Ancient Egypt - The Cosmic Roots Of Religion - Alternative View

Ancient Egypt - The Cosmic Roots Of Religion - Alternative View
Ancient Egypt - The Cosmic Roots Of Religion - Alternative View

Video: Ancient Egypt - The Cosmic Roots Of Religion - Alternative View

Video: Ancient Egypt - The Cosmic Roots Of Religion - Alternative View
Video: The Religion Of Ancient Egypt Full Audiobook 2024, July

The Egyptians consider themselves to be the most ancient inhabitants of the Earth. According to occult legends, tens of thousands of years ago the Lemurians fled there from their continent plunging into the ocean. They passed through India and settled on the Upper Nile. The first dynasties were founded by people from the Sun and the Moon, in other words, aliens.

The exceptionally ancient origin of the Egyptian kings-gods is confirmed by Maneto, who was born about 300 BC and from a young age was preparing for the post of high priest of the temple of Heliopolis, famous as a storehouse of wisdom. Maneto must have had such ancient records at his disposal that allowed him to disregard the advice of his erudite colleagues who later criticized his History. This exemplary scientific work called "Egypt," written in ancient Greek during the reign of the first Ptolemy, disappeared along with all its sources. He probably suffered the fate of part of the treasures of the Library of Alexandria, destroyed by fires. Only a few excerpts from this invaluable work have survived in the writings of Julius the African and the early Christian author Eusebius. In particular,the following quotes from "Egypt" are known:

“The first man or God of Egypt was Hephaestus, known to the Egyptians, as well as the One who opened fire. His son, Kronos, Osiris and his brother, Typhon, and finally. Horus, son of Osiris and Isis, were the first rulers of Egypt. After them, the reign was inherited by their direct descendants for 13,900 years, up to Bodis. Then came the era of the demigods' rule, which lasted 1255 years, and after them another dynasty of monarchs ruled in the country for 1817 years. After that, the era of thirty kings from Memphis began in Egypt, which lasted 1790 years, and then there were ten more pharaohs of the same origin, who ruled for 350 years. Then in the country 5913 years was the time of the dominion of the Spirits of Death”.

Perhaps these Spirits of Death were aliens from outer space?

The ancient Egyptian chronicles preserved by Sincellius, the governor of the Patriarchate of Constantinople in the 8th century, contain information about thirty dynasties, consisting of one hundred and thirteen generations that ruled for 36,525 years. Simplicius in the 6th century wrote that the Egyptians allegedly carried out astronomical observations over the previous 630 thousand years, which is comparable to the statements of the Babylonian historian and priest of the temple of the god Marduk Belrushu (Berossus) that even 432 thousand years before the Great Flood in Babylon was already king. The ancient Greek historian Diogenes Laertius (3rd century A. D.) believed that 48,863 years before Alexander the Great (356-323 B. C.) appeared on the historical scene, the Egyptians knew how to perform astronomical calculations, and Marcian Capella claimed that they were secretly studied the stars for 40 thousand years,before telling the world about their knowledge.

Around AD 400 e. The Egyptian monk Panodorus described the days when egregors, guards or angels, came to Earth to teach people astronomy. The ancient Phoenician author Sanchoniaton, who lived a hundred years before Christ, wrote about Elianu, the Most High, and about the war between Uranus and Kronos, that for the latter the god of the moon, Thoth, built a spaceship.

The zodiac belt was depicted on the ceiling of the temple in Dendera (near Thebes), and the relative position of the stars was recorded as it was 90 thousand years BC. e, and this confirms the fact that the ancient history of Egypt coincided in time with the era of Atlantis. The evidence of such antiquity is confusing to today's Egyptologists, who tirelessly challenge each other. Petri attributes the origin of the 1st Menes dynasty to 4777 BC. BC, Bristed - by 3400 BC. e., and some scientific authorities suggest that the beginning of the dynasty was laid in 2850 BC. e. Archaeologists have discovered traces of civilization at the site of Jericho, dating back to 8000 BC, and in Turkey - to 9000 BC. e. How can Egyptologists believe that man appeared on the fertile banks of the Nile only some 5 thousand years ago, when it is already knownthat he lived on the shores of Lake Rudolph in Kenya 2, and maybe 20 million years ago?

