Ancient Egypt And Russians. Is There A Connection? - Alternative View

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Ancient Egypt And Russians. Is There A Connection? - Alternative View
Ancient Egypt And Russians. Is There A Connection? - Alternative View

Video: Ancient Egypt And Russians. Is There A Connection? - Alternative View

Video: Ancient Egypt And Russians. Is There A Connection? - Alternative View
Video: The Ancient Egyptian Military 2024, October

Academician Valery Chudinov, who recently spoke about his theory that the Russian language was the oldest on the planet, continues to develop his theory and drew attention to the Egyptian pyramids

“Recently, one researcher brought me pebbles the size of quail eggs, with inscriptions on them in fractions of a millimeter,” says Valery Alekseevich. - And I was amazed by the technique with which words are applied to the strongest granite. They are engraved. Looks like using a miniature cutter. It is not easy to make this - you need hard alloys, machine tools. Many thousands of years ago, someone owned a very sophisticated technique.

A lot of the supernatural was found in Egypt by Andrey Sklyarov, head of the laboratory for alternative history. The plateau on which the pyramids stand and other historical sites are literally dotted with granite stones and blocks with traces of machining. They are sawn off, cut, polished, polished, drilled out with some high-strength tool.


Academician Valery CHUDINOV

High-tech processed parts are very different from simple "clumsy" structures, which are in the majority in Ancient Egypt. As if they were abandoned by different cultures. The conclusion of the researcher: before the Egyptian, there was a more developed civilization on Earth.

- Russian?

- Yes. Its technical, cultural fruits, most likely, were used by the ancient Egyptians.

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By the way, this civilization has left huge statues as high as a 10-storey building, which have survived in the Ural Mountains, in Germany, in the USA. Geologists call them outliers - isolated rock massifs that survived after weathering. But this is not the case. They stand too far from the rocks. And on many of them there are inscriptions in Russian, for example, YARY TEMPLE, MARA or MAKOSH (MAKAZH), ROD These are the names of gods and goddesses in Slavic mythology.

Recently, in one collection on paleoastronomy, I came across an interesting photo of a stone from the Neolithic (VII-III millennium BC), which turned out to be an ancient globe. It depicts all continents. And everyone except Africa is YAROVA RUS.

It is not clear what this ancient globe is: a map of the starry sky or a model of the Earth? On it, under a magnifying glass, you can see the outlines of Africa, inscriptions in Russian and the constellations.

- Valery Alekseevich, where did the Russians themselves come from?

“I have one fantastic assumption,” says Chudinov. - He was pushed by a bronze disk with the image of planets and stars, found recently in Germany. There, next to the North Star, it is written: TEMPLE MAKOSHI. So I thought: "Did our ancestors come from there?" After all, the North Star was especially revered at all times. The earliest maps of the starry sky began precisely with two constellations - Malaya and Ursa Major (Ursa Minor and Ursa Major). Makosh herself was always painted in the form of a bear. By the way, perhaps that is why the Roseau stone (see "KP" dated January 22, this year and on the website with unknown letters was kept by the Indians as a sacred relic. Probably they knew that it was made by "people from heaven", "gods."

And I present the very history of the settlement of the Earth as follows. Representatives of an alien civilization - native speakers of the Russian language - first mastered the Polar continent. Then, as he began to submerge under water, they began to develop other lands. They migrated through the Bering Strait to Eurasia and settled it. And the “local” - the indigenous earthlings - may have really spread from Africa.

The most common statements that Chudinov questions

Ural statues with inscriptions in Russian are the remains of an ancient civilization.


Cyril and Methodius enlightened the Slavs in the 9th century and created the Slavic alphabet.

Chudinov's arguments

Their merit, first of all, is that they were able to obtain permission from Constantinople and Rome to conduct divine services in the "Old Slavonic" language close to Russian, albeit in an artificial dialect, which no one spoke. True, for this, a compromise had to be made, adjusting the Russian writing to the younger one, but allowed for worship - to the Greek. For example, the Greek letters were introduced - omega, psi, xi. But Russian writing already existed before them.


Fragment of the obelisk at Karnak (Egypt). It has strange holes 1 cm in diameter, 10 cm deep and located at an angle of 20 degrees. It turns out that they were drilled in granite, as we rotate holes with a drill in soft wood. What kind of drill did the ancient Egyptians have


Homo sapiens (Homo sapiens) was born 30 - 35 thousand years ago.

Chudinov's arguments

This is true for Europe. 200,000 years ago, civilized Russian people inhabited the north of the American continent. One of the latest finds confirming this fact is a clay figurine of the Russian goddess Mary, found near the city of Nampa, Idaho. And yet - the "rock of wailing" next to a huge waterfall in Columbia, Oregon. There, right on the rock, hundreds of faces of the Russian goddesses Yara and Rod are painted. It looks like an open-air church.


The first people appeared in Africa, and they settled from the equator to the poles.

Chudinov's arguments

They explored the planet from north to south, and the Russians were the pioneers. This is proved by the first ancient portraits of people carved on rocks in America: these are not Chinese, not Negroes, not Australians, but typically Slavic faces. And the description of migration from Africa to the north concerns only a highly developed monkey. They lived in parallel.


Writing begins only with the Bronze Age, that is, in the III millennium BC.

Chudinov's arguments

It turns out a strange picture: in the Neolithic, VII-III millennium BC. BC, there is no writing yet, in the Bronze Age, III millennium BC. e., weak rudiments appear, and in the II millennium BC. e. writing is already perfect, and diverse, and spread throughout the world. When did she manage to develop so rapidly and gush out at full power? No one explains this paradox.
