The Briton For 17 Years Ate Only Nuggets And Potatoes Because Of A Rare Disease - Alternative View

The Briton For 17 Years Ate Only Nuggets And Potatoes Because Of A Rare Disease - Alternative View
The Briton For 17 Years Ate Only Nuggets And Potatoes Because Of A Rare Disease - Alternative View

Video: The Briton For 17 Years Ate Only Nuggets And Potatoes Because Of A Rare Disease - Alternative View

Video: The Briton For 17 Years Ate Only Nuggets And Potatoes Because Of A Rare Disease - Alternative View
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Briton Ryan Howarth refused to eat anything other than chicken nuggets and fries for almost 20 years and fell out with the whole family. According to Metro, the psychotherapist helped him taste other foods.

A resident of Andover, Hampshire, from the age of four, he refused to try anything other than fast food. Sometimes 21-year-old Howarth could eat steak, sausages, pasta or candy, but 90 percent of his diet was nuggets and potatoes. If he was offered something else, he could throw a tantrum for 20 minutes.


“I reacted to an offer to eat something different, as ordinary people would react to an offer to taste insects. Other dishes seemed alien to me,”he explained. Howarth often quarreled with his parents, who were worried about his health. He never attended family meals and ate only in his room.

It was only in adulthood that Howarth was diagnosed with a selective eating disorder. Several sessions with a psychotherapist allowed him to overcome the psychological barrier in relation to food. “It's incredible, but I like the dishes that I couldn't even look at before. Something tasty, some not, but I try everything,”said the Briton. He noted that he felt much healthier and more energetic.

His mother Christian (Christiane) admitted that her son's character has changed for the better: he began to help in the kitchen and go to restaurants with his family.
