Why Were Underground Structures Built? - Alternative View

Why Were Underground Structures Built? - Alternative View
Why Were Underground Structures Built? - Alternative View

Video: Why Were Underground Structures Built? - Alternative View

Video: Why Were Underground Structures Built? - Alternative View
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Not so long ago, during excavations in Turkey, scientists discovered a large complex of underground structures located on several tiers and connected by tunnels. It was found that these underground cities were built in ancient times by an unknown people.

A description of these cities of refuge can be found in the book by Eric von Daniken "In the footsteps of the Almighty." In particular, it says that scientists have discovered huge underground cities that are designed for thousands of people. The most famous of these underground settlements are located under the modern village of Derinkuyu. The entrances to the underworld are hidden under the houses.

At certain distances, you can see ventilation holes that go deep into the ground. The entire dungeon is intertwined with tunnels that connect the premises. The uppermost underground floor has an area of about 4 square kilometers, while the fifth floor can accommodate up to 10 thousand people. According to preliminary estimates, this underground complex can simultaneously accommodate up to 300 thousand people.

In the underground city, located under Derinkuyu, there are 15 thousand exits and 52 ventilation shafts, the largest of which reaches 85 meters in depth. The lower tier of the underground city was a water reservoir.

As of today, more than 35 underground cities have been discovered in Turkey. Of course, they all have different sizes, and rarely exceed Derinkuyu's dimensions, however they were all carefully designed and built. According to people who know this area well, there can be much more underground cities. As for all the cities known today, they are interconnected by tunnels.

These underground structures with warehouses, large stone valves, ventilation shafts and kitchens were demonstrated in Daniken's painting "In the Footsteps of the Almighty", in which the author suggested that in these cities the ancient people were hiding from some unknown threat emanating from space.

It should be noted that such underground structures of unknown purpose exist in many parts of the world. So, in particular, in the Sahara Desert, not far from the Algerian border, a whole system of underground communications and tunnels carved into the rock was discovered underground. The main adits reached 3 meters in height and 4 meters in width. In some places, the distance between the tunnels was less than 6 meters. On average, the length of each tunnel reached a little less than 5 kilometers, and the total length of the tunnels was 1600 kilometers.

Compared to these ancient underground structures, the Channel Tunnel will seem like child's play. According to some assumptions, these underground structures were designed to deliver water to the arid regions of the Sahara. But it would be much easier to build irrigation canals on the surface. In addition, in ancient times, the climate in this region was humid with a lot of rainfall, so there was simply no need for irrigation.

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Moreover, in order to build these underground tunnels, it was necessary to do a tremendous job - to extract about 20 million cubic meters of rock (for comparison, this is several times higher than the volume of all Egyptian pyramids). Even with the use of modern technology and machinery, it is almost impossible to carry out such underground construction. And to say that they were built by ancient people around the 5th millennium BC, that is, at a time when our ancestors only learned to use stone tools, is simply ridiculous. But who then built these grandiose underground structures, and what goals did they pursue?

In the sixteenth century, Francisco Pizarro in the Peruvian Andes discovered a cave, the entrance of which was closed by rock blocks. It was located at an altitude of about 7 thousand meters above sea level on Mount Huascaran. In 1971, a speleological expedition was organized, which examined the system of tunnels, which consisted of several levels, and found the doors hermetically closed (they were very massive, but despite this, they opened quite easily). Rough blocks were placed on the floor of the underground passages. According to preliminary estimates, the total length of these underground communications can reach 88-105 kilometers. Scientists have suggested that earlier these tunnels led to the island of Guanapé, however, it is not possible to test this theory, since all the tunnels end in a lake of sea salt water.

In Ecuador in 1965, the Argentinean Juan Moric discovered between the cities of San Antonio, Galaquiza and Yopi a system of ventilation shafts and tunnels, the total length of which reached several hundred kilometers. The entrance to the underground system is made in the form of a neat cut in the rock. All tunnels are rectangular, their width changes, and also periodically they make turns at right angles. The walls are covered with a substance that resembles glaze, as if the walls had been exposed to high temperatures or had been previously treated with a solvent. Scientists were greatly interested in the fact that no rock dumps were found at the exit from the tunnels.

An underground passage leads to huge halls and underground platforms located at a depth of about 240 meters, which have ventilation openings up to 70 centimeters wide. In one of the halls, in its very center, there is a table and seven chair-thrones made of an unknown material, very similar to plastic. In addition, a large gallery of golden animal figures was discovered there: crocodiles, elephants, camels, lions, bears, bison, wolves, monkeys, snails, crabs, jaguars and even dinosaurs.

