Linguistic Weapons: "Sexism", "tolerance", "gender" - Alternative View

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Linguistic Weapons: "Sexism", "tolerance", "gender" - Alternative View
Linguistic Weapons: "Sexism", "tolerance", "gender" - Alternative View

Video: Linguistic Weapons: "Sexism", "tolerance", "gender" - Alternative View

Video: Linguistic Weapons:
Video: Hotline Training 2019: Intersectionality of Violence 2024, July

“They kill with ordinary weapons only once, but they kill with words again and again …” © Charles Chapieu.

Today, an increasing part of society is beginning to realize that the mass media is not so much concerned with informing citizens about current events, but rather with managing public processes. And, as in any sphere, there are creative and destructive forces here. Some try to give people such information that will contribute to their moral and intellectual development, help to form integral ideas about the world. Others - are engaged in the fact that they constantly put a "shadow on the fence", manipulate and present a lie as truth.

There are countless methods of deception, but today we will touch upon, perhaps, one of the most subtle and important areas in this area, which can be conditionally called "linguistic weapons". We will analyze the three most relevant terms, the introduction of which into public circulation automatically entails far-reaching destructive consequences: "sexism", "tolerance" and "gender". It is these fraudulent words that present the greatest threat to our society at the moment.


To begin with, let's look at the term "gender", which today is already actively used not only by the liberal press of Russia, but also in the works of specialists in the field of psychology and even appears in separate legislative acts. The very word "gender" is foreign and came to us from the West. There, this term became widespread during the development of the feminist movement, as well as the concept of protecting the rights of LGBT people.

There is no single concept for this term. In the same Wikipedia, you will read very vague wording about what "gender" means. This, by the way, is the most important feature of a linguistic weapon, since the absence of an exact wording explaining the essence of the term serves as the basis for constant manipulation when using it.

Nevertheless, the general meaning of the term “gender” is most often reduced to the phrase “social gender”. This phrase implies that a person is not born a man or a woman, but can independently choose his gender in the course of growing up and life, and this is supposedly normal. It's a lie. Human sex is an objective biological given, and it is binary: "male" or "female". Any violation of gender identity is a pathology, disease or deviation. Equating pathology to the norm, the term "gender" has a destructive effect on society, and therefore its use is unacceptable.

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Any journalist or even a scientist who uses the term “gender” in his speech without explaining its deceitful essence is either a professional manipulator, or a person deceived by beautiful phrases, who himself does not understand what he is talking about.


Now let us consider the second term actively implanted in Russia - "tolerance". As in the case of "gender", it is impossible to find its unambiguous definition. The same Wikipedia offers many options for the meanings that can be hidden behind this word, while some of them are directly opposite. For example, in medicine, this word denotes the inability of the body to distinguish foreign organs or to resist infection. And in sociology, tolerance means tolerance for a different worldview, lifestyle, behavior and customs.

But why is “tolerance” and not “tolerance” actively imposed on us in the media if these words are very similar in meaning to social processes? The point is that the term “tolerance” also has the opposite concept of “intolerance”. You can tolerate a different opinion, lifestyle or behavior only as long as they do not threaten you, your family, and your country. If some social phenomenon, for example, the imposition of a gender ideology, begins to pose a danger to society, then in relation to this process it is necessary to show intolerance and prevent its spread.

In turn, the propagandists of tolerance urge us to live according to the principle “my house is on the edge, I don’t know anything”, that is, not to evaluate other people's opinions, not to reveal destructive phenomena, and in general to think only about ourselves and not care about society. Thus, in the social aspect, "tolerance" is the absence of conscience, it is the nondiscrimination of good and evil.



Now let's look at the third term, the main function of which is to pit men and women against each other. We are talking about the concept of "sexism". Here Wikipedia gives us a rather short explanation. So, sexism is discrimination against people on the basis of sex or gender. From this formulation, we see that "sexism" is a derivative of the term "gender" we analyzed earlier, and as follows from history, it first appeared also within the framework of the feminist movement in the United States.

"So what? - some will say, - to fight discrimination is a good thing anyway. Who cares who came up with the word? " However, the one who came up with this word put a certain meaning in it. And since the term "gender" denies the biological differences between men and women, then the "sexism" derived from it suggests combating gender discrimination under the pretext that there are no biological differences between men and women. In practice, this means: to advocate that women serve in the army on an equal basis with men, that the number of women politicians gradually grows to the number of men, so that both have shared toilets, and so on.

Regular dissemination in the media of various absurd accusations of discrimination against men or women leads the public debate into a false channel of the struggle for their personal rights. The basic seed from which a society grows is not a separate individual, but a family, and it is precisely such a category as “family rights” that must be introduced into the legal plane and promoted at the state level. Otherwise, defending separately the rights of men, women and children, we will come to war all against each other. This is what our ill-wishers are trying to achieve.

Women and men should not fight each other for "their rights", but unite and jointly promote the category of "family rights" at the state level.
