How Do Predictions Affect Human Life - Alternative View

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How Do Predictions Affect Human Life - Alternative View
How Do Predictions Affect Human Life - Alternative View

Video: How Do Predictions Affect Human Life - Alternative View

Video: How Do Predictions Affect Human Life - Alternative View
Video: How Will Life Change After COVID-19 / Episode 16 - The Medical Futurist 2024, June

It has long been known that the gift of foresight of the future exists. The first mentions of predictions belong to the 3rd - 5th centuries BC. In the history of any nation, you can find information about people who knew how to foresee and predict future events. It is believed that with this gift you either need to be born, or you can develop it in yourself.

People have had the ability to predict at all times. A variety of objects and phenomena served as tools for this: crystal balls, a human palm, cards, coffee grounds, heavenly bodies, interpretation of dreams, etc. However, the main tool of a diviner is excellent intuition.


You build your own future

Some believe that they themselves build their lives and their future depends only on their own decisions. Others are devoted to their religion and consider it a sin to resort to such superstitions.

Information about the future gives a person power over his present, allows him to make the right choice and avoid mistakes, to take the right actions to correct the desired future. It gives a feeling of relaxation and understanding of what is happening.


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But why does a person, one way or another, become a hostage of predictions? Most often, people, believing or not, remember the prophecy and involuntarily begin to wait for it, and even prepare for it, for example, death at a certain age, acquaintance with their betrothed and other events.

As a result, the forecast comes true, regardless of its negative or positive orientation. Of course, if the information is positive, then it also has a favorable influence on the person. Expecting good events, a person programs himself and fills himself with positive attitudes. It is much worse if the opposite is true.

Superstition and everything connected with it

Superstitions occupy a special place in human life. They are put into consciousness from childhood, like the wisdom of ancestors. Superstitions themselves are harmless, everything depends on belief in them. A person, in an attempt to avoid certain troubles, does or does not perform certain actions, for example, he tries not to meet a black cat, not to stumble on his left leg, not to spill salt, etc.


But there are other people who stumble, break dishes and even have black cats at home, but this does not cause more troubles in their lives. It would seem that everything is clear - one must not believe. But it is not easy to stop trusting predictions. It takes a lot of volitional effort to reprogram yourself. Not everyone is given the ability to rejoice in small positive events.

If you think about the good, talk about the good, and besides, smile more often, thoughts about a negative prognosis are simply pushed out of the brain. The reverse process takes place - a person radiating positive thoughts attracts positive events to himself. In addition, you can show imagination and come up with other superstitions - positive ones. For example, stumbling can mean unexpected profits, spilling tea - for good news, seeing a chick - for a long-awaited meeting, etc.


Don't fall for negativity

But it happens that a negative prediction "sinks" into the head and does not want to be supplanted by anything. Then another weird method can be applied. It is necessary to compose some incredible event that must happen in order for the prediction to come true. For example, it could be winning the lottery ticket to Hollywood or something more ridiculous.

Much has been written and studied about how the information heard on the human brain and subconsciousness affects. Simply put, it is better to deliberately avoid fortune telling and predictions. Each person is naturally endowed with intuition, you just need to learn to listen and develop it.