Tunguska's Unsolved Theories - Alternative View

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Tunguska's Unsolved Theories - Alternative View
Tunguska's Unsolved Theories - Alternative View

Video: Tunguska's Unsolved Theories - Alternative View

Video: Tunguska's Unsolved Theories - Alternative View
Video: Two theories for an unsolved Soviet mystery 2024, June

Tunguska meteorite - true or fiction? What is hidden in the tragedy that occurred on June 30, 1908 near the village of Vanavara? Today scientists put forward several options for the causes of the tragedy.

How it all began

From the beginning of June 1908, strange atmospheric phenomena were recorded over the whole world. Every now and then the Northern Lights intensified over the cities of Europe, which physically could not be observed in these regions. In some cities, abnormal white nights were observed, seismic sensors recorded strange vibrations in the bowels of the earth's crust. The Earth, it would seem, was trying to warn humanity about the approaching cataclysm.

And finally, on the morning of June 30, 1908, an unprecedented radiance was noticed in the sky over the taiga near the Tunguska River, and after that a terrifying explosion was heard. The whole taiga was stirred up by his might. It was like the explosion of an atomic bomb. For hundreds of kilometers, glass shattered, wild animals ran in horror. There was a deafening rumble over the taiga.

The civilized world did not immediately betray the significance of this phenomenon. Many scientists believed that if there are no human casualties, then you should not waste your precious time trying to understand this situation. Nature will figure it out on its own.

And only in 1927 L. Kulik assembled an expedition to the Tunguska taiga in order to unravel the mystery of the events of 1908. Kulik did not count on anything supernatural, he went to the taiga to substantiate his theory that twenty years ago a huge meteorite swept over the taiga, and not another cosmic body.

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Was there a meteorite?

It should be noted that the "Tunguska meteorite" could not be found for many decades by either scientists or local residents of Vanavara. Leonid Kulik spent more than one day to reproduce the events of that ill-fated day. According to his hypothesis, there was a meteorite. It passed through all layers of the atmosphere, and collapsed to Earth.

This theory explains the appearance of atmospheric anomalies, shortly before the fall of the cosmic body. But, according to the calculations of scientists, they should have shown themselves much earlier.

As already mentioned, for a long time scientists could not find fragments of a celestial body. They were also embarrassed that in the epicenter of the fall nothing living was injured, and the destruction "spread" tens of kilometers away from it.

Such a funnel structure is not typical for a meteorite falling to the Earth's surface. It is rather characteristic of an atomic explosion. But what kind of atomic explosion can we talk about in 1908, and how is this theory substantiated?

Was there an explosion?

Atomic scientists unanimously declare that the structure of the crater near Tunguska is one to one similar to the structure of the crater of a powerful atomic explosion in Hiroshima. All the same surviving center of the epicenter and a completely destroyed ecosystem within a radius of hundreds of kilometers from it. But what kind of atom can we talk about at the beginning of the last century, if scientists invented it only in the thirties of the last century?

Then scientists began to put forward the theory that the catastrophe could have occurred as a result of the explosion of an atomic engine. That is, an alien ship with an atomic engine landed on Earth and exploded as a result of a malfunction. What led to a catastrophe of such a scale, but how then can we explain the natural anomalies that were recorded both on the surface and in the bowels of the Earth before its fall?

Scientists also put forward the theory that it was not a meteorite that fell to the surface of the Earth, but a comet, which exploded into small pieces even in the atmosphere. Then one can easily explain the natural phenomena preceding the disaster.


Also, scientists have put forward the theory that the cause of the catastrophe was the long history of the Earth. The thing is that in ancient times there was the hottest point of the planet in the Tunguska area. Hundreds of volcanoes raged here. Today not a trace of them remains. Then, perhaps, the whole thing is in the underground activity of the volcano and it was the release of underground energy that led to the disaster?

The theory of the volcanic origin of the Tungu tragedy has also not been fully studied and substantiated. The thing is that local residents to this day hide the secret of the disaster. When Leonid Kulik launched a scientific expedition, local guides refused to take him to the epicenter of the explosion, they only showed him the crater formed as a result of it, which was littered with burnt trees.

Kulik repeatedly pointed out in his diary that the locals know where to look for the meteorite and are stubbornly silent. So, the causal tragedy was the cosmic body that collapsed to the surface of the planet? Or an awakened volcano? Scientists have another theory.

Science experiment

Nikola Tesla is an internationally renowned scientist who made a breakthrough in dynamics, mechanics and other physical sciences. How can he be involved in the disaster? Tesla, many years before the incident, pointed out in his scientific works that everything on the planet is controlled by resonance and vibrations, everything is subordinate to them.

Thanks to his experiments, Tesla allegedly managed to cause a powerful earthquake in New York, indicating that with his experiments he could cause a similar phenomenon anywhere on Earth.

Tesla built an electromagnetic resonant installation called Tesla's Tower. Thanks to her, he caused minor cataclysms in various remote corners of the globe. There is an opinion that the catastrophe in Tunguska could have been caused by him, not balanced scientific actions.

Most likely, Tesla conducted an experiment with narrowly directed electromagnetic waves and thereby caused a catastrophe. There is also a hypothesis that on that day a huge cosmic body fell to the Earth and thanks to the Tesla Tower it became possible to destroy it, so scientists for a long time could not find meteorite fragments. Based on this theory, Tesla directed underground energy to the cosmic body and destroyed it in this way.

Today there are many opinions, hundreds of theories of the causes of the Tungu tragedy have been put forward. None of them have found a full scientific explanation. Or maybe it is necessary, perhaps it is too early for humanity to know the answer to the question: "So what happened on June 30, 1908?" Perhaps ignorance is for the best.