Ancient Greek "father of history" Herodotus in 443 BC. e. traveled around Egypt, Babylon and the countries between them; during the trip, he kept travel notes. On the basis of thorough research, he came to the conviction of a very ancient origin of the Egyptians. His conclusions contradict the views of modern archeology, but coincide with the views of the above ancient scientists. In chapter 142 of the second book of his "Hysteria" Herodotus competently asserted:

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“The Egyptians and their priests still tell this story. And they say that from the first king to the last, the priest of Hephaestus, three hundred and forty-one generations of people lived. And during the life of these generations there were a great many (high priests and) kings. Since three hundred generations of people are ten thousand years, then three generations are equal to one hundred years. And forty-one generations, which remain in addition to one hundred, means one thousand three hundred and forty years. They also claim that in eleven thousand three hundred and forty years, no God in human form has been king. Nothing of the kind, according to them, had happened either before or after that time, after which came the turn of the other Kings of Egypt. They tell about this time that the Sun changed its usual course four times, set where it now rises, and set where it now appears,but because of this, there was no change in Egypt, nor in relation to the river. not as far as the fruits of the earth are concerned. There were no diseases, no pestilence."

Herodotus mentions a worldwide catastrophe that happened eleven thousand years before the times described in the above quote. Then the axis of the Earth shifted four times and the Sun rose in the west. Perhaps it was then that Atlantis perished? In his Dialogue Timaeus, Plato wrote that while his great predecessor Solon was in Egypt (circa 590 BC), the learned priests of Sais told him about the violent Atlantean attack on Europe and Libya. In the end, they were utterly defeated by the brave Athenian warriors and driven back to their island before it sank.

Understanding the origins of the ancient Egyptian civilization definitely requires studying the history of North and Central Africa, and even Atlantis of that era. All these lands were under the supervision of the gods, that is, the people of space. Herodotus believed that the alluvial soil in the Nile Delta was of relatively recent origin and was gradually colonized by people as the vast Sahara Sea dried up.

Ancient Greek historian and geographer of the 1st century BC e. Strabo and the Roman writer Pliny the Elder (1st century AD) mentioned that most of Libya was once an inland sea, possibly a huge bay that washed what is now Sudan and overlooked the Atlantic Ocean just in front of the sunken island of Poseidonis, not far from that bridge, where the Canary Islands are now. Ethiopia in the distant past was an island. According to the highly controversial cosmogonic theory of the already mentioned Herbiger, about a hundred thousand years ago, the then natural satellite of the Earth, the predecessor of our present Moon, fell on the Lunar Mountains of Ethiopia. As a result, the Gulf of Sahara decreased, turning into Lake Tritonis, bounded in the west by the Atlas Mountains, and in the east by Egypt. There were islands on it, which now represent, in particular,highlands of Ahaggar (in the south of modern Algeria). In the present Sahara desert, stone embankments have been discovered of the port city that once stood on the sea of Triton. In the Middle Ages, a ship with the skeletons of rowers was discovered in the Draa lowland (North-West Africa), on the bones of which chains were still preserved. Ancient Greek legends, cited by the ancient Greek historian Diodorus of Siculus (90-21 BC), speak of earthquakes that split the Mediterranean Valley at the Pillars of Hercules and completely drained Lake Tritonis.cited by the ancient Greek historian Diodorus of Siculus (90-21 BC), it is said about earthquakes that split the Mediterranean valley at the Pillars of Hercules and completely drained Lake Tritonis.cited by the ancient Greek historian Diodorus of Siculus (90-21 BC), it is said about earthquakes that split the Mediterranean valley at the Pillars of Hercules and completely drained Lake Tritonis.

