We, And Our Avatars - Alternative View

We, And Our Avatars - Alternative View
We, And Our Avatars - Alternative View

Video: We, And Our Avatars - Alternative View

Video: We, And Our Avatars - Alternative View
Video: Aviators - Our Little Horror Story (Five Nights at Freddy's 3 Song) 2024, June

The twin phenomenon is a fairly well-known phenomenon. Only in the last half century has a huge database of reliable cases of identification of twins among the inhabitants of the Earth accumulated. It looks all the more strange, the almost complete absence of serious scientific research devoted to this problem. Why? Such cases of suspicious "myopia" in orthodox science cannot but arouse suspicion.

Why are scientists concerned about the sexual behavior of polar geese, and not at all concerned about the reasons for the existence of the phenomenon of twins? After answering the question of what it is, we will be significantly closer to solving one of the most exciting questions for humanity: - Who are we?

In the mid-eighties of the last century, I had a chance to rest in Sochi. He settled in the private sector in the house of an elderly Armenian couple, and immediately to the beach. On the way, I bought a loose shirt with short sleeves and a cap with a long wide visor. On the beach, complete strangers greeted me several times. Then one guy sat down next to me, and began to chat naturally, calling me Seryoga. Yes, as if we have known him for a thousand years. I told the guy with a laugh that he had confused me with someone. He could not believe in the mistake:

- How!? You sunbathe at this place for two weeks, you and I played cards so many times, backgammon, the day before yesterday you treated me to a watermelon.

- Not. I just flew to Adler last night.

There was no limit to the bewilderment of my new acquaintance. But the unusual events did not end there. On the way to the house in which I rented a room, strangers greeted me several times, smiled happily at the sight of me, and called me Sergei. “Probably this Sergey, for whom everyone takes me, was a very friendly person”: - I thought. And right next to the house, in a narrow, shady alley, a toothless boy jumped up to me, unceremoniously slapped my forearm with his palm, and asked: “Earrings! Why didn't you leave yesterday? I decided to stay for a couple more days”? For a long time I tried to convince the boy that I am not Seryoga.

In the summer kitchen I found the hostess of the house, Rayadzhan. I asked her about Seryoga, and she, turning to my voice, changed her face. She says that she and her husband argued for half an hour about who I was when I received the key to my room from them early in the morning. They decided that I was just very much like the guy they saw next door every day. But now, when I returned from the beach in exactly the same shirt and cap as Sergei's, she herself began to doubt that I was a different person, and not the same Sergei who rented a room in the next house the day before my arrival.

Later, I heard similar stories from other people countless times. Here, for example, is the testimony of the correspondent of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" Svetlana Kuzina: -

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“I recently met a colleague. He looked at me for a long time, surprised and finally said: "You are so alike!" It turned out that Sveta Kuzina works as a correspondent for "Arguments and Facts". Not only does he write on the same topics as me, but we are like two drops of water. Later, at one of the press conferences, I saw her: indeed, an exact copy! I didn’t dare to approach: I was afraid that “the roof would go away” if I started talking to myself”.

And it turns out that Svetlana's fear is not accidental. A person experienced this feeling at all times when he had to meet a double. The most widespread unspoken law of doubles in different ethnic groups and countries says: "if you saw a double, then death is near." And historical chronicles confirm that many deposed or killed monarchs and spiritual dignitaries, shortly before the disaster, faced their counterparts.

It has become easy to find doubles now, thanks to the development of information technology, and people around the world love to find similarities among famous people. It has become a kind of sport. Especially popular are the doubles of our contemporaries who lived long before them:

John Travolta and an unknown man from 1860
John Travolta and an unknown man from 1860

John Travolta and an unknown man from 1860

Nicolas Cage and the Man from 1861-1865
Nicolas Cage and the Man from 1861-1865

Nicolas Cage and the Man from 1861-1865

Jeffrey Tambor and Benjamin Franklin
Jeffrey Tambor and Benjamin Franklin

Jeffrey Tambor and Benjamin Franklin

And if such a huge number of doubles are found in celebrities, then one can only guess how many coincidences can be found for simple, unknown people, such as you and me. And taking into account the multiplicity of twins around the world, the situation in general seems fantastic.

