Halos Are Not Fictions - Alternative View

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Halos Are Not Fictions - Alternative View
Halos Are Not Fictions - Alternative View

Video: Halos Are Not Fictions - Alternative View

Video: Halos Are Not Fictions - Alternative View
Video: I read every Halo novel and became the Master Chief of loneliness | Unraveled 2024, July

“We are dealing with an extraordinary physical phenomenon,” explains Alexander Zhuravlev, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after K. I. Skryabin.

- This phenomenon has a long name: a spontaneous ultra-weak glow of the internal organs of animals and humans in the visible region of the spectrum due to oxidative processes. I found it with my colleagues Boris Tarusov and Anatoly Polivoda.

Alexander Ivanovich, are all people glowing? Or only a select few?

- Everyone shines. Someone is weaker, someone is stronger. Radiation in the visible range is generated by chemical - oxidative - reactions, in which so-called free radicals are involved.

We have a lot of fats and unsaturated fatty acids in all internal organs and tissues. Sweat and grease on the surface of the skin. These substances begin to oxidize even at the lowest oxygen concentrations. As a result, active products are formed - peroxides. But they are not glowing, but the products of their decay. And a similar phenomenon is characteristic of all living creatures. Including you and me.

Something I do not see around you and me shine …

- The glow is rarely seen with the naked eye - the sensitivity is not always enough. The color of the glow is white, it spreads over a distance of 380 to 1200 nanometers. There is also invisible radiation, which can be detected only with the help of special equipment for measuring ultra-weak light fluxes - photomultiplier tubes.

How can I see my aura?

Promotional video:

- We need to take your blood from your finger, put it in a test tube, and it itself - in a photomultiplier tube. And see how your blood will glow.

But the halos over the heads of some people … They seem to be seen by others. Is this glow the same - "spontaneous superweak due to oxidative processes"? And is it really a sign of holiness?

- In some people, a very rare metabolic disorder occurs when abnormal fluorescent sweat is released. Under the influence of external light, it shines. And this glow can reach such a level that it becomes noticeable. Especially in the dark. And if in ancient times our ancestors saw how one saint had a light around his head, then this fact was enough for them to subsequently paint an aura-nimbus around their heads on all the icons.

Buddha with a halo


But maybe luminous sweat is some kind of sign that testifies to the special structure of the body of such people?

- No, it is rather a sign of pathology or pre-pathology, when a lot of phosphorus is produced in the body, and even released with sweat.


Now in any "Shop of Life" you can take a photo of your aura. You get a shot with a rather bright halo around the body. Some psychics, by its color and thickness, judge the state of a person. What is this glow?

- Here we are talking about the Kirlian effect. It occurs when objects are placed in an electromagnetic field. A kind of halo really begins to surround them. But it does not arise as a result of vital activity. It's just that electrons come off the surface - any - and they ionize the air. This glow is captured by the film. Living bodies, corpses, leaves, and bricks shine in the same way. The picture appears colorful, makes it possible to enchant and mislead all the ignorant and those who wish to be mistaken.

And the glow that we have discovered is the glow of our internal organs. And it has nothing to do with the Kirlian effect. What information the Kirlian glow carries is unknown to science.

Is your discovery being applied now?

- Experiments have begun on the use of glow to diagnose diseases. For example, a malignant tumor is an antioxidant parasite. It concentrates a large amount of antioxidants in its tissues, suppressing the glow. And we see that the tumor shines weaker than the unaffected organ.

Or when an inflammatory process occurs during tuberculosis, then oxidative processes in the lungs sharply increase, and we see that the luminescence of, for example, the blood serum of a tuberculosis patient increases sharply. Thus, the glow allows you to identify the disease in the early stages.

Holy Trinity A. Rublev


When will such a miracle diagnostics appear in polyclinics?

- When they create supersensitive devices and train specialists in quantum technologies.


The most interesting thing is that Zhuravlev and his colleagues made this discovery almost 50 years ago. In 1961, the sensational results of their research were studied at the USSR Academy of Sciences and … hacked to death. In the decision of the commission, it was said that the presented scientific work has neither fundamental significance nor practical application.

And in 2009, the discovery of Soviet biophysicists was rediscovered by the Japanese from the University of Kyoto and the Tohoku Institute of Technology. The researchers put people topless in a completely dark room. They sat there for 20 minutes. At this time, the volunteers were filmed by a high-sensitivity camera capable of capturing even individual photons. Filming was repeated every three hours from 10 am to 10 pm.

Image processing confirmed that the human body glows in the visible range. That is, it emits photons. This radiance is very ghostly and weak - a thousand times less intense than the human eye can catch. But it is there. What, in fact, our scientists were talking about 50 years ago.

Now the Japanese are competing for the Nobel Prize! And after all, they probably will.