. After all, concepts change, but the writer draws from what we know himself, but does not invent it. But even if he invents, then from the familiar to him. And thus we can easily determine by these concepts when it was written!

What is funny we see? Everything seems to be decent? Those and these are jumping, someone is floating somewhere, someone is leading, someone is controlling from heaven - everything seems to be icon-like. Oddities begin in the clothes of the "Swedes", oh, what kind of hats, more reminiscent of the clothes of the Ottoman troops. But it turns out that the Swedes who attacked were under the heel of the Ottomans in those years, the 15th century, when it was written, and this is exactly what the Swedes from Europe looked like! Yes, in fact, everyone from Europe was then called Swedes and Germans. The first are empty-spirits, the second are unfamiliar. Maybe the icon painter was lying? And here are the flat-bottomed ships that we see on the water - this is a legacy after the flood world, with its shallow but wide waters, where it was mainly possible to sail on flat-bottomed ships. This is after, under Peter 1, they will re-equip the army with sea vessels, and before him, there were flat-bottomed, walking in shallow water,and therefore do not go to great depths, and there were no too great depths. Those. the icon painter painted in pre-Petrine times! And what is this praying person wearing? What a funny cross? A monk from the Pskov Pechersk Lamb? As depicted on that fresco from it that was attached earlier in the text about the monastery? Although, if you look closely, this is already a different, albeit Old Believer style. So to speak, common everyday drawing, already without the admixture of paganism. Those. given by the saint of the Old Believers. Thus, we see that the icon is interpreted according to the knowledge of the 14-15th century, but what kind of settlements are they on the right side of the earth? They are painted in gold. This … These are church and monastery complexes, but that's why they are in gold? And this is not gold, this is electric lighting. After that, only the domes will be covered with gold,and until then they were well lit themselves, with sparks that ran around the domes, as in discharge chambers and looked exactly like this lit, this is the question of how they painted on the walls in completely dark rooms in Egypt.

What is depicted on the icon? Battle of the Neva? On the banks of the Neva, right? Something wide for the Neva. Let us ask ourselves, why was the enemy's ship sunk from the coast and not from the bay, which, in principle, is natural, because the cavalry is attacking from the left? Well, not along the Neva, he sailed to the rescue ??? Out on the Neva! But what is there, in the distance, on the banks of the Neva? Aha, Stupas! Stupas needles! WHO??? Well, the energy transmitters that powered the glowing cities on the right side. Or who found another way of transferring energy then, except through the air? Yes, the power line was not found. But there are as many references to the work of the arresters! It remains to ask himself, who is this strange subject that hangs with a smoke tail on the left, and even with the Tsar's crown? What kind of pen is the "monk" holding? As is known from legends, flights at that time were nevertheless accompanied by engine exhaust and noise. But the object in the hands of the left subject in the sky is nothing more than a XiKrik emitter or a pishchal that sank that barque that broke into the Neva channel. But the Jericho trumpet was called a radiator of ultra-low frequencies, which destroyed the stone fortifications with this low uterine sound. Yes, but where did this subject come from? And over there from those shores. And what is there today? Ah, future Petersburg, right? And in the 15th century, the icon painter painted them well? Why is it so smeared? What, the icon painter could not draw beautifully? Maybe this is the machinations of censorship? And what is it that the censorship has gone so wild and so crookedly smeared over that everyone can see, and even stand out? He could have done it, but he painted as he saw, and then what is it? Tina of the sea! Tina, who enveloped these Stup spiers! But working stupas. Those. in fact, on the other bank we see the future Petersburg, half-flooded, in mud and mud,which the locals mistook for strange structures, and even electrocuted, but for the possession of which, there is a considerable fight? But it turns out that Nav City is not he, because this future Petersburg was only a power substation for the surrounding area! And which for the 15th century was still covered in thickets and half-drowned! Nav Grad leaves somewhere nearby.