This suggests that our copies exist not only simultaneously with us in the same world, but they also existed in bygone eras. Today, few people are already surprised by amazing stories about identical twins separated in early childhood. Existing completely independently of each other, and not even knowing about the existence of a sibling, they marry, divorce, and die at the same time. They wear the same clothes, have the same habits, support the same team, buy the same car model, have suffered the same diseases. There is even a known case of men - separated twins marrying women, who, as it turned out later, turned out to be identical twins.

And although twins are meant to be the same by default, this phenomenon has not been practically studied, or it has been studied, but the research results are not disclosed for one reason or another. As for the existence of doubles that are spaced apart in time, then even more so, the whole thing is limited to surprised, enthusiastic exclamations. But it is obvious that the problem lies in such an important scientific field as genetics!

Nikolai Denisovich Degtyarev, a geneticist, a specialist in cloning, says about this: “I began to think about the scheme according to which different genetic material is sorted, selected and fixed. After all, it's no secret that some children are completely different from their parents, as if they were thrown like a cuckoo. Experts know that in these cases, recessive genes are manifested, which are "dormant" in every person. But why did they decide to wake up on this particular occasion? Or is the set of genes not as large as we used to think?

- To the question: "What makes nature make copies?" - academic science does not have a precise answer. The most common version: doubles are people with an identical genetic device. For some unknown reason yet, nature “throws out” several identical “versions” of one person, whose DNA coincides to the smallest detail. Such twins are called biogenic, that is, they have the same DNA, but their biological parents are different. But why should nature repeat itself?

We are used to thinking that the development of life on the planet is going on as an uncontrollable process. And we believe that the birth of a new life is the result of an accidental combination of some kind of egg and some kind of sperm. But if everything is so random, then why is genetic selection happening? Why, for example, healthy children can be born to sick people? It is obvious that the appearance of identical children is also programmed by nature for its special purposes. And her special tasks are very simple: stability and survival.

This means that the appearance of a double somehow guarantees the possibility of the survival of at least one necessary copy of a gene! It is this gene hidden among others that requires replication. But he “wants” to be replicated not among others that can suppress him, but in a special “calculated” model. And nature "molds" several identical children. One can grow in America, another in Australia, the third in Turkey, not knowing about each other. Some of them may die in infancy, while others may be sterile. But at least one of the twins will reach sexual maturity and give birth to offspring. For a gene who wants to survive, there is nothing more important than this offspring and the transmission of itself through generations."

It turns out that a hidden subtext is clearly read behind the officialism of this statement. Degtyarev faced something that an official scientist cannot be told by a direct test, so as not to damage his reputation and ruin his career, as has happened more than once in different countries of the world. However, even what he voiced sounds seditious. But all this lies in the plane of the branches of science with official status. But what about events that took place in different eras, but have an abnormal amount of similar details ?!

These observations formed the basis of the philosophical concept of the cyclical nature of events, but, as always, after the admiring exclamations of observers, the matter did not move a single step in two centuries of observations. And I could not find anything in the public domain from one more observation that I recently made myself. I'll tell you from the very beginning.

Once my attention was attracted by a photograph of one of my friends, with whom I have been communicating for several years on the social network. The upper part of her face strikingly resembles the outward appearance of my maternal relatives. Most of the Eden have the characteristic shape of the eyebrows, bridge of the nose, cut and color of the eyes, cheekbones and the frontal bone of the skull. The genus of Eden is very ancient, and, apparently, possesses powerful genetics, which is passed down from generation to generation, leaving a kind of seal, a generic marker on the faces of all descendants. Each of Eden, knowing this marker, can identify a relative almost unmistakably.

I asked a friend of mine if she knew her ancestry. It turned out that he knew, but to my chagrin, her family dates back to the princes Baryatinsky. Having decided to learn more about the Baryatinsky family, I made a discovery that plunged me into a state close to shock. It turns out that Prince Alexander of Chernigov, who was in the sixth generation a direct descendant of Rurik, founded two branches of famous noble families: - Boyars of Eden, and Baryatinsky (Boyars of Eden in the sixteenth century left Novgorod, and settled on their lands at the confluence of the Vaga River into the Northern Dvin, turned into landowners, and were not included in the General Herbbook of noble families of the Republic of Ingushetia). It turns out that my friend and I had one common ancestor at the end of the thirteenth century.

But that's not all. Then something happened that, perhaps, no one else spoke about. It all started with the fact that my friend, seeing in one of my photo albums a photograph of one of the museum exhibits, began to remember where she could see a similar one. I delved deeper into the dismantling of my own archives, and found a photo with an identical exhibit. These were bronze cups, found at different times, in different regions, and exhibited in museums that are not related to each other.

