Professor Bekhterev's Secret Weapon - Alternative View

Professor Bekhterev's Secret Weapon - Alternative View
Professor Bekhterev's Secret Weapon - Alternative View

Video: Professor Bekhterev's Secret Weapon - Alternative View

Video: Professor Bekhterev's Secret Weapon - Alternative View
Video: Dr. Michio Kaku America Has A Secret Weapon 2024, October

"When a hundred people stand next to each other, each one loses his mind and gets another one."

“The crowd never strove for the truth; she turns away from the obvious, which she does not like, and prefers to worship error, if only it seduces her. He who knows how to mislead the crowd easily becomes its master; whoever seeks to reason with her is always her victim."

It is believed that the history of the development of psychotronic weapons in our country dates back to the electrical induction hypothesis of the interaction of organisms, which was proposed in 1875 by the famous chemist, world-renowned scientist Alexander Mikhailovich Butlerov (1828-1886).

He first thought about whether the nerve currents of organisms could interact, similarly to how electric currents interact in conductors. Interesting research in the field of electrophysiology was carried out by the talented Russian physiologist Professor Bronislav Fortunatovich Verigo (1860–1925), who worked in the laboratories of I. M. Sechenov and I. R. Tarkhanov; he studied the effect of direct current on nerve fibers, pointing out that after the use of the cathode, the overexcited organism naturally goes into a depressive state. By the way, his son Alexander Bronislavovich will be involved in the great secrets of the Soviet era; having entered science as a physicist, he will work at the Radium Institute with the Russian genius of the 20th century, academician V. I. Vernadsky, will take part in strange expeditions: to the top of Elbrus (1928-1930), to the polar region of Franz Josef Land (1932),will fly into the stratosphere (1935), etc.

The secrets of the human body attracted the attention of the luminary of Russian medical science of the 19th century, Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov (1829-1905), who was the founder of the Russian physiological school, who conducted many studies in the field of physiology of the central nervous system, who studied reflexes of the brain. His student and follower Ivan Romanovich Tarkhanov (Ivan Ramazovich Tarkhnishvili; 1846-1908), continuing the work of the teacher, conducted research on electrophysiology, studied bioelectric phenomena in the animal organism. The physiologist, like most of the outstanding scientists of the Russian Empire, popularized his knowledge through numerous publications and reading public lectures.

The electrical induction hypothesis of AM Butlerov was based on this basis. In 1887, Yulian Okhorovich (1850–1917), Professor of Philosophy, Psychology and Physiology at Lvov University, substantiated the electrical induction hypothesis of mental suggestion. In the 1880s. the Polish psychologist Okhorovich lived in Paris, where, together with the famous scientists Charcot, Richet and Ribot, he developed the scientific problems of hypnosis and methods of psychotherapy; among his technical inventions of the same time - a two-membrane electromagnetic telephone and a thermal microphone.

So physiology, physics and electrical engineering intertwined on the desire to reveal one of the secrets of the human brain. And the conclusion of Sechenov, made by him back in the 60s of the XIX century, that the diverse manifestations of higher nervous activity are the result of constant relationships between the body and the environment, will certainly be useful to the Bolsheviks who built a new habitat, including with the help of ideology and all kinds of impact on the human psyche …

But since the electric induction hypothesis explained the interaction of organisms only at close distances and, therefore, was incomplete, it was replaced in 1892 by the electromagnetic hypothesis of telepathy, expressed simultaneously by three different researchers: Fauston, Schmidkunz and Crookes. At the beginning of the 20th century, this hypothesis became the main one, already shared by many scientists.

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“The Lenin government, obsessed with the idea of a world revolution, was interested in obtaining a fundamentally new type of weapon, with the help of which it would be possible to radically change the state of affairs in Europe. This topic received particular relevance after the defeat of the army of Mikhail Tukhachevsky near the walls of Warsaw, it became clear that the world bourgeoisie could not be taken with a cavalry swoop - a different approach was needed. Therefore, the work was not only not stopped, but also well financed. In the years when the whole country was starving, the Brain Institute did not lack funds; nor in specialists,”writes A. Pervushin in the book“Occult Secrets of the NKVD and SS”.