How can you find it? Indeed, for so much time, the City and the sand could bring and change the names more than once, but not power and greatness! What is not so far from St. Petersburg? The Pechersk monastery is a funny, ancient and rather powerful place. It is embarrassing that it is located inside the funnel. And if you think a little, then this is a dug out place, while everything around is filled up several meters up! Then everything is logical, when the monastery, which was quickly covered from above, was dug out by the living, and all the old buildings, including the entrance to the created caves, turned out to be below ground level! But the fortress walls were much higher. Accordingly, it fell asleep until Ivan the Terrible, because under him and the then Abbot Kirill, the walls were built, and this is the 16th century! And after all, they buried themselves at him, and he withstood more than once even without walls !!! But the date of foundation of the monastery then quite naturally fits,like the date it was dug up! Those. in the 15th century it was officially opened again! It would seem so what? And why did it "suddenly" the Neva began to grow shallow so quickly and the spiers of the future Petersburg appear? And from the sky all the nasty things that had been hanging in the air since the flood times were falling, and the air was not just stale, but also decently smelly. And with the electrical systems working, all this dirt, gradually, like in any electrostatic filter, settled down for many years. However, this lasted for centuries, but this is a different story, because why were sea ships not needed by people? And there was nowhere to swim! And the Atlantic? And there was no water there! And the entire Atlantic ended behind the Pillars of Hercules with a hanging statue of Zeus, which once broke this miracle, from which, by that moment of our time, only crowds of legs remained, behind which was another forbidden zone of our world.in the 15th century it was officially opened again! It would seem so what? And why did it "suddenly" the Neva began to grow shallow so quickly and the spiers of the future Petersburg appear? And from the sky all the nasty things that had been hanging in the air since the flood times were falling, and the air was not just stale, but also decently smelly. And with the electrical systems working, all this dirt, gradually, like in any electrostatic filter, settled down for many years. However, this lasted for centuries, but this is a different story, because why were sea ships not needed by people? And there was nowhere to swim! And the Atlantic? And there was no water there! And the entire Atlantic ended behind the Pillars of Hercules with the overhanging statue of Zeus, which once broke this miracle, from which by that moment of our time there were only crowds of legs, behind which there was another forbidden zone of our world.in the 15th century it was officially opened again! It would seem so what? And why did it "suddenly" the Neva began to grow shallow so quickly and the spiers of the future Petersburg appear? And from the sky all the nasty things that had been hanging in the air since the flood times were falling, and the air was not just stale, but also decently smelly. And with the electrical systems working, all this dirt, gradually, like in any electrostatic filter, settled down for many years. However, this lasted for centuries, but this is a different story, because why were sea ships not needed by people? And there was nowhere to swim! And the Atlantic? And there was no water there! And the entire Atlantic ended behind the Pillars of Hercules with a hanging statue of Zeus, which once broke this miracle, from which, by that moment of our time, only crowds of legs remained, behind which was another forbidden zone of our world. It would seem so what? And why did it "suddenly" the Neva began to grow shallow so quickly and the spiers of the future Petersburg appear? And from the sky all the nasty things that had been hanging in the air since the flood times were falling, and the air was not just stale, but also decently smelly. And with the electrical systems working, all this dirt, gradually, like in any electrostatic filter, settled down for many years. However, this lasted for centuries, but this is a different story, because why were sea ships not needed by people? And there was nowhere to swim! And the Atlantic? And there was no water there! And the entire Atlantic ended behind the Pillars of Hercules with a hanging statue of Zeus, which once broke this miracle, from which, by that moment of our time, only crowds of legs remained, behind which was another forbidden zone of our world. It would seem so what? And why did it "suddenly" the Neva began to grow shallow so quickly and the spiers of the future Petersburg appear? And from the sky all the nasty things that had been hanging in the air since the flood times were falling, and the air was not just stale, but also decently smelly. And with the electrical systems working, all this dirt, gradually, like in any electrostatic filter, settled down for many years. However, this lasted for centuries, but this is a different story, because why were sea ships not needed by people? And there was nowhere to swim! And the Atlantic? And there was no water there! And the entire Atlantic ended behind the Pillars of Hercules with a hanging statue of Zeus, which once broke this miracle, from which, by that moment of our time, only crowds of legs remained, behind which was another forbidden zone of our world.

