The Fairy Skeleton Could Be A Serious Proof Of - Alternative View

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The Fairy Skeleton Could Be A Serious Proof Of - Alternative View
The Fairy Skeleton Could Be A Serious Proof Of - Alternative View

Video: The Fairy Skeleton Could Be A Serious Proof Of - Alternative View

Video: The Fairy Skeleton Could Be A Serious Proof Of - Alternative View
Video: Why Do We Fear The Dead? | Gods And Monsters | Timeline 2024, July

Many researchers have been talking about the real existence of fairies, elves, and gnomes for a long time in all seriousness, citing as an example not only legends and folk tales, but also numerous stories of contemporaries, as well as photographs and even videos depicting these underground inhabitants of our world.

Two little dancing fairies

The existence of a civilization of gnomes has been proven even by archaeological excavations, for example, in Indonesia in Liang Bua in 2003, a "hobbit cave" was found - the remains of an ancient settlement of gnomes, which is more than twelve thousand years old. It turns out that a civilization of dwarfs once existed on our Earth. Moreover, this is not the only archaeological find proving their reality, not to mention the numerous circumstantial evidence and facts that are hard not to believe (see the documentary about this). For example, such underground inhabitants are often found in the Crimea, where there are a lot of karst caves - it is there that you can sometimes encounter these mysterious underground gnomes. Once children got into such caves and got lost there. And when they were already desperate to go out, they suddenly saw how, on a smooth boulder,as if on a platform specially created for this, two girls are dancing, each not more than twenty centimeters tall. This picture scared the Crimean teenagers so much that in fear they rushed to flee from that place and by some miracle escaped from the embrace of the cave labyrinth, intuitively finding a way out to the surface of the earth.

Therefore, a natural question arises: did these gnomes, elves, fairies, white-eyed monsters and other underground inhabitants exist or still live with us side by side? For example, progressive researchers studying this issue are inclined to believe that the civilization of gnomes and elves has not disappeared over time. It's just that these fabulous inhabitants of the Earth have much greater abilities than people, and therefore we not only cannot see them, but even for the same reason do not find numerous material traces of their presence.


The remains of a tiny fairy may simply sink into oblivion

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Precisely numerous, since individual traces are still no, no, they appear in our world. For example, quite recently a resident of Great Britain shared with the staff of the program The Mystic Menagerie, popular in his country, unique pictures showing a humanoid skeleton that fits in the palm of your hand.


The skeleton, however, is not intact, however, even from these remains it is clearly visible that this is a small humanoid creature. The author of the pictures wanted to remain anonymous, because he is afraid that he may turn out to be a laughing stock to others, and besides, he fears for his reputation as an experienced and sober specialist. He himself is from Cornwall and works for a company that studies and rescues endangered bird species on Earth. It was in the course of his activities, which involves the routine work of checking bird nests, that the man found these mysterious remains in one of the falcon nests.


The ornithologist admitted that he lives in a land where from childhood he hears numerous legends and stories about fairies, which, as the British believe, live next to us, simply have supernatural abilities in our understanding, thanks to which we can see them very rarely, only when they themselves will want it. The man is sure that all these stories are not just fairy tales and inventions, but real evidence of the existence of some mysterious world that does not want to come into contact with us.


Employees of The Mystic Menagerie assured their users that they will certainly find an anonymous author - the author of the images, and will try to persuade him to give the remains of the gnome for research. However, so far no data has been received on the Internet about whether they succeeded or not. I think the main reason for this is the intervention of certain power structures, which for some reason are not interested in disseminating such information. Therefore, the remains of a tiny fairy can simply sink into oblivion, like much like that …

Neither fairies, nor gnomes, nor other unique evidence and artifacts are needed by official science

Three years ago, a woman was found in Denmark - anthropologist Kalena Sondergaard, who mysteriously disappeared seven years earlier. She was found in one of the caves by accident, and in a terrible state: the woman was naked and moved on all fours. She said something to herself in some unfamiliar language and was clearly behaving inappropriately, that is, she was not particularly aware of what was happening to her. However, in her incoherent speech, the word "alfur" constantly flashed, which in translation from Old Irish means "elf".


And on the woman's body, fantastic tattoos were found, reminiscent of the signs of the Vikings, which were considered symbols of the elves in the ninth century, when these warriors first appeared in Iceland. By the way, Kalena Sondergaard was engaged in just the study and proof of the existence of underground inhabitants, it was in the area of the "Rock of the Elves" that she conducted her searches, it was here that she was found seven years after her disappearance.

Video: Fairy Skeleton Could Become Strong Proof

Surprisingly, despite the testimony of many eyewitnesses of this unique case, the huge attention of many researchers to it, an official version suddenly appears in the media that all this is a journalistic duck, that there was no supposedly Kalena Sondergaard, and the woman found is just a nudist, by accident wandered into the rocks and stuck there in the crevice.

That's it - rude, completely unconvincing, but very presumptuous that you can believe it. Therefore, most likely, there will be no continuation of the story with the remains of a little fairy found by the British anthropologist. This skeleton, of course, could become a serious proof of the existence of a parallel world of elves, fairies, gnomes and other underground inhabitants, but then in our world with you, a lot would have to be revised. It is for this reason that unique artifacts, skeletons of giants are destroyed, it pretends that there are no aliens, parallel worlds, and no one is still going to restore the real history of our civilization, buried under a pile of various political and pseudoscientific rubbish …