Soul: Exists Or Not - Alternative View

Soul: Exists Or Not - Alternative View
Soul: Exists Or Not - Alternative View

Video: Soul: Exists Or Not - Alternative View

Video: Soul: Exists Or Not - Alternative View
Video: Does the soul exist? | Galen Strawson, Nicholas Humphrey, David Malone 2024, July

How much does a soul weigh? Do we have it at all? These questions have been plaguing scientists for a very long time. They talk about the soul in different circles, in different institutions, this question revolves in the heads of millions of people. Let's turn to history and look at the work done in this direction.

Of course, if we talk about traditional science, about human anatomy, physiology, then he has no soul inside. In fact, we are all biological organisms that live due to the work of the mechanism, internal organs, and their interconnection. As for the soul, this category is as controversial as the presence of something supernatural, belief in God.

Thus, God and soul have always been interconnected in the context of religion. We can say that any religion in one way or another denotes the relationship between the Almighty and our inner self.

When it comes to this internal, we mean just the same soul, which, it seems, cannot die. Of course, it is impossible to find an explanation of the afterlife in a scientific way, no matter how much a person's thought processes are measured, the fact of the soul is denied. When the body dies, all processes stop. Official science says that if we can fix the presence of a soul, then it will be possible to believe in God, to prove his existence.

The director of the human genome project, Francis Collins, once gave an interview to CNN, he spoke out in favor of the existence of God, but said that he did not believe in God before, was an atheist, and explained everything only by science. Collins named the structure of the human body as his argument in favor of the existence of the Almighty, he spoke in favor of the fact that such an ideal creation could only be invented by God. The human body consists of 3 billion complex formulas that are interconnected, how could anyone better than God have come up with this. The scientist also says that people cannot know everything about their body, we do not yet have such skills, which means that we cannot say that a person does not have a soul.

We turn to the statements of Dr. Stuart, a professor in the Department of Anesthesiology and Psychology and also director of the Center for Consciousness Research at the University of Arizona. We will learn a lot about this issue. This man, along with his British physicist friend Roger Penrose, invented that the soul is embodied in quantum compounds, it functions in the microtubes of the brain.

Scientists believe that this is the only way to explain the processes that occur in a person's head after the blood supply has stopped. By the way, the physicists of Professor Gerlich's group spoke about quantum oddities, they found compounds that consist of 430 atoms. It is they who are directly related to the soul, as scientists say.

But Duncan McDougall, who lived a hundred years ago, decided to see how much the human soul weighs. First, he measured the weight of a person suffering from tuberculosis, then this person died, the scientist weighed him again, the arrow suddenly fell, the weight became 21 less. In 1988, scientists from Germany checked this statement and conducted an experiment using weights, more took part in it 200 people. The weight loss was only 0.01 g.

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Scientists say that this is how much the last exhalation of human air weighs, therefore, it was not possible to prove the presence of a soul in a human body. By the way, the legend about 21g, as the exact amount that determines the weight of the soul, has taken root all over the world. A film was even shot, which is called "21 grams".