On the question of "falling asleep", you can pay attention to the channels of some rivers, which, like in a pipe without a top, flow in the banks of considerable height! As if they fell through there, or it was poured from above, but what fell into their channel would be carried away by them further. From here, we can figure out that the once huge lake Ilmen was once a reservoir of considerable size, stretching right up to Lake Chud, overlooking the Baltic at Narva! Oh, that's it, why so many things have been broken in Narva by the belligerents on the heads of the enemy! There were border guards! And the way through the water passed through the Chud lake to the Pskov and Ilmen lake! And the Great River was really a river! And on which the city of Pleskov stood, although why was it? It still stands, only now it is called Pskov. Why Pskov? And he held back the Dogs of the knights, i.e. was a fetter for them. In addition, it was a trading and customs city,was rich, powerful fortifications, around it the richest history of the past, the Trinity Cathedral of immeasurable size, the Mirozh Monastery as early as the 11th century only in the official history! And what are the fortresses of Izborsk and Narva worth? And the customs routes through it? Could Prince Igor, according to legend, have met Princess Olga there back in the 10th century, had it not been for this most powerful city on the strategic route of the Vikings to the Greeks? Could Olga have put the Chapel on the bank of the Velikaya River, opposite the Trinity Cathedral, if the Castle hadn't been there? And ask yourself, why is it, the Varangians, having access to the Baltic, did not think to go around to the Greeks? Did you go exactly here, through Rus? So there was no way across the Atlantic, now the Baltic goes to the Atlantic, and there is water, and before that there was no water! So they swam in such a strange way. Trinity Cathedral of immeasurable size, Mirozhsky Monastery already 11th century only in the official history! And what are the fortresses of Izborsk and Narva worth? And the customs routes through it? Could Prince Igor, according to legend, have met Princess Olga there back in the 10th century, had it not been for this most powerful city on the strategic route of the Vikings to the Greeks? Could Olga have put the Chapel on the bank of the Velikaya River, opposite the Trinity Cathedral, if the Castle hadn't been there? And ask yourself, why is it, the Varangians, having access to the Baltic, did not think to go around to the Greeks? Did you go exactly here, through Rus? So there was no way across the Atlantic, now the Baltic goes to the Atlantic, and there is water, and before that there was no water! So they swam in such a strange way. Trinity Cathedral of immeasurable size, Mirozhsky Monastery already 11th century only in the official history! And what are the fortresses of Izborsk and Narva worth? And the customs routes through it? Could Prince Igor, according to legend, have met Princess Olga there back in the 10th century, had it not been for this most powerful city on the strategic route of the Vikings to the Greeks? Could Olga have put the Chapel on the bank of the Velikaya River, opposite the Trinity Cathedral, if the Castle hadn't been there? And ask yourself, why is it, the Varangians, having access to the Baltic, did not think to go around to the Greeks? Did you go exactly here, through Rus? So there was no way across the Atlantic, now the Baltic goes to the Atlantic, and there is water, and before that there was no water! So they swam in such a strange way. And what are the fortresses of Izborsk and Narva worth? And the customs routes through it? Could Prince Igor, according to legend, have met Princess Olga there back in the 10th century, had it not been for this most powerful city on the strategic route of the Vikings to the Greeks? Could Olga have put the Chapel on the bank of the Velikaya River, opposite the Trinity Cathedral, if the Castle hadn't been there? And ask yourself, why is it, the Varangians, having access to the Baltic, did not think to go around to the Greeks? Did you go exactly here, through Rus? So there was no way across the Atlantic, now the Baltic goes to the Atlantic, and there is water, and before that there was no water! So they swam in such a strange way. And what are the fortresses of Izborsk and Narva worth? And the customs routes through it? Could Prince Igor, according to legend, have met Princess Olga there back in the 10th century, had it not been for this most powerful city on the strategic route of the Vikings to the Greeks? Could Olga have put the Chapel on the bank of the Velikaya River, opposite the Trinity Cathedral, if the Castle hadn't been there? And ask yourself, why is it, the Varangians, having access to the Baltic, did not think to go around to the Greeks? Did you go exactly here, through Rus? So there was no way across the Atlantic, now the Baltic goes to the Atlantic, and there is water, and before that there was no water! So they swam in such a strange way.don't be there the Grad? And ask yourself, why is it, the Varangians, having access to the Baltic, did not think to go around to the Greeks? Did you go exactly here, through Rus? So there was no way across the Atlantic, now the Baltic goes to the Atlantic, and there is water, and before that there was no water! So they swam in such a strange way.don't be there the Grad? And ask yourself, why is it, the Varangians, having access to the Baltic, did not think to go around to the Greeks? Did you go exactly here, through Rus? So there was no way across the Atlantic, now the Baltic goes to the Atlantic, and there is water, and before that there was no water! So they swam in such a strange way.

And now let's ask ourselves, if the future Petersburg is still a village with a bunch of stupas sticking out in the form of mountains made of mud, and the path from the Varangians to the Greeks flows through Pskov, which was Pleskov, when the river began to shallow, then is this strange candidate worthy for the title of the City the city of Pskov? Its history is ancient, it does not take courage, and in terms of the number of church things per unit area, it is a giant! After all, only in front of the gates of the fortress were found the skeletons of dozens of churches of various confessions! Those. before the gates in the City of Pskov there were representatives of dozens (!!!!) of Ver directions! We, if we strain, we can remember well, about 5 pieces, and then dozens! This is when there were dozens of churches, i.e. believers who used them, at the same time gathered for religious need in ONE place !!!Can you imagine SUCH a place ??? Even at Easter, they do not gather in Jerusalem in such numbers. And here, in some Pskov / Pleskovo, TENS !!!

