The Guardian Of The Murder Mystery Of John F. Kennedy Has Passed Away - Alternative View

The Guardian Of The Murder Mystery Of John F. Kennedy Has Passed Away - Alternative View
The Guardian Of The Murder Mystery Of John F. Kennedy Has Passed Away - Alternative View

Video: The Guardian Of The Murder Mystery Of John F. Kennedy Has Passed Away - Alternative View

Video: The Guardian Of The Murder Mystery Of John F. Kennedy Has Passed Away - Alternative View
Video: Assassination of John F. Kennedy (1963) 2024, July

In the United States, at the age of 90, the famous politician Nicholas Katzenbach, who worked as an adviser to Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson, died.

Representatives of Princeton University, where Katzenbach worked, said the politician died of natural causes at his home in New Jersey.

A graduate of the prestigious Princeton and Yale Universities, Nicholas Katzenbach fought in World War II, where he was wounded and taken prisoner. After the end of the war, he continued his law education and in the early 1960s came to work for the US Department of Justice under the leadership of Robert Kennedy, reports Associated Press.

Later, Katzenbach managed to get the positions of Assistant Attorney General of the United States and Deputy Secretary of State. He also contributed to the creation of the Civil Rights Act, which ended segregation in the United States. “Throughout his tenure in the US government, Nicholas Katzenbach has shown undeniable qualities such as dedication, common sense and an unwavering commitment to human rights,” Princeton University administration said in an official obituary.


According to US media reports, Katzenbach played a mysterious role in the investigation into the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Just three days after the death of the head of state, ahead of an official investigation, Katzenbach, then acting US Attorney General, sent a note to Presidential Aide Bill Moyers at the White House.

“The people should be satisfied that the murderer is precisely Oswald, that he has no accomplices who remained at large, and that the existing evidence will be enough to ensure that he will be convicted. Speculation about the motives behind Oswald's act must be stopped. Unfortunately, the facts about Oswald are too obvious (Marxist, Cuba, Russian wife, etc.). We need something that would discourage public speculation or "wrong hearings" in Congress, "said Nicholas Katzenbach in a note.

FBI Director John Edgar Hoover said about the same. He said he and Katzenbach needed something to convince the Americans that it was Lee Harvey Oswald who killed President Kennedy.

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