In addition, the researchers managed to find the so-called library, which consisted of several thousand metal plates 45x90 centimeters, on which were embossed incomprehensible signs. According to one of the researchers, most of the finds found in the tunnel can be attributed to the pre-Christian era, and the lion's share of prehistoric images and symbols belongs to the period before the Flood.

Thus, signs of human life were discovered underground, which is quite possible, and is the main archaeological discovery of the century worldwide.

Underground structures, which were supposed to serve as a refuge and protection from possible cataclysms, as well as all kinds of natural disasters, were built all over the planet. Stone dugouts, with a small round opening for the entrance and a stone slab as a ceiling, called dolmens, were intended for similar purposes. Such buildings can be found in Jordan, India, Palestine, Syria, England, Sicily, France, Spain, Belgium, Siberia, Korea, Azerbaijan, Georgia. It is noteworthy that despite the fact in which corner of the world these dolmens were placed, they were all very similar to each other, as if they were built according to a common, standard design. According to myths and legends, the construction of dolmens was carried out by dwarfs together with people, but people made such buildings very primitive and unreliable.because they used roughly cut stones.

In the process of erecting such structures, sometimes special layers were made under the foundation, which damped vibrations, and which were supposed to protect the dolmens from earthquakes. So, for example, in the Egyptian pyramids, scientists discovered underground chambers filled with sand, which served as such a layer.

It is surprising, and the astonishing accuracy with which the massive stone slabs were fitted to each other. Even with the use of modern equipment and technologies, it is extremely difficult to assemble a ready-made dolmen ideally. So, in particular, the story of how scientists in 1960 tried to transport one of the dolmens from Esheri to Sukhumi to the museum was preserved. The smallest dolmen was chosen for transportation. A crane was brought to it, but no matter how they tried to fix the loops of the steel cable on the plate, they could not move it. I had to call a second crane. It was possible to remove the cover plate with the help of two cranes, but it seemed impossible to lift the multi-ton monolith onto a truck. Only a year later, with the help of more powerful equipment, it was possible to load all the stones of the building onto a truck. However, this was far from the most difficult,after all, soon scientists had to reassemble the entire structure. The reconstruction was carried out only partially, the roof was lowered onto four walls, but it was not possible to turn it so that the edges entered the grooves from the inner part of the roof. And if in ancient times the plates were so tightly fitted to each other that it was impossible to insert a knife blade between them, now there was a large gap between the plates.

In our time, scientists have discovered a large number of ancient catacombs, it is unknown who and when dug. According to the assumptions of some scientists, these multi-tiered underground galleries were formed during the extraction of stone that was used for construction. But in this case, it is not clear why it was necessary to apply titanic efforts to gouge blocks in strong rocks underground, if in the immediate vicinity there were rocks located on the surface.

Ancient catacombs were found by scientists in Rome and Naples, Paris, Sicily and Malta, Spain, Germany, Syracuse, Crimea, Ukraine, Czech Republic. The oldest of these dungeons date back to around 14 millennium BC. and they are located in the Zaporozhye region (Kamennaya grave tract).

The most winding are the Parisian catacombs. Their length reaches 187-300 kilometers. In the Middle Ages, gypsum and limestone were mined in underground galleries, which made it possible to significantly expand the network of underground catacombs. In the later period, the dead were buried in them. It has now been established that more than 6 million people are buried in the Parisian catacombs.

In Rome, scientists have discovered more than 40 catacombs carved into the volcanic porous tuff. According to preliminary estimates, their length is from 100 to 150 kilometers, although some experts do not exclude that they can stretch for 500 kilometers. During the period of the Roman Empire, underground galleries were used for burials (currently, about 600-800 thousand burials have been identified). At the beginning of the new era, chapels and churches of the early Christians were located in underground structures.

It is quite possible that ancient underground structures, which in our time raise so many questions and mysteries, were used by ancient people only as shelters from natural disasters that have repeatedly occurred on the planet. But it is possible that the dungeons could serve as a kind of bunkers or bomb shelters. This idea is prompted by information preserved in various sources, which contains descriptions of battles between alien aliens that took place on Earth in ancient times.

A third option is also possible: all these underground galleries arose as a result of natural processes, and neither man nor aliens have anything to do with it. Be that as it may, but underground cities, dolmens and catacombs exist, and modern people would not hurt to learn from their example how to build high-quality structures so that they serve for many centuries.