A Professor At Moscow State University Proposed An Unexpected Version Of The Tunguska Riddle - Alternative View

A Professor At Moscow State University Proposed An Unexpected Version Of The Tunguska Riddle - Alternative View
A Professor At Moscow State University Proposed An Unexpected Version Of The Tunguska Riddle - Alternative View

Video: A Professor At Moscow State University Proposed An Unexpected Version Of The Tunguska Riddle - Alternative View

Video: A Professor At Moscow State University Proposed An Unexpected Version Of The Tunguska Riddle - Alternative View
Video: ДСВ МГУ / Lomonosov Moscow State University dormitory 2024, May

There was no space guest at all. Nothing exploded over the Podkamennaya Tunguska River. The reason for the mysterious phenomenon must be sought not in space, but on Earth. This message of the Moscow State University professor Alexei Retyum became the "highlight" of the conference in Krasnoyarsk dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the Tunguska phenomenon.

Frankly, the situation with him over the years has developed paradoxical. There is the very fact of the explosion on June 30, 1908, there are numerous eyewitness accounts. And although the "criminal" left many traces, but what he is, remains a mystery. But hundreds of expeditions tried to find him, but they could not find a definite answer. Since the mystery remains, many different versions have appeared on this field, including aliens, the mysterious experiments of the American physicist Tesla, and even the invasion of our world by antimatter. And, of course, the phenomenon became the hero of science fiction novels and stories.

Today, many scientists believe that the most probable version is that a large body that flew from space exploded in the air at an altitude of 5-10 km. It consisted mainly of ice. Therefore, no body debris has been found. However, this version has many opponents. For example, they refer to eyewitness accounts who say that fireballs flew in the sky not in one, but in three directions at once. Hence, it could not be one space guest. Another counterargument: the forerunners of the phenomenon were observed weeks and even months before it in the form of the glow of the night sky and winter thunderstorms.

And about 30 years ago, in contrast to the space version, a completely unexpected one appeared: it is necessary to look for the cause not in space, but on Earth. Its supporters gave their arguments, which were both enthusiasts and skeptics. Professor Retyum's research on the earthly nature of the phenomenon can be a powerful argument in favor of such a version. What is the point? Why could the Earth give rise to this mysterious phenomenon? The scientist first linked events in space and on our planet.

“To understand the sequence of events, let's start with the Earth,” he told the RG correspondent. - About 50 years ago it was established that in the region of 60th northern latitude there is a whole "bouquet" of various anomalies of a global scale. First of all, this is a powerful magnetic anomaly, as well as a very high permeability of rocks and huge reserves of hydrocarbons. In addition, there are powerful deep faults and volcanic complexes, including the Kulikovo paleovolcano. The epicenter of the Tunguska explosion is located in its crater.

What is the cause of these anomalies? As you know, hydrogen is constantly generated in the outer layer of the Earth's core, which rises to the surface through numerous channels in the rock. (Here it is necessary to recall the high permeability of rocks in the 60th latitude region. - Ed.). The scientist drew attention to one feature. There are many signs that the Earth's southern hemisphere is gradually expanding and pressing on the core, pushing it northward. Moreover, the core is projected just at the 60s northern latitudes. Which is the reason for the anomalies in this region.

Infographics & quot; RG & quot;: Mikhail Shipov / Yuri Medvedev
Infographics & quot; RG & quot;: Mikhail Shipov / Yuri Medvedev

Infographics & quot; RG & quot;: Mikhail Shipov / Yuri Medvedev.

“Under various external influences, the anomalies intensify, and the channels through which hydrogen rises to the surface expand, and the amount of lifting gas increases,” says Reteyum. - Such phenomena occur periodically, in particular, due to changes in the movement of the Sun, say, on the days of the equinox.

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But the 1908 event was completely unique, says the scientist. Why? It is known that just during this period of time the speed of the Earth's rotation changed dramatically. The fact is that at the beginning of the 20th century, for a reason that is not yet clear to science, the only event for many centuries occurred: at the beginning of the 20th century, the Earth's rotation speed greatly slowed down, and then significantly accelerated. Such a metamorphosis activated various processes in the bowels of the Earth, and with a huge release of energy, which "splashed out" as much as possible just in the 60th latitude region.

But then such a surge of energy had to manifest itself in a variety of ways. And Retheum found evidence. Studying long-term data on the activity of volcanoes, he noticed that the maximum of eruptions occurs just at the end of June - the beginning of July, when the speed of rotation of the Earth and the compression of its body reach the highest values. A similar picture is with seismicity. The highest activity on the meridian of the Tunguska phenomenon is observed in the same periods of time.

“But what happened in the summer of 1908 is a completely unique phenomenon,” the scientist says. - For some reason, some extraordinary events took place in the body of the Earth, it began to contract unusually strongly, and the rotation speed increased as never before. Which led to the Tunguska phenomenon.

Thus, the reason for the mysterious phenomenon, according to the scientist, is not a cosmic guest at all, but earthly affairs. But how to explain the glow of the sky and the balls of fire that eyewitnesses observed? “Everything is clear here,” says Reteyum. - This is a consequence of the reaction of hydrogen escaping from the bowels of the earth with oxygen. The explosive mixture exploded and generated powerful electromagnetic clots, forming large fireballs."

Will this version put an end to the disputes about the Tunguska phenomenon? Hardly. He has so many restless interpreters that only 100 percent physical evidence can reconcile them. The hope of finding them is scanty, given that the area of the disaster has been thoroughly studied. This means that the Tunguska saga will continue, but with an amendment to the version of Retyum.


Yuri Medvedev