The Ghost Of The Headless Horseman Caught The Camera Of A Shocked Englishman - Alternative View

The Ghost Of The Headless Horseman Caught The Camera Of A Shocked Englishman - Alternative View
The Ghost Of The Headless Horseman Caught The Camera Of A Shocked Englishman - Alternative View

Video: The Ghost Of The Headless Horseman Caught The Camera Of A Shocked Englishman - Alternative View

Video: The Ghost Of The Headless Horseman Caught The Camera Of A Shocked Englishman - Alternative View
Video: Spirit Caught On Camera 2024, June

Richard Durham, 45, accidentally photographed a mysterious male figure riding a horse in one of the cemeteries of the English city of Northgents.

On that day, the man bought himself a new camera and decided to test it. When he passed the nearest cemetery, he began to photograph an unusual landscape. But when he returned home and printed the pictures, he was horrified: in the frames behind the gravestones there was a horseman … he was headless.

- Seeing a ghost in the photo, I was shocked, as I had never seen anything like it before. Then I remembered the story of my friend about how his daughter in the same cemetery constantly moves her hand through the air strangely, as if stroking an animal - a horse, - Richard Durham told The Daily Star.


As the newspaper notes, among the locals there is a legend about the mysterious ghost of the horseman, whose head is not visible because of the long hood.

Many saw a male figure standing on a horse with a bouquet of flowers near the grave of an unknown girl. According to legend, the rider did not return from the battle for a long time, and his bride died of grief. Since then, his spirit “comes” to her grave with flowers every day.

Many Internet users also saw a ghost in the photo, but skeptics said it was Photoshop.