Elder Eli About How To Make The Future Of Russia Bright - Alternative View

Elder Eli About How To Make The Future Of Russia Bright - Alternative View
Elder Eli About How To Make The Future Of Russia Bright - Alternative View

Video: Elder Eli About How To Make The Future Of Russia Bright - Alternative View

Video: Elder Eli About How To Make The Future Of Russia Bright - Alternative View
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The priest Elder Eli believes that first you need to return faith in God.

The true clergyman of the Orthodox Church, Shchiarchimandrite Iliy, did not ignore the eternal questions about the life, eternity and soul of the Russian people. His predictions about the future of Russia are rather vague. However, it makes sense for any person to listen to his true words, regardless of race, nation and territorial restrictions.

Faith for Russia, in the opinion of the perspicacious elder, is gradually beginning to revive and rise from oblivion. However, it brings difficulties to its owner, while he has not yet acquired real strength.

He believes that true faith in God was thrown back a century and a half ago. To return it, it will take titanic labor of the entire people in the struggle against moral qualities and ideals. Only then, in his opinion, “there will be faith, piety and love for work in a people with many national customs and traditions. Faith will rise from its knees and find a new round of its revival. The voice of conscience and faith will have to be filled with our soul."

The monk Iliy saw the future of Russia in the appeal of the Russian people to realize "what our need is and what will be required of us in modern society." Strength of spirit, faith in God and the beginnings of patriotism should gain momentum in modern Russia, Elder Eli prophesies. After all, everything that is happening now in the present tense and will happen in the future will be woven together with the facts of the past long ago. It is not for nothing that the monk focuses his attention on the enslavement of the Russian people during the period of the Tatar-Mongol yoke and with the history of the Second World War. Only in solidarity and unity did the Russians manage to avoid the complete destruction of the nation.

Therefore, as never before, the prophetic words of Shhiarchimandrite Elijah are considered relevant, who did not easily predict difficult times for the country, but also blessed her to ask the Lord to atone for all our sins….