Italian scientists have discovered in the foothills of southern Sahara a huge dinosaur graveyard and the bones of monstrous flying dragons that lived here when the area was a Jurassic swamp a hundred million years ago. Even more remarkable, a flint arrowhead was found near these preserved fossils - a sign of the presence of an ancient man!

The blue eyes of the Tuareg, the customs and weapons of the Berbers suggest the legendary Atlantis and its inhabitants. There are absolutely fantastic ancient legends about the last wonderful queen of Atlantis Antineas, who lived in the wild mountain range of Ahaggar, surrounded by her silent courtyard, which consisted of her mummified lovers, sparkling with gold. According to Plato, the Atlanteans once ruled Libya.

According to legends, aliens have colonized our planet for thousands of years, especially in East Africa. Their center was in Abnssinia, where they dug deep mines for the extraction of copper, gold and silver. In the Chaldean annals, it was allegedly said that about 11000 BC. e. in the east of Central Africa, Talentu, the Atlantic Confederation, headed by a priest of wisdom, who was directed by teachers from Venus, was experiencing its heyday. It is believed that the descendants of its inhabitants of the confederation migrated to Babylonia and founded the Sumerian civilization, the symbol of which was the Solar Fire. With the help of the celestials, they developed the science of psychoenergetics.

When the great Sahara Sea disappeared, and the Nile began to flow into the Mediterranean Sea, tribes from Libya occupied its delta, and emigrants from Abyssinia moved northward to Upper Egypt, bringing with them the knowledge of the celestials who ruled them. The divine kings allegedly left Egypt when refugees from Abyssinia settled on the Nile. According to legend, their new cities, which received the general name of the Lower World, appeared at the sources of the Nile and in the mountains, in particular the Sinai, between which communication was maintained by water through the tunnels.

One of the Books of Hermes Trismegistus contains the story of the god Thoth about the pyramids that once stood on the seashore, "whose waves beat in impotent rage at their foundations", which testifies to both the size of the Sahara Sea and the great antiquity of Egyptian civilization. Egypt was not as isolated from the outside world as we imagine. In the records of the 1st dynasty dating back to about 5000 BC. e., it was said about the land of Urani, which lay beyond the Western Sea. It was about the Mesopotamian Ur. In 600 BC. e. Pharaoh's fleet sailed around the African continent, and perhaps this was not his first such voyage.

The disconcerting Egyptian hieroglyphics found at Wollongong, near Sydney, suggests that Cleopatra's ships were reaching the shores of Australia. In 1963, a pile of Egyptian coins was found in Australia, which had been buried under a rock for 4 thousand years before. In fact, the Suez Canal, which for many centuries connected the Mediterranean and Red Seas, was dug more than half a millennium before the birth of Christ.

Harold Bailey, in Archaic Britain, states: “Sir John Morris-Jones noted the striking similarity of syntax between the Welsh and the ancient Egyptians; Gerald Massey in his Book of Beginnings lists 3,000 cases of extreme similarity between English and Egyptian words, and the astronomical research of Sir Norman Locker led him to the following conclusion:, somehow the whole Egyptian culture was passed down, and they determined their time of night in exactly the same way as the Egyptians did."

In the II century A. D. e. Claudius Elian, quoting one of the now lost works of the famous in the IV century BC. e. Greek historian Theopompus of Chios, wrote that the son of a nymph (alien?) Silenus informed the king of Phrygia Midas that the Atlanteans had invaded Europe and Libya with ten million people. Judging by occult sources, this grandiose war was fought with nuclear and electric weapons, like the fantastic battles described in the ancient Indian classics. The Egyptians, in coalition with the heroic Athens, crushed their formidable enemies with the help of cosmic forces, which allegedly led to a displacement of the earth's axis, which caused the last ice age. This fantastic story is not as incredible as it seems at first glance. But to possess such supernatural power, the Egyptians had to possess the secrets of the gods of space.

