California Is Being Stormed By Mysterious Precursors - Alternative View

California Is Being Stormed By Mysterious Precursors - Alternative View
California Is Being Stormed By Mysterious Precursors - Alternative View

Video: California Is Being Stormed By Mysterious Precursors - Alternative View

Video: California Is Being Stormed By Mysterious Precursors - Alternative View
Video: "IT'S HAPPENING, Whether You Like It Or Not!" | Elon Musk (WARNING) 2024, July

Scientists are shocked: the beaches of California have been flooded with god knows what in huge quantities! Some unknown forms of sea creatures, absolutely incomprehensible crap, sorry for the non-academic formulation … Someone called them "sea cucumbers", someone compares them with jelly, with tentacles, with jellyfish, and so on and so forth … One thing is clear: that nothing is clear. What kind of creatures are they and why did they deign to stick out on the beaches of California ?! If before, almost no one had ever seen them.

There is a debate among scientists: some consider the "cucumber-jellyfish" invertebrates, others insist that they are nevertheless closer to vertebrates. They agree on only one thing: they are one of the least studied creatures on Earth.

Very rarely they were seen in the waters (known as "salps"), but history has never known such an invasion of human beaches.

Popular rumor assumes that such creatures are able to climb ashore when they smell big storms - or other large-scale disaster. They seem to mark the place of the coming disaster. But Californians sincerely hope that this sign will not touch them …


Perhaps something in the depths upset the eco-balance of the Californian coast, which made these "jellyfish cucumbers" crawl ashore and "communicate" with people. Under the feet of the latter, who do not always notice them, they burst like small water balls …

Let's watch a video of the invasion of strange creatures: