In The Zone Of Anomalies - Alternative View

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In The Zone Of Anomalies - Alternative View
In The Zone Of Anomalies - Alternative View

Video: In The Zone Of Anomalies - Alternative View

Video: In The Zone Of Anomalies - Alternative View
Video: Anomaly Zone не будите спящего мутанта (13) 2024, October

Kabardino-Balkaria is literally shrouded in a network of so-called geopathogenic zones. They say there are places where the laws of physics do not apply. Whether it is possible to rejuvenate in dolmens and enrich oneself in glades with meteorites, we find out together with the representative of the Russian Geographical Society Viktor Kotlyarov.

The mystical power of dolmens

Viktor Kotlyarov is the chairman of the Kabardino-Balkarian branch of the Russian Geographical Society. He studies places and unusual phenomena in the mountainous Kabardino-Balkaria. Victor will be our guide. We go to the dolmens. According to archaeological research, these stone structures are older than the pyramids. In those days, dolmens were tombs for noble people. We have a device with us to determine geopathogenic zones. Let's check the background around the dolmen. The arrow starts to move chaotically.

“Something is happening. The zone is big here. This means there is a magnetic zone. Like it or not, the device had to freeze, but it walks …”, - says Victor.

There is no scientific data on geopathogenic zones, there are only assumptions of people keen on this topic. For example, that there is a high concentration of energy in such places. It is not safe for health to stay in such a zone for a long time: supposedly, the risk of oncological diseases increases. Dolmens have long been a landmark of the Caucasus. In summer, tourists specially go to the mountains to look at them and make wishes. According to Viktor Kotlyarov, dolmens can really fulfill requests. But they don't like it when people joke around them.


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Word for word - it so happened that Victor and his companion climbed through the dolmen hole three times. “On the way, the journalist began to shiver for some reason,” Viktor continues. - She has a fever, we barely brought her to the hotel. The next day, I myself collapsed with a temperature - it is also not clear why. It was the month of August. Lay there for a whole week. Believe it or not, but there is some kind of mysticism in this."

Personally, as a local resident, I don't really like coming to dolmens. Perhaps, on a subconscious level, from my distant ancestors, there was a certain ban on visiting ritual places. I didn't even make a wish. I thought of only one thing: it would be faster to leave this inexplicable anomalous zone. Although everyone perceives the dolmen in their own way. Most people believe that dolmens have tremendous energy, which affects a person, as a rule, beneficially.

Visual deception or mysticism?

Dolmens are only a small part of the geopathogenic zones of the Caucasus. For example, we have places where the laws of physics collapse. For example, this place is in the vicinity of Nalchik.

To climb the mountain, we slow down the car … And suddenly we see how she crawls up! To check this fact, we take a regular water bottle. We put it at the bottom of the hill - and surprisingly, it rolls to the top, as if it were a descent, not an ascent! We again check the place with the device for geopathogenic zones. The arrow begins to rush.


Scientists call such places "zone of optical illusion". Named, but not sure. Because they cannot explain the nature of this phenomenon. Indeed, it is true: an object moving up the mountain is surprising. But that is not all. Meteorites fly to the Caucasus more often than to other parts of the Earth.

The main thing is that the alien does not fall on his head

Meteorites regularly fall in Kabardino-Balkaria. I myself do not really believe in this fact. But the residents of the village of Arik are one hundred percent sure of this. Moreover, in almost every home there are fragments of space stone aliens. Witnesses of a meteorite fall near the village of Arik are also alive. Here's what they say.

Then no one was interested in a huge meteorite. They went in search of the wreckage only half a century later. And when they began to study the details, it turned out that the archives contain records of the fall of two more meteorites - in the same Tersk region. At that time it was called Malokabardinsky.


Now in almost every house in the village of Arik there is a fragment of the so-called "space stone alien". These two pieces of the meteorite were found at the place where we will now go. The villagers claim that they find the fragments in the forest. The first strange stone fragments were discovered by the huntsman Dzhabrail Evgazhukov.

“We put salt here,” he points out. - Animals come here. And the wild boars in this place began to dig up some stones. Dzhabrail agreed to show us this strange place where he found space stones. In this forest thicket, fragments of meteorites are stored. The fragments are found at a depth of about forty centimeters. Strange sensations…. I can't believe that these charred pieces of stone, more like metal, came from space. There is only forest around. Its area is about a thousand hectares. And only in this place can you find these unusual stones. In just a few minutes of searching, we found such a stone. Let's try to test it with a magnet. Experts say that if a stone is magnetised, then it is of cosmic origin. We will take samples and show them to a specialist.

Arican meteorites are being examined

So, we found some unusual stone fragments near the village of Arik. Presumably, these are fragments of a meteorite. To test our hypothesis, we go to the well-known material scientist in the republic Oleg Malokanov.


Oleg Malokanov - Associate Professor of the Department of Materials and Components of Solid State Electronics, KBSU. “This is some kind of slag material,” he says after examining the stone. - But what is its origin, this is the most interesting. Cosmic or earthly? I can’t say anything”.

Now the last word belongs to the Committee for the Study of Meteorites of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Residents of the village of Arika are confident that experts will confirm the extraterrestrial origin of strange stone fragments. And so do we.

Marina Sasikova