How We Are Being Manipulated. Does Modern Man Really Have Freedom Of Choice? - Alternative View

How We Are Being Manipulated. Does Modern Man Really Have Freedom Of Choice? - Alternative View
How We Are Being Manipulated. Does Modern Man Really Have Freedom Of Choice? - Alternative View

Video: How We Are Being Manipulated. Does Modern Man Really Have Freedom Of Choice? - Alternative View

Video: How We Are Being Manipulated. Does Modern Man Really Have Freedom Of Choice? - Alternative View
Video: Do We Really Have Freedom Of Choice? (Conspiracy Documentary) | Real Stories 2024, September

The article is written for people who do not like it when subtle parasites live at their expense, and who are ready to get rid of this influence to the maximum, or use it in their own interests to work on themselves.

Let's consider 2 aspects of interaction with the subtle world. Egregorial and interaction with all sorts of demons of various sizes, and partly demons.

In the worker-peasant way, egregor is such a crap that is not visible with ordinary eyes, consisting of "intelligent energy" that weighs high in the sky, and interacts at an energy level with people. Interaction can be both bilateral and one-sided on the part of a person. Egregors are dark in the dark, and in order to interact with certain ones, you need to tune in to it. That is, so that the frequency spectra overlap at least a little. The greater the overlap, the deeper the interaction. It must be understood that initially egregor is a creature created by someone. We must also remember that all the main religious egregors, party and other similar large ones, were created not by people, but by the Highest. Both light and dark (in our time, as a rule, the last).

I suspect that initially egregors were used by our Ancestors as a tool. But now, after centuries of human degradation, they have become gods for people, and are fighting among themselves for the adepts. After all, the more "batteries" they have, i.e. zombie people who are completely dependent on egregor, the stronger these egregor. And people now perceive them as God, and they behave accordingly. Produce healings, "lead" people through life, and so on.

Do not assume that the egregorial influence on a person is definitely bad, as most profanators now write. It depends on what to set up and how to use it. There are people singing harikrishna - happy and spiritually progressing. Although, of course, in general, this religion has a lot of shortcomings, but if you approach without fanaticism, it is a very beneficial influence. All theological schools have their own egregors that help the adepts to progress. Etc.

Also, their egregors exist in enterprises, websites (especially forums), castes (in the sense of uniting people by profession) and the like. Partly they arise spontaneously, partly they are created deliberately (most often all kinds of blackies, but also light ones). There are hierarchies there. Either the stronger ones subjugate themselves, or many egregors are initially created, as lower ones relative to others. Well, with submission (or re-submission), the structure of this energy vortex changes, and accordingly, the influence begins to go on the adepts, changing them too.

It was a necessary introduction to describe the subject at hand. But before proceeding directly to the discussion of the influence of egregors on human life, one more digression must be made. Otherwise, some questions will still remain unclear.

Human perception - can be imagined as a crystal with a number of faces. And the information that he is trying to perceive is like a certain ray of white light that passes through this crystal. There is even such a figurative concept as "the prism of perception". Everyone has heard, but very few people thought about what it really means.

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So when a white ray of light (containing 100% of the information) hits the face, edge, etc. of the crystal:-), it breaks up into components, which somehow deflecting unevenly pass through the perception. Accordingly, the information carried by the beam is distorted. The more uneven the cut, the stronger, and the more the crystal is symmetrical and similar to a ball (has a greater number of faces), the less distortion, on the contrary. It's the same with a person. You say something to him, but he perceives only a small part of the information, thinking that he has perceived everything.

Probably many have noticed that when you communicate about the same things with a well-known person, and with a person whom you have just met or have not seen for a long time, the communication is structured very differently, and often you get an understanding almost from a half-word, or on the contrary, complete misunderstanding when communicating in one language. Well, as the most striking example - when talking with a very religious person, it is practically impossible to prove any erroneousness of his judgments regarding his faith. You can give 100 proofs, ask leading questions, etc. But at a certain moment, his consciousness will "slip" off the topic. A person will not do this intentionally, he is simply not able to perceive this information, since “Many things are incomprehensible to us, not because our concepts are weak; but because these things are not included in the range of our concepts. " / Kozma Prutkov /

Well, egregors in themselves are just such structures with some kind of "one-sided cut", and people who closely interact with them begin to perceive the world in a similar one-sided way. This is how fanatics are born. People who are simply not able to approach their faith with criticism, for example.

