EGO Habits That Take Away Your Strength - Alternative View

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EGO Habits That Take Away Your Strength - Alternative View
EGO Habits That Take Away Your Strength - Alternative View

Video: EGO Habits That Take Away Your Strength - Alternative View

Video: EGO Habits That Take Away Your Strength - Alternative View
Video: Personality Test: What Do You See First and What It Reveals About You 2024, July

You made a decision to develop, outlined goals and even threw in a development plan, and even began to take actions. but something within you sabotages all your efforts to become better. The most powerful saboteur within each of us is our EGO. This article is devoted to his habitual methods of resisting development and taking away your strength. These are the habits to take out of your backpack.)

The habit of comparing

The habit of comparing yourself to someone is a trap that takes your time and energy, it is like a weight on your leg, preventing you from moving along your life path. As long as you compare yourself to others, you refuse to see your real self and accept your individuality. you cannot even take a step forward on the path of self-development. For you ignore your sources of inner strength in search of external examples, in search of idols, teachers and mentors. On your comparison, your dependent interaction with the world is formed. Comparison is always at the heart of rivalry, competition.

The habit of competing and proving

The desire to "get better" often hides the ego's need for external approval (from parents, significant people, etc.). in receiving the energy of love. But this is often the deepest part of the iceberg, and on the surface you can see it as a desire to compete and prove your superiority in something over someone else. This zealous craving is like a drug addiction - it's the same addiction. As long as a strangled ego is your only incentive, you will live a race. There will always be those who are better and who have more. The only purpose of life is to be, not to compete. Be yourself in the here and now, and not better than your neighbor.

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The habit of hoping

This is probably the most sticky habit of the ego.

Yes, and expectations are often the basis of suffering, because as a rule, your expectations are not fulfilled while you hope - you are inactive - sit on your priest and wait for a miracle. Trust and hope are completely different concepts. Believe = act Hopefully = do nothing.


The habit of "understanding everything"

The desire to fill the mind with info. Informational omnivorousness is no less dangerous than you will eat everything, sour, unleavened and herring with milk at the same time. Your stomach will quickly rebel, and you will spend some time alone on the toilet. The same rebellion is happening in your mind, because the anal-from the information received will lead to a loss of time and energy. Treat the information very carefully, everything is good in moderation.

And the very understanding of something does not in any way change your reality of life. This is just a theory stored in your mind, and which is not the fact that it will become your practice, bringing qualitative changes in your life.

The habit of being a victim

This is a very clever ego game. She can disguise herself behind any masks and therefore it is so difficult to track her role as a victim, but believe me, while this role is in the arsenal of your self-development roles, you will not see your own ears. The victim is always the position of the child, always self-justification, always blaming someone for their failure or inability to get a result in self-development. While you sacrifice, you strain, you get sick and lose the strength to restore balance. The sacrifice should be left in the past and in the present it is worth being the Creator of your own reality.

The habit of talking

Thought-speech-action. This is a significant triad in the life of every person. As we think, we speak, as we speak, so we usually do. After listening to a person carefully, you can tell a lot about him without being a fortune-teller)) Therefore, it is very important to pay special attention to your speech on the path of self-development. The mind loves to weave verbal monograms, entangling sometimes incompatible words in sentences, thereby creating confusion within itself. When a thought is clear, it is always easily packed into words. Gossip is a speech that does not contain action. Words are empty when there is no action in them. our ancestors used verb-actions to fill the word. Have fewer words and more actions in your reality.

EGO habits interfere with development a lot, but if you learn to keep track of the above, learn to replace these habits with more useful and reasonable ones - you will give yourself the opportunity to move where you want yourself.) And yes, never regret anything !!


Create your own reality !!

Author: Tiana Lyavenko