Cases Similar To The Tunguska Phenomenon Were - Alternative View

Cases Similar To The Tunguska Phenomenon Were - Alternative View
Cases Similar To The Tunguska Phenomenon Were - Alternative View

Video: Cases Similar To The Tunguska Phenomenon Were - Alternative View

Video: Cases Similar To The Tunguska Phenomenon Were - Alternative View
Video: The Tunguska Event | A Short Documentary | Fascinating Horror 2024, October

Around the world, ufologists celebrated UFO Day on July 2. These scientists make incredible discoveries that excite the minds of all mankind.

Ufologist, spacecraft design engineer Sergei Alexandrov. Photo: VKontakte
Ufologist, spacecraft design engineer Sergei Alexandrov. Photo: VKontakte

Ufologist, spacecraft design engineer Sergei Alexandrov. Photo: VKontakte

One of the secrets was 109 years old on June 30. In 1908, the so-called "Tunguska phenomenon" happened - something fell into the forests of the Irkutsk region, which provoked an explosion, comparable in strength to the thousands of bombs dropped on Hiroshima.

So what was it? A meteorite crash or an alien ship crash? Or maybe this is a failed experiment of the famous physicist Nikola Tesla? On the questions of the newspaper “Moscow. Center answered the ufologist, spacecraft design engineer Sergei Alexandrov.

- At the moment, there are more than a hundred versions of what happened. Which one do you follow?

- So far, most of the available data indicates that it was a cometary nucleus. There are some strange facts that are still unclear how and where to put them. And it is unclear whether they are relevant at all.

- The first serious expedition, organized by Leonid Kulik, dates back only to 1921. Why has no one closely studied this phenomenon for so many years?

- And why in our country from 1991 to 2005 no work was carried out to search for meteorites ?! At the time when this happened, the country was not up to it. The tsarist regime fell apart. When they built a new one, they began to "dig".

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1929 year. Windbreak at the site of the Tunguska event. Photo: Wikipedia
1929 year. Windbreak at the site of the Tunguska event. Photo: Wikipedia

1929 year. Windbreak at the site of the Tunguska event. Photo: Wikipedia

- Is it possible to say that during those years when no study was conducted, many facts and evidence could have been missed?

- Complex issue. On the one hand, this is so. On the other hand, over the years, science has moved forward, and new ways of understanding the available facts have appeared.

- What new circumstances of the case have opened in recent years?

- After quite a long research in the substance collected at the site of the explosion - traces of tektites. This clearly shows that, in any case, the cometary nucleus was there.

- There is a version that what happened in 1908 was the result of an unsuccessful experiment by Nikola Tesla.

- It has nothing to do with reality. The version was invented much later, "retroactively", and for not very clear purposes. First of all, because the explosion during the Tunguska phenomenon is the most powerful in the 20th century, but far from the only one.

- Perhaps the most incredible version of events says that on June 30, 1908, an alien ship crashed in those places.

- Why incredible? It is just much more likely than Tesla's experiments. This version has certain grounds. The explosion was really unusual.

It is known that in 1960, a group of engineers led by Georgy Grechko conducted a radiation survey of the explosion in the area of the explosion. They did not find an increase in the background. But when the survey was repeated in the 80s, it suddenly turned out that the radiation background became less than before. This is despite the fact that during this period of time there were much more reasons for an increase in the radiation background than for a decrease.

Hence the question: was the background radiation in 1908 much higher than in 1960? And then it just went down.

According to one version, the Tunguska phenomenon could have been triggered by the fall of an alien ship. Photo:
According to one version, the Tunguska phenomenon could have been triggered by the fall of an alien ship. Photo:

According to one version, the Tunguska phenomenon could have been triggered by the fall of an alien ship. Photo:

- If it was a spaceship, why were there no traces of it?

- I will repeat: so far, according to the totality of facts, it is most likely a cometary nucleus. If the ship fell and a nuclear explosion occurred, then there should be no traces, except for an increase in the radiation background. Searching hundreds of square meters of taiga for microparticles of the evaporated body is quite problematic.

- Italian scientists have made the assumption that Lake Cheko, which is located in that area, is a crater from the falls of the Tunguska meteorite.

- This is out of the question. Everything has been examined and proven there for a long time; this is not a crater lake.

- Can you compare the Tunguska phenomenon with the events that took place in 2013 in Chelyabinsk?

- Not. In Chelyabinsk there was an ordinary meteorite, which may have had a complex shape. That is, it was an ordinary stone.

Cases similar to the Tunguska phenomenon occurred on the territory of our country in 1996, 2002 and 2007.

- Is it possible to predict such events?

- It is difficult to say that this can somehow be predicted. Bodies of this size are very difficult to find in space. By the means that are now used, these bodies cannot be found.