The Surgeons Removed A 1.5-kilogram Lump Of Hair From The Girl's Stomach - - Alternative View

The Surgeons Removed A 1.5-kilogram Lump Of Hair From The Girl's Stomach - - Alternative View
The Surgeons Removed A 1.5-kilogram Lump Of Hair From The Girl's Stomach - - Alternative View

Video: The Surgeons Removed A 1.5-kilogram Lump Of Hair From The Girl's Stomach - - Alternative View

Video: The Surgeons Removed A 1.5-kilogram Lump Of Hair From The Girl's Stomach - - Alternative View
Video: A rare case of Trichobezoar, removed half KG of hair from the stomach of a girl at VGM Hospital 2024, September

Jasmine Percival, 23, from Chatham, suffered from unexplained abdominal pain for years. As it turned out, it was the girl's bad habit of chewing her own hair that was to blame. British surgeons removed a matted hairball weighing about 1.5 kilograms from the patient's stomach.

Jasmine developed this painful hair-eating habit as a child. The parents tried to wean the girl from the habit, but all attempts were in vain.


Already at school age, Jasmine began to have stomach problems. Then the doctors diagnosed Irritable Bowel Syndrome and ordered to include in the diet foods high in fiber.


Jasmine was rapidly losing weight, each meal ended with another attack of pain. No pills helped. The girl practically did not attend school, and it seemed to everyone around that she simply found an excuse. At the age of 16, the girl was hospitalized, during the examination it turned out that her stomach was filled with hair. During the operation, a 1.5 kg hairball was removed from her stomach.


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“Fortunately, I was able to fully recover. And the details of my terrible case were entered into the medical dictionary. I was told that my hairball is the second largest reported case in the world!”Said the girl.


After the operation, Jasmine began to pull her hair into a ponytail so that she would not be tempted to chew it again. Now she is raising two sons.