The Divine Eye, sometimes called the Eye of Ra or the Eye of Horus, was mentioned by the Egyptians in the splendor of the Heavenly War. And it was like this. Once the goddess Hathor, by order of the supreme god Ra, taking the form of the Divine Eye, went to war against humanity. She killed so many people that Ra, fearing that the entire population of the Earth would die, poured seven thousand jugs of beer on the battlefield. Hathor paused her murder to admire her beautiful reflection in the beer, then quenched her thirst, drank herself intoxicated, and ended the carnage. When the Eye descended to Earth, the miraculous essence that dwelt in it began to rule over people, like Yahweh, who in his power and glory led the Israelites.

Since it seems unlikely that the two celestials ruled adjacent to each other Egypt and Israel, it is possible that in both cases it was about the same entity. It is logical to assume that the heavenly gods worshiped by most of the peoples were the same celestials or supermen from one planet. The Egyptians considered the spaceships that appeared over their country to be the Boats of the Sun floating in the sky. This symbolism is all the more significant because it goes far beyond the borders of Ancient Egypt. Carvings of Solar Boats have been found in Ireland, Brittany, Sweden and elsewhere in prehistoric settlements. In ancient legends, it is stated that the builders of the Great Pyramid, known as the Pyramid of Cheops, buried a Solar Boat, that is, a spaceship, near this structure.

Intriguing references to the "Divine Eye" and the conflict between the gods Horus and Set are found in the Egyptian "Book of the Dead". This collection of hymns, prayers, spells and magic words is a description of the journey of the soul of a deceased person in the underworld, through the hellish regions of torment to the Hall of Judgment, where the god Anubis, in the presence of Thoth as a scribe and forty-two Judges of the Dead, weighs the heart (deeds) of the deceased on large scales. According to the German researcher Adolf Ehrmann, this monument of ancient literature dates back to ancient prehistoric times. The texts contained in this book were written on the walls of tombs, carved on sarcophagi and, rewritten in beautiful hieroglyphs on papyri, were hidden in a shroud in which mummies were wrapped, as guides to the underworld for the dead.

It seems that when these texts were rewritten over the long centuries, many of them lost their authenticity. Scribes, unfamiliar with their original meaning, made obvious mistakes. The translators of the last century, who did not speak the language of the ancient Egyptians in the best way, and even more so were unfamiliar with aeronautics, were puzzled by many episodes, and they gave them such an interpretation as they could. As with the Bible, such translations have sometimes led away from the truths they had in mind.

Many of the papyri that make up the "Book of the Dead" contain mysterious expressions, for example: "The Oldest of Days", "Spirits of Light", "Sons of Darkness", "Heavenly Legions", "Hidden Gods", "Sacred Entities in the Divine Eye", “Winged discs” or phrases like: “I, Horus, I am Yesterday's Day, I am Tomorrow's Day, I rush through space and time.” Such terminology is found in the sacred literature of the whole world, and, quite possibly, it refers to the same cosmic god.

There is a clear parallel between the heavenly battle between Horus and Set and the war between the angels of light and the forces of darkness, which appears in Hebrew theology, meaning the struggle between good and evil for the human soul. It can be assumed that there is some genetic memory about some real battle in space, for example, about the battle between Kronos and Zeus, so vividly described in the ancient Greek classics.

The Turin papyrus states: “He (Horus) is considered… the inhabitant of the Sacred Eye, and he is ordered to live in it. His seat is the throne. Moreover, “… the Eye gives him the Knowledge of the abyss (space?), He is the Messenger of the Lord, for the sake of which he crosses the sky and overcomes the firmament (hyperspace?); from the light coming out from his edge, a flame flares up “(power plant?) and he can“fly into the sky and descend to earth every day,”says chapter 52 of the Book of the Dead.

The Italian scientist Solas Boncompani, on the basis of an in-depth study of ancient Near Eastern texts, expressed the opinion that the creature hiding in the Eye, which the Egyptians called "Mysterious", had similarities with the god Thoth or Hermes Trismegistus, as the ancient Greeks called him, with the Hebrew Enoch and with Babylon Oannes.