And the Leningrad Institute of the Brain, as you know, was headed by Academician Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev (1857-1927, or 1937). We remember that in 1926 Bekhterev and Professor Leontovich took part in experiments on telepathic suggestion conducted in the Zoopsychic Laboratory of Durov, who, together with his brother Anatoly, became the founder of the world famous circus dynasty. After the death of the scientist in 1927, within the walls of the Institute of the Brain, work in the field of telepathic research was directed by Leonid Leonidovich Vasiliev, who worked for the People's Commissariat of Defense. A research group consisting of five scientific workers-physiologists, a physician-hypnologist and an engineer-physicist under the leadership of Vasiliev will conduct work from 1932 to 1937 inclusive; the basis of their experiments is the electromagnetic theory of "brain radio". Confirming the confidence of Kazhinsky, Bekhterev, Leontovich,Durov and some others, Leonid Leonidovich will come out with an article "Biological rays", in which he will declare: "To reject the possibility of telepathy means to go against the physical understanding of life."

Brain Institute scientists have also recognized the phenomena of telepathy and suggestion at a distance. At one time, AB Barchenko worked within the walls of the institute, to whom Bekhterev favored. Outstanding psychologist, psychiatrist, neuropathologist and physiologist Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev, who knew how to select only high-quality scientific personnel, was sympathetic to non-trivial methods and approaches to scientific problems.

Barchenko dealt with the issues of telepathy and suggestion at a distance, he was also interested in the strange process of measuring, which he met during one of the expeditions to the Russian North and which was, in fact, a kind of zombie. Ancient folk practices, such as shamanism and witchcraft, were included in the area of interest of scientific research of the staff of the Institute for the Study of the Brain and Mental Activity (later it would become the State Institute for the Study of the Brain named after V. M. Bekhterev; more simply, the Institute of the Brain). Bekhterev was equally attentive to Bernard Kazhinsky's attempts to experimentally detect a radio wave that “controls” the transmission of thoughts. That is why he himself took part in the experiments.

In the process of work, the researchers say, Bekhterev managed to combine his own developments in the field of "crowd psychology" with the latest achievements in engineering. In 1925, a neuropathologist scientifically substantiated that the effect of suggestion intensifies in a team, and the most successful impact is carried out if emotions are involved. Kazhinsky supported Bekhterev with his idea of emotional crowd control, adding the idea of the possibility of creating and using technical amplifiers of mental signals. Taking advantage of a fresh idea, Bekhterev began to work out this direction already at a research institute. Of the well-known persons included in the group of employees, there were engineers of the institute Astafiev and Arenberg, two more are known to us only indirectly: this is another engineer from the Institute of the Brain and a certain acquaintance of Kazhinsky's older brother. And here a very curious nuance appears. The latter, due to the German component of his ancestry, had rather extensive connections in Germany, often went there on business trips, bringing the latest radio equipment for medical experiments. However, there are also such opinions - he could work for German intelligence, which was very interested in Soviet experiments in transmitting emotions and thoughts over a distance. Moreover, he headed one of the directions of scientific research, namely, work in the field of suggestion with the help of technical means. Many years later, former employees of Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev spoke about this. But whether this strange employee was an intelligence officer, worked for German or Soviet (Stalinist) intelligence, we do not know for certain. Maybe he was even associated with Alex Greig, who later had great influence in the circle of the Fuhrer,and entered the pantheon of his Secret Science among hundreds of other unknown to the general public figures of the Third Reich. Or maybe he was even that mysterious Alex, about whom it became known that at one time he headed some kind of laboratory, working for Bokii, or more precisely, recruited by Zabrezhnev, he began to faithfully serve Comrade Stalin. In addition, this Greig was a graduate of Sechenov's department, the youngest student of Sechenov, the founder of the school of Russian physiology; worked at the intersection of physiology, hypnology and genetics. Yes, the ways of the devil on the Russian land are inscrutable …or to be more precise, recruited by Zabrezhnev, he began to faithfully serve Comrade Stalin. In addition, this Greig was a graduate of Sechenov's department, the youngest student of Sechenov, the founder of the school of Russian physiology; worked at the intersection of physiology, hypnology and genetics. Yes, the ways of the devil on the Russian land are inscrutable …or to be more precise, recruited by Zabrezhnev, he began to faithfully serve Comrade Stalin. In addition, this Greig was a graduate of Sechenov's department, the youngest student of Sechenov, the founder of the school of Russian physiology; worked at the intersection of physiology, hypnology and genetics. Yes, the ways of the devil on the Russian land are inscrutable …

Almost all historians living in the West and in the East note the strange power of Adolf Hitler over the crowd; It is possible that psychologists from the Fuhrer's entourage drew their knowledge about the psychology of the masses, including from the book of the same name by the famous French psychologist, sociologist, historian and anthropologist Gustave Le Bon (Gustave Le Bon; 1841-1931), author of the equally popular work Psychology of Socialism ", A book that was studied by all who ruled the world in the XX century. Explaining the psychology of collective thought in an accessible language, pointing out "the elements from which civilization is formed (art, institutions, beliefs), constituting the direct products of the racial soul," and, putting the higher races at the head of civilization, Le Bon, unwillingly, could become close to his heart every true Aryan. Contemporary American sociologist Neil Smelser believesthat “… Le Bon's thoughts are of interest. He predicted the important role of the crowd in our time ", and also" described the methods of influencing the crowd, which were later used by leaders like Hitler, for example, the use of simplified slogans."

And yet, if you analyze the magical influence of the Nazi leader on the crowd, you can easily believe that during Hitler's speeches, the latest technical developments in influencing the psyche and consciousness of people were really applied. Some of which came from classified institutes and laboratories of the USSR through various channels.

While B. B. Kazhinsky, under the leadership of Professor Bekhterev, managed to achieve certain success in translating emotional states, another group, led by a Russian German intelligence officer (?), Had a chance to cope with its no less difficult task. For suggestion, they used a conventional radio network or a microphone, and in the course of experiments, they revealed complex radio signals of a certain rhythm, causing the listeners to be mildly hypnotic, increasing the degree of suggestibility. At first, the few, the most sensitive, react to these hidden signals, and then the process of mutual induction, characteristic of the crowd, begins. This is how people are introduced into a spellbound state, which Bekhterev called "hypnotic charm." After a while, the nature of the signals changed, so that the suggested ideas were more strongly entrenched in the subconscious. This method began to be used by the Soviets, including when demonstrating sound films.

The new "ideological weapon" was widely used for internal use in order to brainwash millions of its citizens to accomplish labor, and then military exploits "for the glory of the leader, the Communist Party and the government." Also in this series of influence on the psyche are sound and film special effects - the same inspiring songs and marches calculated in laboratories, the same notorious 25th frame, and so on. and so on.

Even if Comrade Bekhterev did not think of such an application to his discoveries, he - like any scientist in a totalitarian state - was destined to work for those in power, keeping their own interests. The developments of his institute and his employees became a weapon for conquering their own people. A weapon that created not only obedient mindless masses, but also the image of a hotly adored leader (s). And yet it would be simply ridiculous to call Bekhterev an employee of the competent authorities. How absurd it would be to assume that such a weapon was not developed and used in other countries: Germany, USA, Spain, Italy, Vatican, etc. (it is still being successfully used today!).

In early 1927, a strange employee with German roots suddenly disappeared; it is believed that he left for Germany, taking his scientific achievements with him. And this can also to some extent explain the similarity of the psychological moods of the vast masses of the population in the USSR and in Germany in those and subsequent years.

Bekhterev found himself under the watchful eye of the Chekists. The death of the great Russian scientist Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev, who, among other areas, was engaged in psychiatry and the physiology of higher nervous activity, came at the end of the same 1927. But this death is still surrounded by a veil of secrecy. We are assured that the 70-year-old scientist died from canned food poisoning. It is not surprising that this absurdity has caused many rumors and legends. According to one of the frequently repeated ones, the academician was poisoned by the NKVD officers, since not long before that he had examined Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, diagnosed with "paranoia."

According to the scientist and writer Grigory Klimov, Bekhterev was an influential Freemason, collaborated with the Chairman of the Russian State Duma Freemason Guchkov; participated in Constantinople in the congress of Freemasons or Young Turks. And when he used all his scientific potential and the new government became unnecessary, the old man was poisoned by his newly-made wife - a young Jewess Berta, niece of the People's Commissar of the NKVD Heinrich Yagoda, who, to please the leader, entrusted her with the murder of Bekhterev.

According to the version voiced by the writer Gleb Anfilov, by 1927 Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev was waste material. Having discovered a method of influencing the psyche of the masses, he, having resisted the introduction of this into practice, became dangerous. And then it was removed. After all, it is known that in those years successful experiments were carried out in the country in the field of biological radio communication, hypnotic telepathy, collective reflexology, and almost all the participants in these works either mysteriously disappeared, or were subjected to repression, or were killed.

According to the most extraordinary version, expressed by Professor Oleg Greig, the famous scientist did not die in December 1927, but worked in one of the closed laboratories of G. I. Bokia until 1933, when the end of his earthly days came. Among those who were named by the same source as prisoners of the Special Department, Mikhail Alexandrovich Bogolepov, born in 1875 and died, according to encyclopedic data, in 1933, is also listed; whereas, according to Greig, this outstanding geographer and climatologist, who studied the ancient Russian chronicles to create his unique theory of climate “disturbances” caused by periodic intensification and weakening of solar radiation voltage, and also actively defended the idea of the changing configuration of the continents, departed to another world in 1936 in the same Bokiya Special Department. His research contributed to the development and creation of tectonic weapons.

Among the prisoners is the Russian genius, Professor Nikolai Nikolaevich Skorikov, who completed his career in 1923, being the head of the laboratory of jet propulsion. These theoretical studies of his formed the basis of the knowledge of rocket science by the outstanding German scientist Wernher von Braun, who, after the defeat of Germany, became an invaluable asset of American science and ensured with his scientific achievements the American access to the Moon and beyond, beyond the solar system. The names of other prisoners of secret Soviet science will be named below.

The secret weapon of Bekhterev makes it possible to clarify a lot in the history of the 20th century, although, of course, in previous times, mass psychosis occurred more than once. It is argued that the art of subjugating the masses was well known to the priests of Ancient Egypt and the heirs of the priests, who received a bit of secret knowledge - the Masons. And the fact that the secret weapon of influence on the masses exists and is successfully used can be evidenced by the obsessive obamomania, which has taken over the United States of America with the speed of an epidemic and deliberately - due to the laws of manipulating human consciousness - spread from there throughout the world. The number of books, portraits and simply images of the President of the United States on all sorts of objects - from pens and lighters to T-shirts and underwear - has become a record in a short time. In this he competes with Hitler, whose images were cultivated in the Third Reich. A couple of months after the election of a black Jew (as confirmed by the Internet media) Barack Obama, the slogan “Obama is the new Tutankhamun!” Was launched even in the Muslim space. If we add to this the knowledge that back in 1977, US President Carter formulated the principle that "Americans should not apologize, feel remorse and take blame," since they always act on the basis of good intentions, then the difference between Nazi ideology Hitler and the ideology of the American administration is becoming thinner and more insignificant. In addition, the chosen people, the Americans, have much more modern means of influencing the psyche and consciousness of the world's population than during the Third Reich. Technological suggestion work has advanced so farthat the US military received a new weapon, the Active Denial System, which is a radiator of a narrow and powerful stream of electromagnetic waves with a frequency of 94 gigahertz. A person affected by this miracle of engineering feels as if his body is trapped in molten metal; in this case, the pain threshold occurs within three seconds of exposure. The "safe" machine, ready to hold back any pressure of those who disagree and disagree, has already been tested in Iraq and Georgia. The insinuating influence of the psychology of deception is amplified by a technique based on manipulating the most negative feelings - pain and fear.under the influence of this miracle of engineering, it feels like his body is falling into molten metal; in this case, the pain threshold occurs within three seconds of exposure. The "safe" machine, ready to hold back any pressure of those who disagree and disagree, has already been tested in Iraq and Georgia. The insinuating influence of the psychology of deception is amplified by a technique based on manipulating the most negative feelings - pain and fear.under the influence of this miracle of engineering, it feels like his body is falling into molten metal; in this case, the pain threshold occurs within three seconds of exposure. The "safe" machine, ready to hold back any pressure of those who disagree and disagree, has already been tested in Iraq and Georgia. The insinuating influence of the psychology of deception is amplified by a technique based on manipulating the most negative feelings - pain and fear.

These non-lethal "rays of pain" are on a par with the "brain radio", "rays of sight", "bioenergetic rays" and psychomachines - technologies that "advanced humanity" was so eager to learn. Because the torsion weapon became a natural result of creation after mastering the psychotronic weapon.

Greig Oleg