10 Russian Supernatural Phenomena That The Whole World Knows About - Alternative View

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10 Russian Supernatural Phenomena That The Whole World Knows About - Alternative View
10 Russian Supernatural Phenomena That The Whole World Knows About - Alternative View

Video: 10 Russian Supernatural Phenomena That The Whole World Knows About - Alternative View

Video: 10 Russian Supernatural Phenomena That The Whole World Knows About - Alternative View
Video: 10 Mysterious Photos That Can't Be Explained 2024, July

Mysterious and not amenable to rational explanation events constantly occur in all corners of the planet.

However, not all of them are known worldwide. Only the most amazing supernatural incidents become the subject of conversation of the inhabitants of all countries. So, everyone knows about the American Area 51, where the military studied an unidentified aircraft shot down with the corpse of an alien on board, or about the Egyptian pyramids, near which trees grow several times faster, and the water clears by itself.

Undoubtedly, in such a large and eventful country like Russia, there were also many paranormal events that struck the imagination of not only the Russians themselves, but also all earthlings. Therefore, many of us may ask a natural question: what kind of supernatural phenomena that happened directly to our people are best known abroad?

Tunguska meteorite

This amazing event took place back in the days of the Russian Empire. On the morning of June 30, 1908, in the area of the Siberian river Podkamennaya Tunguska, a colossal explosion occurred with a capacity of fifty megatons of TNT equivalent, which is comparable to the power of the largest hydrogen bomb. As a result of the explosion, trees were felled over an area of over two thousand square kilometers, and glass was blown out in houses within a radius of several hundred kilometers from the epicenter.


The event, accompanied by an intense glow of the sky, was recorded by all observatories of the planet. According to the official version, a large meteorite exploded over Siberia, but for some reason its fragments were not found. Many experts suggest that it was not the meteorite that was to blame, but Russia's testing of a secret weapon, or the experiments of the legendary physicist Nikola Tesla, or the tricks of the aliens. To this day, this incident is shrouded in a veil of mystery, and world scientists are still puzzling over it.

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Meeting of Soviet cosmonauts with UFOs

Soviet cosmonauts, as pioneers of space research, had a hard time, because due to imperfect equipment, emergency situations arose very often. Space flights were further aggravated by the fact that our star explorers suffered from aliens who flew close to them. Many Soviet cosmonauts who returned from orbit reported that unidentified flying objects were approaching their ships.


So, Vladimir Kovalenok, who is twice Hero of the Soviet Union, said that in 1981, from the Salyut-6 station, they noticed a bright luminous ball, which was rapidly going around the earth's orbit. After some time, the UFO suddenly flared up and split into two parts, each of which flew in its own direction. The crew commander Viktor Savinykh tried to photograph the anomaly, but both objects managed to disappear from view. The astronauts, however, immediately reported their observation to Earth.

Sakhalin monster

In September 2006, the Russian military discovered the remains of a striking large creature unknown to science on the Sakhalin coast. The corpse of a mysterious monster, presumably, washed ashore on the island by the surf.

The monster had an elongated crocodile-like skull, but the rest of its skeleton did not resemble the bones of a reptile. Such an organism cannot be attributed to fish either, although, judging by its structure, the animal was clearly waterfowl. The creature, among other things, was covered with thick hair, which baffled the experts.


Local residents who found the remains managed to photograph the dead monster several times. Soon, representatives of the special services arrived and took away the corpse, presumably in order to examine it behind closed doors. The results of these studies, as you might guess, were never presented to the general public.

Psychic Ninel Kulagina

In the early sixties, the name of Ninel Kulagina, a Soviet former radio operator and veteran of World War II, thundered all over the world. Ninel Sergeevna claimed that she had telekinesis and psychic abilities. Unlike many other mediums, Kulagina happily allowed experts to study herself. For more than two decades, she visited research institutes and secret government laboratories, where scientists scrutinized her abilities.


It was documented that a woman can move objects with her mind and rotate a compass needle, scatter laser beams with her hands, contactlessly change the chemical properties of water, cause burns in others by touching her hands, and even read minds. Western parapsychologists were literally shocked by the abilities of the Russian woman. For a long time, the Americans tried to get hold of their Kulagina, finding thousands of people with psychic skills in the United States, but none of them came close to Ninel Sergeevna in psychic abilities.

