Scientists Have Learned About The Consequences Of Removing Half Of The Brain In Humans - Alternative View

Scientists Have Learned About The Consequences Of Removing Half Of The Brain In Humans - Alternative View
Scientists Have Learned About The Consequences Of Removing Half Of The Brain In Humans - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Learned About The Consequences Of Removing Half Of The Brain In Humans - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Learned About The Consequences Of Removing Half Of The Brain In Humans - Alternative View
Video: The Truth about COVID-19 Vaccines | The Agenda 2024, July

Removal of one of the cerebral hemispheres, as it turned out, is not the end. There are people in the world who were forced to agree to such a surgical intervention.

“There are diseases that can be alleviated to some extent only by removing half of the brain. Yes, it certainly sounds amazing, but it is. We know of at least two patients living without half a brain,”writes the Naked Science portal.

According to which, one of these people is twenty-four years old, and he lives in the UK. Another is twenty years old and is from Australia. Both had such serious health problems that it was necessary to remove one of the hemispheres.

The Briton, for example, suffered from terrible seizures that were not treated with medication. Now, after removing part of the brain, the seizures have disappeared. However, the man who underwent surgery so far (six years later) cannot even tie his shoelaces.

A resident of Australia suffered from severe epilepsy. Now he has no seizures, but he lost, for example, the ability to read, and also went blind in one eye. Interestingly, the patients in question communicate with each other on social media.

Kolesnikov Andrey