Well, and the last thing that needs to be said, before so, "put together the mosaic": our brain is figuratively speaking, an antenna. A thing that can tune in to any source of thought-like radiation, and receive a signal from there. According to various estimates, from 80 to 100% of the thoughts during the day of the average person are not his. And they have not the slightest relation to him. It's just that the brain in one state "catches" one wave, in another - another. But the influence through thoughts goes to mood, actions and so on. But the main goal is to tune a person to certain “frequencies” at which he will experience some emotions, that is, emit a maximum of energy, due to which the object, which brought thoughts to mind, will be fed.

After all, egregors do not overlap the entire spectrum of human emotions, plus there is still the complexity of attunement, the formation, so to speak, of a stable connection between him and a person. But other subtle-material, already quite “living” beings - demons and demons - are devoid of this lack. They feed on the outbursts of people's energy during emotions, mainly negative ones, since they themselves, having a demonic structure, simply cannot withstand high-frequency energies. They are destructive for them. Little demons, who basically “hunt” for specific people, are not too smart, but very persistent (everyone wants to live:-)). They especially "love" alcoholics and other degraded people, and also do not mind "dissolving" the company to "drink" or discuss something that would get negative from people. They are also able to share experiences with each other. Those. 2 friends meet,sit, communicate. At the same time, their “accompanying” also “communicate”. People decided that we wouldn’t drink today, and they began to imperceptibly direct and correct the conversation in such a way that often the meeting still ends with drinking alcoholic beverages.

Demons are also dangerous because at the current moment in time people need to move to a higher frequency in order to survive. Those who emit lower vibrations during the day will simply not survive due to the changing environment. The high frequencies of space and earth will destroy them. But this is a topic for another conversation.

From the above, it follows that if you do not want to be food for all subtle materials, you need to increase awareness throughout the day. Engage in self-observation. Stalking. Some thought came - trace its source. Decide - do you need it at all? Or there was some desire to do something - the same thing. Many books have been written on stalking, the methods are chewed up and discussed on many forums, so here I see no reason to repeat all this. The main thing is to track yourself. At least understand when and how they are trying to "dissolve" you for energy.

Egregors are fed by emotions, both positive and negative. If people, when discussing the actions of the authorities, scold it for what it is worth, then this egregor is still fed. Only attunement is important, and not a positive or negative charge carry thoughts. Even if you send thoughts to this egregor about its destruction, he will only say thanks and ask for more. How we are being manipulated. Does modern man really have freedom of choice? The only option not to feed the parasites is to ignore them completely. As if they don't exist.

But there is a catch. For example, if you want to get out of the influence of some political egregor, and just stop thinking about it, then at first you will have a hard time. You will meet heaps of people with whom you once discussed the party, absolutely strangers can talk about it, or, on the contrary, very close people. In general, there will be a lot of attempts to hook it back, and the more, the more energy you previously gave there. If a religious egregor - the picture is the same. "Space" will provide you with a full spectrum of evidence that you are doing wrong, trying to get out of this influence.

Serious attempts to "hook" a person back usually take place during the first month or two, all of them to one degree or another. As far as I know, they can be in the flesh for up to six months or even more, if you are VERY interested. This is usually the most difficult period. The main thing is to survive it without giving up. Better yet, don't go far into such structures. I tuned in, did everything I wanted, "passed out". This is the most correct approach. Everything must be realized and controlled. And not like the drug addicts who say that they have everything under control, but they themselves are stuck just don't want to.

There is one more thing that stands a little apart. The so-called parasites of consciousness. If the human brain is now used on average by 1.5-3%, then the subtle bodies are even less. This is what some parasites use. It's probably not worth going into details, but the point is that what is not used by humans is considered by the parasite as its own. Probably everyone noticed that the older a person is, the less “flexible” he is in terms of mind. All because the main part of his life most of his awareness was not used, and now it simply does not exist, as it is eaten. The fight against this is to use the head for its intended purpose throughout life, and not only for what would be in it.