Hell in the Kola Superdeep Borehole

The Kola Superdeep Borehole in the Murmansk Region is the deepest borehole on the planet. The whole world started talking about it in 1989, when the Russians drilled a hole in the ground for twelve thousand meters here to test the fundamental possibility of creating such a deep hole in the thickness of the planet.


When a special technique capable of recording audio at high temperatures was lowered to a depth of twelve kilometers, the researchers suddenly heard strange sounds from underground, similar to human screams and groans. The journalists who learned about this immediately began to write that in Russia they dug a well to hell, from where the groaning of sinners can be heard. The authors of the project themselves argued that talking about the underworld is pure stupidity, but admitted that they could not explain the sounds recorded underground.

Soviet experiment with insomnia

This is more of an urban legend than a documented fact. Nevertheless, there is indirect evidence that in the forties of the last century, Soviet scientists conducted an experiment on a group of political prisoners. The subjects were placed in a special chamber, where a gas was supplied to deprive them of sleep. The subjects were promised freedom if they stayed awake for a month.


The gas really worked. After five days of wakefulness, the prisoners became depressed and began to behave apathetically, while all as one refused to eat. On the tenth day, several subjects suddenly began to scream frantically, until they ripped off their vocal cords. On the fifteenth day, it was decided to stop the experiment, and gas was no longer supplied to the chambers. The surviving test subjects suddenly began begging for the gas to be returned, as if their lives depended on it.

The unfortunate ones argued that they no longer needed freedom, and desperately asked not to let them fall asleep. The prisoners mutilated themselves and each other beyond recognition, and fragments of the body of one of them plugged the drain holes in the cell, so that the room was flooded with water mixed with blood.

Brosno dragon

Despite the fact that the Brosno dragon is not as popular as the Loch Ness monster, it is still known about it far beyond the borders of Russia.


It is alleged that a cryptid, similar to a large lizard, lives in Lake Brosno, Tver region. Many people have seen a dragon-like creature on the surface of the water that is at least five meters long. The depth of the freshwater lake is more than forty meters, while intense putrefactive processes constantly occur at its bottom, therefore, it is extremely difficult to study a reservoir longer than ten kilometers.

It is believed that the Brosno monster willingly feeds on people, so it is strictly not recommended to swim here.

Ghosts in the Kremlin

Russia, of course, is not as rich in ghosts as, say, Great Britain, but our Kremlin in terms of population of phantoms will give odds to any English castle. According to legends, a huge number of immigrants from the other world live in the citadel of Russian statehood.


For example, in the Ivan the Great Bell Tower, one sometimes hears the cry of Ivan the Terrible, who seems to atone for his sins there. The ghost of Vladimir Lenin was repeatedly seen in the Kremlin, and he began to appear here even before the actual death of the revolutionary, when in the last months of his life he was already paralyzed and did not leave his residence in Gorki.

But the most famous disembodied inhabitant of the Kremlin is, of course, the spirit of Stalin. The ghost of Joseph Vissarionovich tends to appear every time when shocks await our long-suffering state. The phantom emits a chilling cold and silently moves its lips, as if trying to warn the current leadership of the country against fatal mistakes.

Chernobyl black bird

It is known for certain that a few days before the horrific Chernobyl accident, four employees of the nuclear power plant saw there a kind of huge creature that looked like a humanoid black bird with glowing red eyes. After some consultation, the station workers decided to report the incident to their superiors. Understandably, no one attached much importance to their words.


When the fourth power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant exploded on April 26, 1986, the firefighters who arrived, fighting the raging fire, clearly saw how a six-meter black bird rose from the flame and radioactive smoke, flying straight into the sky. It is believed that a few days before that she tried to warn the station staff about the impending disaster, but people did not heed her warning.

Shot down over Kapustin Yar by UFO

The Kapustin Yar missile training ground in the Astrakhan region is not without reason called the “Russian Roswell”. He can often be found in the reports of the most mysterious Russian incidents. Kapustin Yar attracts unidentified flying objects with striking regularity.


It is alleged that on June 19, 1948, a cigar-shaped silvery flying object appeared in the sky above the test site. The military immediately raised the alarm and sent three MiG fighters to intercept the potential enemy. One of the planes did manage to knock out a flying saucer. Before the fall, the UFO fired a laser-like beam into the fighter and detonated the plane. An unidentified flying object crashed in the vicinity of the training ground and was immediately taken to one of the local bunkers - "Zhitkur".