Well, the fact that at the time of Grozny Pskov had its own independent Veche and was a famous freeman is known. The fact that Grozny punished Novgorod for willfulness, and forgave this Pskov, is also known. The fact that the City of Pskov / Pleskov was the richest city has been known for a long time. The fact that the Tsars of Russia and Russia, even the modern Presidents did not deprive Pskov or the Pechersk Vobiter of attention, is also known. Although modern presidents are unlikely to know about the subtleties of Pskov itself, but about the wobbler in the know. And let's ask ourselves, can modern Novgorod be at least in some way comparable to Pskov? Meanwhile, it was Pskov that was famous for its art in military affairs, because it withstood more than one attack and siege! Its immeasurable walls have been attacked many times, but why ??? Why is this,Nowadays, the out-of-the-ordinary city hail SUCH walls ??? Why does he need the Trinity Cathedral and so many pre-churches ??? And why exactly in this Castle you can hardly see belfries with 7 bells ?!

All this indicates that the Castle is older than even the name of Pleskov, which is considered to be ancient! And the name of this former City has not been preserved by History, or has it? Let's tense up and estimate if the City of Pskov is of a very considerable antiquity. If its power is comparable to antiquity. Even if there are an incredible number of churches on the ruins, which means that representatives of different spiritual faiths and confessions were waiting for a reception here! Where can spiritual people of different directions wait for reception? Only at a reception at the aisle to some other spiritual world? Or at the booth? Or at the place of departure? Where can all representatives of the faiths try on something? Only the peace of the other side! Let us note for ourselves that in the face of death, everyone usually tries on, in the face of the underworld, everyone tries on the repose. And if in this place such a number of people only waiting for the spiritual path could gather,this place could not be anything other than a port, a way and a customs office to another world, the world of Nav! Well, and a negotiating point for the world Prav. The place itself, like the Trinity Cathedral, gives the impression of being quite a workplace. Those. not ostentatious, where people come for a symbol of their disbelief, but a functional place. The walls of the fortress leave no doubt that once it was not just the richest, but also a crowded place! It can be noted that, unlike the mummified Egyptians and meditating eastern directions, this type of inter-world passage did not require such difficulties. Unless he nevertheless imposed the need for purity of thoughts.not ostentatious, where people come for a symbol of their disbelief, but a functional place. The walls of the fortress leave no doubt that once it was not just the richest, but also a crowded place! It can be noted that, unlike the mummified Egyptians and meditating eastern directions, this type of inter-world passage did not require such difficulties. Unless he nevertheless imposed the need for purity of thoughts.not ostentatious, where people come for a symbol of their disbelief, but a functional place. The walls of the fortress leave no doubt that once it was not just the richest, but also a crowded place! It can be noted that, unlike the mummified Egyptians and meditating eastern directions, this type of inter-world passage did not require such difficulties. Unless he nevertheless imposed the need for purity of thoughts.

Those. according to these characteristics, modern Novgorod is no good for Pskov. Then who is this Novgorod? Naturally, a city, a settlement, where those who did not really want to work went, someone will say that this is an analogue of "raspberries", why not? Maybe this is why Grozny once did this with Novgorod, which tried to sell both ours and yours abroad, being not a very good place in military affairs and this explains a lot.

But then it turns out that the notorious Lord of the Great Navi Grad is now none other than modern Pskov? Perhaps he is not as cool today as we are used to seeing the beauty and pomp of the decoration of spiritual and religious centers. And with the founding of St. Petersburg, the importance of Pskov as a city of trade by land decreased. Yes, trade has become calmer, it has become lively, but it has also shifted! For which the Pskovites have reason to dislike Peter 1, and much more than the Petersburgers, however, like the Europeans. However, one cannot fail to mention that by freeing Pskov from trading duties and weakening attacks from Europe, Peter 1 provided Pskov with the opportunity to grow spiritually, as it should be for Navi Grad.

It remains to add that the courage of Pskov lies in the fact that he did not escape his fate like the same Kitezh, who disappeared into the interworld with residents and other similar cities, believing that thereby they would preserve their purity, having sat in the choron for part of the dark time. The world is changing, but there is no time in the chorona, and it will be very difficult for them to get out of there because of this, if at all possible.