"Law Is Law!!!" - The Real Reason People Are Unhappy, Sick And Poor Is - Alternative View

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"Law Is Law!!!" - The Real Reason People Are Unhappy, Sick And Poor Is - Alternative View
"Law Is Law!!!" - The Real Reason People Are Unhappy, Sick And Poor Is - Alternative View

Video: "Law Is Law!!!" - The Real Reason People Are Unhappy, Sick And Poor Is - Alternative View

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Our story will go, in particular, about health, but in an unusual sense for many. Not about bodily health, which is determined by the doctor, listening to you with a stethoscope and poking around in the analyzes. And not about the spiritual, which psychiatrists evaluate with their own methods.

This article is about the types of spiritual illnesses. How they affect the quality of our life. How to recognize them and how to get rid of them. What you are reading now may seem banal, a handful of common truths, but knowing does not mean understanding, assimilating and using successfully …

The universe is amazingly simple. Basic rule: "Do no harm, do not do evil." You ask, “What about good? Is it not more important to do good than to abstain from evil? " Of course, the virtue of the universe is welcome, but abstinence from evil, from harm, is much more important for its survival and development.

The universe immediately begins to admonish those who harm, so that people will correct themselves, heal from spiritual diseases. Not understanding what exactly is happening, people perceive help in their correction and recovery as punishment, cruel blows of fate.

The harm (evil) caused by a person is of three types:

Self- harm - gluttony, smoking, self-criticism, self-criticism, etc. Spiritual illness in its infancy. The universe has not yet intervened, giving a person a chance to fix everything himself. After all, everything happens inside the pest himself, and he physically feels the consequences of his actions. And, according to the understanding of the universe, a person will either realize and correct himself, or harm himself so much that he will self-destruct. In any case, the source of evil will evaporate.

Harm to someone else - murder, theft, bullying, noise violence (loud music at night in the ears of neighbors) and oh, how much more. Spiritual illness develops. The universe is using the good old boomerang law to help. What you sow is what you reap, in other words. This happens so that a person still feels what harm it is causing and guesses to correct, stop. Well, or to the extreme from the "boomerang" recoil collapsed and, thus, again ceased to act evil. In theory, if a person has developed empathy, if he can feel the pain of his neighbor as his own, then this does not happen. And the Universe helps “empathic monsters” to recover spiritually - it gives them boomerang crutches.

Harm to the whole universe - you don't have to be "Doctor Evil" for this. It is enough to break the laws - the principles of the functioning of the universe. An example of one of these principles is the value of life as such, so the universe allows (but does not welcome!) To take it away only by protecting another life.

Promotional video:

With those who encroach on its principles, the universe acts in the same way as a healthy body with cancer cells - it destroys as quickly and thoroughly as possible. Moreover, it reacts not only to actions, but also to thoughts (well, maybe not so instantly on thoughts - it gives a chance to change your mind).

Another law prohibits taking more from the world than you give. The universe begins to perceive such drones as energy gaps in its own tissue and immediately patches these holes, i.e. gives less and less until the person is aware or until he dies. Other laws take care of sexual and class balance, regulate reproduction, education, etc.

And now three sorrows associated with the above:

Sadness # 1: Ignorance of these laws does not in any way absolve from responsibility for their violation. Only children up to a certain age are not subject to jurisdiction - parents are responsible for their "shoals" before the universe. And the tradition of instilling an understanding of these laws "with mother's milk" in modern society has been almost universally lost.

Sadness # 2: People most often do not see any connection between certain actions or thoughts on the one hand and a decrease in the quality of life (illness, poverty, unhappiness) on the other. They tend to blame it all: the spouse, the government, a difficult childhood, or an evil fate. In general, everyone and everything except himself.

Sadness # 3: Even going to a psychologist most often does not help to cope with a spiritual illness. Diagnosing spiritual illnesses is a rare, specific skill. Plus, identifying spiritual illness is only half the battle. It is even more difficult to explain to the client that he has such a bad name and that he needs to get rid of it. And positive changes in life after such deliverance do not come immediately.

A ray of light in the dark kingdom

Fortunately, there is a way to heal spiritual illnesses. For many years researching the themes of fate, generic scenarios and deep psychological study, I learned to intuitively determine whether a person has spiritual illnesses and violations of the laws of the universe. We fix all this immediately (during the same session). And not only with face-to-face consultations, but also via Skype.

Oleg Kolmychok
