About A Possible Maturing War Of Financial And Power Clans In Russia - Alternative View

About A Possible Maturing War Of Financial And Power Clans In Russia - Alternative View
About A Possible Maturing War Of Financial And Power Clans In Russia - Alternative View

Video: About A Possible Maturing War Of Financial And Power Clans In Russia - Alternative View

Video: About A Possible Maturing War Of Financial And Power Clans In Russia - Alternative View
Video: Timothy Snyder, "The Road to Unfreedom" 2024, September

The upcoming swoop of the oligarchic clans of Russia on the military is a matter of time. Thunderclouds began to thicken when the bank “Yugra” could not be defended. The small power and media offices of the oligarchs worked so well that many were surprised at the uniform coordination of their actions.

At the same time, threats from the owners of money from overseas began to be heard, who threatened the security structures with financial troubles of sanctions and discrediting them in the future.

It is one thing when power structures discredit oligarchs, and another when foreign states. But the game of both against the power clans is now obvious.

When incriminating evidence was defiantly thrown out on the heads of power departments and their children, it became clear that the war was designated. At this time, the "roof" of the independent Central Bank was opened, which resolves all issues with the security forces by its own methods. The family of oligarchs, integrated with clans outside their homeland, having shown themselves by force, did not become content with only this.

Potentially oligarchic clans have already shown their capabilities when they demonstrated that all branches of government stamp their decisions, which means they have powerful weapons that the security forces do not have. It was a warning not to interfere.

In addition, the siloviki, fed by the oligarchs, who are periodically disposed of by their own security structure, always regularly supply information to the oligarchic security structures. But lately, the oligarchic clans have decided to play at a bank when their Western partners pressed on them, demanding active action.

As agents of influence, many have their own "banal" tasks. The first is to bring as much capital to the West as possible. This task coincides with their desires, so for the time being it does not cause suspicion. Working to deplete the country is a habit for compradors.

Their herds in Russia were raised for this. Punctures arise with the funding of NGOs, with secondary tasks that the security service reveals when it sees a direct threat. They sometimes get scandals in the press. Therefore, all sorts of funds have already acquired many "intermediaries" to hide the ends in the water.

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But lately, officials and oligarchs who have been okomradorenie have become a kind of single class and monolith, which began to dictate its terms to everyone.

If desired, on behalf of the people, it is possible to legally limit the power and powers of power clans by launching the appropriate mechanisms in the media, which were already tested in the 90s. It happened that the embittered people with rage demolished monuments in the squares. There are hints of this already, if we take the media controlled by the oligarchs, full of publications about obese "military".

Therefore, the coordination of the actions of the organizers of the sanctions, the implementation of the IMF advice, the American recommendations to the head of the Central Bank, which have already become an anecdote, after which the head of the Central Bank meets with the president, the entry into the arena of family clans of the oligarchy and bureaucracy, after which the laws and conditions of the oligarchy's dictate are cast into bronze. and many other things, coupled with the initiatives to empower the Central Bank with power functions, suggests that the seizure of power is proceeding quietly and slowly, there is a powerful centralization, the integration of the comprador division in Russia.

Everything is going according to the Anglo-Saxon scenario of the gradual subordination of the power clans to the new dictatorship.

The possibilities of a new clan estate union are growing, capturing all branches of power, demanding more and more new functions, including those of power. Sooner or later, such over-centralization will lead to a total clan conflict.

If something happens to the president, then custom legislators will quickly find "traitors" in order to deal with the power clans and subjugate them. There will be a "quick" legislative change of the heads of power departments. Everything is ready for this, judging by how unanimously and quickly decisions are made on behalf of the people.

The claim for future power in the new digital state has already been announced. And the staff has already been selected. Kudrin's program of transplanting scientists into a market incubator, where everything is sold for profit to selected foreign corporations, is the same leasing of their people as a resource on which you can make good money.

Leasing of "unpromising" Russians and their land is already underway. Even the prospect of their old age is now in question. Old age is now treated with occupational therapy.

Now, when poverty and discontent among the people are accumulating, this is an explosive cocktail for law enforcement agencies. The explosion of extremism, terrorism, and other radicalism feeds on this today.

Therefore, loading the power clans with additional work, the oligarchic ones weaken its potential, dissipating its strength, and international players add work.

Therefore, there is an ideal maturation of those who must play their dark historical role ordered for Russia. Obama in a correspondence conversation directly announced how much and who cost him in Ukraine to get it.

Since Russia has the same oligarchic system, which has already picked up all the branches of government and officials, you can take your time and continue to gradually buy and outbid agents of influence and other players, gradually introduce sanctions, bringing the economy to collapse and handle. Then it will be necessary to just tighten the financial screws for the people, driving them to exhaustion and anger. Everything is logical in such a system.

Security officials are given increasing overloads and they have nothing to do with anything else, they are busy with work. The new estate-comprador power develops and strengthens, is centralized by law, gradually, introduces restrictions for all other applicants. External players strain the force field with conflicts, drawing attention away from internal problems.

The plan for the coming to power of the oligarchic clans is very simple. They must adhere to certain rules and stimulate the volume of capital outflows from Russia. Western partners will help to do this with the help of sanctions, high-profile scandals and provocations, creating an external veil.

The press is still writing about the strange fire in the Central Bank, the visit of the Central Bank Head to America, the announced decisions of the Central Bank head, which threaten Russia with even more problems in the economy than before. An attempt to directly recruit oligarchs by Western intelligence services has already been announced. They are acting according to plan, creating their own comprador division in the rear.

Watching the siege of the power Carthage, which, according to the idea of the authors of the project of its destruction, will have to be taken, observing an economic "breakthrough" under its wall, taking away funds, I am simply surprised that the old English method works the same as in the 90s.

With the gradual drop in income in the power structures, this will become clear as day. And only then will they remember this, but it will be too late. The game can be lost. They will let her down classically, through "digitalization", for which the appropriate team and leadership will be selected. Perhaps a new chain of command and a new figure will suddenly emerge that did not exist before. This will be mat. Since the danger is visible - that's why I am writing now.
