December 21, - Is It December 21, 2012? Strange Coincidences Of Chaotic Events - Alternative View

December 21, - Is It December 21, 2012? Strange Coincidences Of Chaotic Events - Alternative View
December 21, - Is It December 21, 2012? Strange Coincidences Of Chaotic Events - Alternative View

Video: December 21, - Is It December 21, 2012? Strange Coincidences Of Chaotic Events - Alternative View

Video: December 21, - Is It December 21, 2012? Strange Coincidences Of Chaotic Events - Alternative View
Video: Mayan Apocalypse Predictions Don't Come True: Line Islands Make It Through Day 2024, September

Everyone who follows the news coming from the Internet and TV every day must have noticed that there is no “average” news stream, events are happening in waves. One day there is just an influx of messages about seismic shocks, hurricanes, terrorist attacks and events foreshadowing a big war around the world, on the other day there is complete silence on the air and nothing much happens anywhere.

However, it is one thing to just follow all this, it is completely different to observe everything with a pencil and paper, building curves and graphs that reflect changes in the density of anomalous events.

On the eve of December 21, 2012, many were engaged in this, demonstrating their observations in the form of films:

On December 21, 2012, many people in the world were waiting for some extraordinary events, since the Mayan calendar ended on this day. However, December 21, 2012 passed safely, December 21, 2013 came and also passed, then there were 2014 and subsequent years in which nothing happened.

And now, the year 2017 has come, most of which coincided with the year 5777 according to the Jewish calendar. The whole planet was suddenly alarmed, expecting the inevitable End of Time, or, at least events, directly pointing to it.

It cannot be said that there were such events in 2017, although it cannot be said that there were none. Earthquakes and other natural disasters not only became much more frequent, but the planet began to shake truly radically. Nibiru, which many were waiting for, did not appear, but three AUG went to the shores of North Korea, and practically since April of this year, the whole world has been talking about a nuclear apocalypse.

There were people who registered all this news with pencil and paper, drawing curves and graphs. Then these schedules were superimposed on… event schedules of 2012. And here's what they did:


Promotional video:

As you can see from this picture, various chaotic events of 2017 are strangely repeating the chaotic events of 2012. Based on this graph, some conspiracy theorists believe that in the prophecies about the End of the World on December 21, 2012, we are actually talking about December 21, 2017. That is, the Mayan calendar was decoded incorrectly, in fact, it ends on 2017-21-12.

This astonishing conspiracy discovery coincided with other bad expectations for December 21st.

So, on December 20, 2017 this year will be the last day of the celebration of Hanukkah, which, coupled with some numerological calculations, makes some conspiracy theorists wait for some extraordinary events on this day, up to the nuclear strike on Jerusalem on December 21:

Much earlier, almost 2 years ago, Zetatalks reported on December 21, 2017 - a source with a rather unusual legend, but, nevertheless, sometimes very correctly interprets and predicts important world processes. In 2015, the Zetatalks claimed that on December 21, 2017, the whole world will see Nibiru.


At the moment, it is difficult to explain why the curves of chaotic events of 2012 and 2017 coincide. Perhaps we are really talking about compliance with some known or unknown mystical calendar, perhaps we are talking about global manipulation. That is, someone, as it were, will adjust chaotic events to fit some calendar. It is also possible that the proposed coincidence schedule itself is based on inaccurate data or errors.

The information is the freshest, very new and is being intensively checked by all numerologists known in the network.