10 Crazy Coincidences That Are Hard To Believe - Alternative View

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10 Crazy Coincidences That Are Hard To Believe - Alternative View
10 Crazy Coincidences That Are Hard To Believe - Alternative View

Video: 10 Crazy Coincidences That Are Hard To Believe - Alternative View

Video: 10 Crazy Coincidences That Are Hard To Believe - Alternative View
Video: 10 Crazy Coincidences That are Hard to Believe Actually 2024, July

There were some coincidences in the life of every person. It happens that you think of a friend whom you have not seen for many years, and then suddenly you meet him. Or you simultaneously expressed the same idea with another person. Our life is filled with such small coincidences. And we usually don't pay much attention to them, just shortly expressing our surprise with the phrase "Oh, wow!" But there are overlaps that baffle even scientists. These inexplicable things are happening around us, and history contains many such examples. Did you know that the sinking of the Titanic was predicted several years before the ship was built? What about the fact that the writers of The Simpsons predicted Trump's presidency 17 years ago? Here's a list of 10 crazy coincidences that are pretty hard to believe.

Edgar Allan Poe and the time machine

This master of psychological prose and detective was able to foresee the events that took place 46 years after the publication of his book "The Narrative of Arthur Gordon." Edgar described the adventures of four sailors on a sinking ship. In the end, they managed to survive, but in order not to starve to death, they had to eat the cabin boy Richard Parker. The writer stated that his work was based on real events. But nothing like this happened in Poe's time. Only 46 years later, the sailors of the sunken ship ate the cabin boy. And his name was Richard Parker too!


Deaths of Catherine Eddows and Mary Kelly

On a dark September night in 1888, Catherine Eddowes was found drunk on a London street. She was arrested and released after a while. The woman did not want to reveal her real name, so she introduced herself to the police as Mary Kelly. That same night, Jack the Ripper killed Katherine, and then took on the next victim named … Mary Kelly!

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Twice survivor

An American named Matthew can be called a happy man, as he survived two attacks. In 2015, a man was in the Parisian theater "Bataclan", where the militants broke into and began to shoot people. Matthew was wounded in the leg, and he decided to pretend to be dead so as not to receive another terrorist bullet. The most incredible thing is that he also witnessed and survived the 9/11 attacks 14 years earlier. When an airplane hit the building of one of the twin towers, Matthew passed by.


Deaths at Hoover Dam

During the design and construction of the Hoover Dam, 112 people died. But the strangest accidents were the first and the last. Surveyor George Tierney was killed on December 20, 1922, while searching for the best site for the dam. He drowned in the Colorado River. On the same day, exactly 15 years later, the last accident occurred on the dam. The victim was George's son Patrick.


Accurate prediction of death

World-famous writer Mark Twain very accurately predicted the date of his own death. He was born on the day when Halley's comet flew by near our planet. This happens only once in 76 years. The writer knew that he would die on the same day when the comet reappeared in the sky. Back in 1909, Twain wrote: “I came to this world with Halley's comet in 1835. She will return in two years, and I will leave with her. And his prediction came true exactly.


Reincarnation proof?

There is something really creepy about two people who look exactly the same. Ferrari founder and owner, Enzo, passed away on August 14, 1988. In just a few months, the future Arsenal footballer Mesut Ozil came to this world. Now look at their photos and try to spot the differences. They are amazingly similar.

Escaped plane crash twice

Dutch cyclist Martin de Jong is a really lucky man. He definitely has a guardian angel watching over him. Either a higher power or a well-developed intuition helped him twice to avoid a plane crash. Remember the plane of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 that disappeared into the sky? So, Martin was supposed to be on board, but decided to leave early. The athlete also planned to purchase a ticket for the 17th flight of the same Malaysian airlines (the plane was shot down over Ukraine), but in the end he found a cheaper offer. What a lucky man!


Miss Unsinkable

Is it difficult to tell if this woman is blessed or cursed? She has survived many shipwrecks. It all started with the British ship HMHS, when it hit a sea mine and instantly sank. A nurse was also aboard HMS Olympic during its encounter with HMS Hawke. And to top it off, she was traveling in the Titanic, which collided with an iceberg and sank. Unsurprisingly, the woman received the nickname "Miss Unsinkable".



Could the authors of The Simpsons know in 2000 what would happen 17 years later? Apparently some of them still have the gift of foresight. Indeed, in one of the episodes of the animated series released at that time, Trump became the president of the United States. An incredible coincidence!


Prediction of the sinking of the Titanic

The writer Morgan Robertson in 1898 described in his short story how the ship "Titan" sank, which was previously considered unsinkable. Like the Titanic, the ship in Morgan's book hit an iceberg and sank in the North Atlantic. Robertson created his work 14 years before the tragedy.


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