An Unusual Artifact Is Found Under The Tomb Of The Mayan Ruler - Alternative View

An Unusual Artifact Is Found Under The Tomb Of The Mayan Ruler - Alternative View
An Unusual Artifact Is Found Under The Tomb Of The Mayan Ruler - Alternative View

Video: An Unusual Artifact Is Found Under The Tomb Of The Mayan Ruler - Alternative View

Video: An Unusual Artifact Is Found Under The Tomb Of The Mayan Ruler - Alternative View
Video: Artefact From Space Discovered Inside A Tomb | Egypt's Unexplained Files | Channel 5 #AncientHistory 2024, July

King of Hanaab Pakal, or Pakal "the Great", was the ruler of the Mayan city-state of Palenque. During his reign, from 615 to 683, Palenque became a city of advanced engineering, economic prosperity, with many monuments of art and architecture, including a pyramidal structure called the Temple of the Inscriptions. Inside which is Pakal's last refuge.

Pakal's tomb was discovered by archaeologists in the 1950s, and what they found astounded both archaeologists and historians. The tomb was covered with a large stone slab, which weighed over a ton, engraved with numerous hieroglyphs and images, leading to much debate over the years.

According to scholars, the upper part of the sarcophagus in the Temple of the Inscriptions is part of classical Mayan art. The generally accepted interpretation of the top of the sarcophagus is that it is a representation of Pakal liberating Xibalba (Quibalba), the Mayan underworld.

But ancient astronaut theorists believe this sculptural relief is evidence of an alien visit, as it depicts a man on a spaceship.

Color copy of the bas-relief on Pakal's tomb (right)
Color copy of the bas-relief on Pakal's tomb (right)

Color copy of the bas-relief on Pakal's tomb (right).

They argue that the figure on the lid of the sarcophagus, sitting in a horizontal position, is in the same position as today's astronauts, because it prevents possible fainting during the action of gravitational forces during takeoff. You can also see that Pacal controls some kind of machinery with his arms and legs. It even has a nose-connected device that likely supplied oxygen during the flight. Decorations look like the complex controls and technical mechanisms that we see on modern spacecraft. There is even an implicit flame and smoke from the propellers at the bottom of the ship.

Scholars also claim that primitive Mayan painters depicted what they saw for themselves and immortalized it in stone relief.

And although skeptics say that there are no objective prerequisites for the existence of this theory, perhaps a mysterious artifact that was allegedly found in the grave can change this.

Promotional video:

The image on the right shows an artifact that, according to various sources, was found under Pakal's grave
The image on the right shows an artifact that, according to various sources, was found under Pakal's grave

The image on the right shows an artifact that, according to various sources, was found under Pakal's grave.

The sculptural form of this artifact is very similar to that of the "three-cone rocket" part and it clearly did not pretend to be any decoration with such an unusual interpretation.

What is it really? Perhaps an ancient engine or just a basalt sculpture? Was this artifact created by Pakal? Or was this item found and then placed in his tomb? Or is it the ship that Pacal tried to imagine on the lid of his sarcophagus?

And although we could not find more photographs of this artifact, but, according to very limited information that could be extrapolated from the Internet, it is located in the deep dark basements of the National Museum of Anthropology of Mexico.

Why haven't we heard about this intriguing artifact again? Why is it hidden? Perhaps the Mexican government will unveil the veil of this mystery, as it did with the stones of Ohhuelos Piedras and other unusual finds made decades ago, but also initially hidden from the public.

Add to that the fact that Pakal's body was not in the grave when the tomb was discovered. According to ancient records, Pacal lived up to 80 years before he "returned to the stars." The grave contained the remains of a 40-year-old man. There is no evidence that they were tampered with or stolen. The tomb has been sealed since 683. Pacal himself has not yet been found. No one knows why the alien body was buried in the pyramid.

Temple of the Inscriptions in Palenque
Temple of the Inscriptions in Palenque

Temple of the Inscriptions in Palenque.

Apparently Pacal was one of the ancient astronauts, and in fact he returned to the stars in a spaceship and this event was documented on the lid of the sarcophagus. The temple and tomb were created by the Maya to record events for a long time for their descendants, and they hoped that the Great Ruler would return someday.