The National Holiday In Iran Was Watched By The UFO Flotilla - Alternative View

The National Holiday In Iran Was Watched By The UFO Flotilla - Alternative View
The National Holiday In Iran Was Watched By The UFO Flotilla - Alternative View

Video: The National Holiday In Iran Was Watched By The UFO Flotilla - Alternative View

Video: The National Holiday In Iran Was Watched By The UFO Flotilla - Alternative View
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For three hours on the night of March 15, 2016, a constant stream of luminous UFOs was moving over the Iranian city of Andish (see video below).

The night of the last Wednesday before each Iranian New Year, which is called Novruz and is celebrated on the day of the vernal equinox, Iran celebrates as a great holiday. Bonfires are lit all over the country and fireworks and balloons fly into the sky.

Throughout the night, while the holiday lasted, a local resident from the window of his multi-storey building watched through binoculars disc-shaped bright orange UFOs flying through the night sky, which were moving in the same direction.

According to an eyewitness report to the World UFO Network (MUFON), the objects followed one another at intervals of several minutes. In four videos, which a local resident attached to the report, sounds of exploding fireworks can be heard and bright spheres of fire are seen flying in the night sky.

An eyewitness claims that they did not look like the balloons that the Iranians throw into the sky during this holiday. These strange objects "accelerated and decelerated, moved up and down with ease, floated and could move in any direction without any difficulty."

“It was obvious that these were objects of a completely different kind,” wrote a resident of Andishe in his report.

It seems that the flotilla of flying objects is watching the national holiday in Iran with interest, especially, according to an eyewitness, the same thing happened on the same night last 2016.

Voronina Svetlana

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