Yes, of course, my photo and the photo of a friend had different objects, but their external similarity turned out to be phenomenal. Real twins. Perhaps they were made by one master, or maybe one master imitated another, but that is not important. What matters is what emerged from the search for this photo. It turned out that in my album with personal photos, and in the album with home photos of my friend there are many photos with a similar plot. And not just "a lot", but refuting the theory of probability, anomalously many. With a cursory scan, I instantly isolated from the general array a number of photographs that are mockingly similar to each other.

Yes, I am a man and she is a woman, but we have absolutely identical photos with a fishing rod on the river bank, with a gun and in a helmet, on a motorcycle, next to a stone or a tree. In our photographs taken in different parts of the country, the same poses, the same or similar objects, a similar interior or perspective, often the same color scheme of clothes, and much, much more.

Speech about falsification for the sake of a rally, and can not be. All photos were taken at a time when we did not even know each other yet. It is clear that I could not find a rational explanation for my discovery. However, I am not a supporter of mysticism, and I am sure that an explanation must be found without fail. Most likely, we are faced with an unprecedented, hitherto unknown kind of phenomenon. Not described in the literature, and not even having its own name. Not surprisingly, there was no mention of such a thing anywhere. In order for statistics to begin to accumulate, you need to at least know about the existence of the phenomenon itself.

And knowing about it, it will be possible to accumulate and systematize various similar cases. Then, perhaps, certain patterns will come to light that will make it possible to advance in the study of this phenomenon. After all, it is obvious that this is not an accident and not a coincidence. The absence of a visible connection between events does not indicate the absence of the connection itself, but about our inability to identify it. For now, of course. We were able to discover the magnetic field and study it. And what the cannibals of the Numba-Yumba tribe thought about a piece of metal that always strives to point in one direction, we no longer particularly care.

So what do we have? In order to substantiate a theory, it is first necessary to prove the consistency of the hypothesis, and that, in turn, cannot appear without a sufficient number of versions, supported by arguments. In our case, there is only the fact of the existence of the phenomenon itself. What versions can be put forward in justification? I have only one so far.

Considering the incredible similarity of details and details in the fate of separated identical twins, a version comes to mind about the existence of an unidentified connection that exists between people who are very close in blood (read DNA). This is the first thing.

Observing a huge number of twins who are not related by family ties with each other, as well as the incredible similarity of the details of their personal life and life path, we can assume that there is a connection between the twins, similar to the one that we assume in separated twins. This is the second.

Stating the fact that twins can be not only of different ages, but also of sex, it can be assumed that the connection between them is also present, although, probably, of a different kind. The similarity of postures, gestures, preferences in the choice of certain objects and phenomena that arouse persistent interest, the thought comes to mind that this connection may be similar to that shown in the famous film "Avatar". Those. such doubles may not even be aware of it, be the avatars of their "halves", and, at the same time, operators. This is the third.

Well, in the final: - Remember the common expression "looking for my soul mate"? So that's it. It may well be that this is not an idiom at all, but a completely specific, literally understood action. Maybe our ancestors knew that every person has a soul mate somewhere. Operator, avatar, whatever you want to call it, but if the guess has the right to exist, then a real abyss opens up before us. Imagine just for a moment, and suddenly, at a time when you have poor control over your actions due to emotional excitement, or stress, your soul mate, located somewhere in Brazil, kills a person, and without his knowledge controls his avatar - you!

This is rough as an example. But on an emotional level, because negative emotions splashed out in a water place can harm a completely different place! And it’s uncontrollable, unpredictable, and very dangerous. Especially if someone tries to manage it. It's scary to think about what can happen to our world, and to all the worlds that are connected with ours. That is why, in all religions, even unkind thoughts are considered a sin. After all, they are broadcast into the surrounding space, and are especially amplified, reflected in the avatar. And if there are five such avatars, or fifty?

But also vice versa. Carriers of good intentions and good intentions multiply them in the universe, and thus inflict a tangible blow on carriers of negative emotions. Agree, this can lead to a radical change in outlook, if everyone constantly remembers that somewhere on Earth there is a completely innocent person, or many people whom he can harm with his one thought. And if we assume that our avatars exist not only on Earth, but also in many other worlds? Do you feel it?

Still want to get revenge on someone?

Author kadykchanskiy