The Eye, also known as the Cosmic Egg and the Sacred Falcon, is identified by Boncompany with the Flying Thrones from Hebrew literature and the Heavenly Chariots featured in Indian classics. The Divine Eye mentioned in sacred texts may not be just a religious image. For many millennia, observing the stars, the priests-astronomers must have seen many celestial phenomena.

However, only one, and even that rather dubious, evidence has come down to us. It is a poorly preserved papyrus found among the papers of the late director of the Egyptian Vatican Museum, Professor Albert Tully, recognized as part of the chronicle of Pharaoh Thutmose III and dating back to about 1500 BC. His somewhat controversial translation says the following:

»In 22 year, on the third month of winter at six o'clock in the afternoon, scribes, archivists and chroniclers from the House of Life discovered that a circle of fire was going across the sky … (but) he had no head. Bad breath emanated from his mouth. His body was both in length and in width one measure (about five meters), and he did not make a sound. And the hearts of the scribes contracted with horror and confusion, and they fell on their faces … They reported to Pharaoh. His Majesty commanded … was studied … and he reflected on what had happened and what was written in the papyri of the House of Life. And now, after several days, these things began to be observed in the heavens more and more often. They shine brighter than the sun and extend to the very four pillars of the sky (points of the horizon) … The area of these fiery circles occupied the entire sky. Pharaoh's army watched them with him. It was after supper. Then these fiery circles rose higher into the sky towards the south. Fish and winged beasts or birds began to fall from the sky. No one has known such a miracle during the existence of this country! Pharaoh commanded to smoke incense in order to restore peace on earth … And what happened) Pharaoh ordered to be entered into the records of the House of Life … to be remembered forever.

Pliny the Elder, in his Natural History, mentions the meat rains that fell on Rome in 461 BC. e. Similar precipitation was recorded by Julius Ugodnik and his "Book of Miracles" and already in our times by Charles Fort. Fish, animals and birds may have been lifted from Earth by a spacecraft powered by the energy of the gravitational field, and then dropped from a huge height as unnecessary ballast. The mention of fish falling from the sky by the ancient Egyptian scribes seems to be surprising evidence in favor of the fact that those fiery circles were associated with the flights of spaceships.

For many centuries, the Jews claimed to be the only people who professed faith in one supreme God, which supposedly distinguished them from all others - idolaters who inhabited the Earth.

But the rabbis have forgotten, recalls the English researcher Sir E. A. Wallis Bedge, that long before Abraham spoke with Gospid in the More Oak Forest in about 2000 BC. e., "since ancient times, one of the strongest trends in the development of Egyptian religion was in the direction of monotheism." And that “the monotheistic side of the Egyptian faith resembles the religious concepts of modern Christian nations, and for some it is even quite surprising that the Egyptians with such an exalted concept of God could become the talk of the town, allegedly for their worship of many gods in various forms.

Indeed, in Egypt, as in most other countries, different gods were worshiped. But all of them, however, even more than people, obeyed God, the creator of everything. Unlike many modern people, the educated Egyptians knew that the word "God" has at least two different meanings. First, there is the Absolute, which embodies the Universe in which and thanks to which we live. Secondly, there are gods of local significance, or people of space, originating from some highly developed planet and from time to time appearing among people. Many of the Egyptian gods probably symbolize the Masters from the Cosmos."

God Thoth with the body of a man and the head of a bird, which, perhaps, symbolically indicates his space flights, was the god of earth, sea and sky. He was also the founder of all arts and sciences, the supreme magician, patron of literature, the scribe of the gods, the inventor of hieroglyphs, the author of magic books, the founder of geometry, astronomy, medicine, music and mathematics, the organizer of the occult mysteries, the historian-chronicler and the Secretary of the Court of the Dead. The Phoenician historian Sanchoniaton wrote that Thoth invented a flying machine for Kronos, who in the heavens waged war with Zeus. He allegedly designed and maintained the Eye of Horus, a spaceship, and was also the lord of the moon, suggesting that he was an alien who landed on it. According to occult legends, Thoth was an Atlantean who assisted in the construction of the Great Pyramid (Cheops),in which he hid tablets on which secret knowledge was written, and magic weapons.