Aliens Blew Up An American Military Satellite? - Alternative View

Aliens Blew Up An American Military Satellite? - Alternative View
Aliens Blew Up An American Military Satellite? - Alternative View

Video: Aliens Blew Up An American Military Satellite? - Alternative View

Video: Aliens Blew Up An American Military Satellite? - Alternative View
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The American military satellite for transmitting meteorological observation data collapsed into 43 parts. The spacecraft was in use by the US Navy and Air Force. Security officials said the DMSP-F13 crash was caused by a "catastrophic event."

The DMSP-F13 (Defense Meteorological Satellite Progam Flight 13) satellite with 20 years of experience was shattered into 43 pieces as a result of a sudden rise in temperature, resulting in an irreversible loss of control of the vehicle.

The incident happened on February 3, but information about it was officially made public after the publication of the Space News note. According to Space News, an investigation is underway into the causes of the incident, which could lead to high-profile resignations in the American space industry.

The first public disclosure of the DMSP-F13 problem came from Thomas Kelso, a senior research fellow at the Center for Space Standards and Innovation in Colorado. According to him, on February 25, the appearance of space debris from 26 debris of DMSP-F13 was recorded.

Launched in 1995, DMSP-13 - the oldest continuously operating satellite in the DMSP system - played a backup role, so its loss is unlikely to have serious consequences, but may cause some problems with the transmission of meteorological data to Earth in real time.

As they say in the management of the American Air Force, this was due to the high solar activity. Ufologists, on the other hand, see this as an attack by aliens who deliberately destroyed the satellite.

“This satellite was transferred to the reserve long ago. There is no fuel in it, and all electrical circuits were turned off to avoid any accidental malfunctions […] Obviously, this is a demonstration of power and what the alien ships are capable of,”says one of them.

The DMSP-F13 is the second DMSP (Defense Meteorological Satellite Program) apparatus to explode in Earth orbit. In April last year, a similar incident occurred with the DMSP-F11 satellite. At present, six satellites of the series continue to operate in orbit, the launch of the seventh is scheduled for next year.

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