The Island From Which They Do Not Return - Alternative View

The Island From Which They Do Not Return - Alternative View
The Island From Which They Do Not Return - Alternative View

Video: The Island From Which They Do Not Return - Alternative View

Video: The Island From Which They Do Not Return - Alternative View
Video: 9 Most MYSTERIOUS Islands On Earth! 2024, July

On the Kenyan lake Rudolph (Turkana) there is an island of Invitenet. The local tribes Kikuyo and Luo translate this name as “no return”. The islet is quite small, only a few kilometers long and wide. Kenyans do not live here, as they consider the Intenet to be a cursed place.

An English Geographical Expedition led by the famous explorer of the African continent, Vian Fush, worked in Kenya in 1935. Two of his colleagues, Martin Chef-lis and Bill Dason, once decided to explore Invaitenet Island and went there by boat with an outboard motor. Fifteen days passed, but the scientists did not return. Fusch sent a rescue team to the island. They didn't find anyone. No traces of the scientists' stay on the island disappeared, their things, backpacks and a tent, in which the researchers were going to live on the island, disappeared. The boat was also missing. The island was deserted, except for an abandoned village consisting of several half-rotted reed huts.

Sheflis and Dyson's boat could hardly have drowned, since there was no excitement on the lake, and indeed the Invitenet was visible from the shore. So, most likely, the tragedy happened on the island. But where did Martin and Bill go? English geographers turned to the natives living on the banks of the Turkana for help. One of the elders named Atondu told the following story: “Long ago, when my grandfather was still alive, there were people on the island. Our fellow tribesmen called them Blue Eyes. They did have blond hair, blue eyes, and looked like you, stranger. They wore strange clothes made of red cloth, and their women always covered food. They fished in the lake and grazed livestock on their patch of land.

Blue-eyed people often came to us in canoes, hollowed out of tree trunks. They traded fish and meat for fruit and coffee. But for some time now the Blue Eyes stopped visiting us. Then my grandfather and his brother decided to find out what had happened. They went to the island by boat, and no one else saw them. The grandfather was respected in the tribe. Therefore, ten young warriors went to the island to find Atonda, after whom I was named. They did not stay there long. There were no people on the island, only an abandoned village. Where the Blue Eyes and my grandfather went is unknown. Perhaps they learned to live under water like fish, and they dragged my grandfather there too. When old Atondu told this story, tears ran down his cheeks.

Fusch was looking for friends on the plane. The pilot flew over the lake for a month, but did not find any traces of the missing travelers. Until now, they are considered missing.

In 1964, another tragedy struck the island. A German geological expedition worked in its vicinity, which went to the shores of Turkana in agreement with the government of Kenya. Three geologists decided to visit the Invitenet. What fossils they expected to find on the island remained unknown. When the geologists did not return a few days later, they went to look for them. The corpses of three young men lay on the shore, near the water. They were naked, the skin had an unnatural bright red hue, the bodies had wounds, as well as internal hemorrhages. The cause of death could not be established. The geologists' belongings and boat disappeared without a trace.

The Germans assumed that their friends were hit by lightning. The next day, after the dead had sailed to the island, a thunderstorm raged over the lake. But where did the clothes go? Maybe she burned out? The most incredible hypotheses were put forward - the British were testing a secret weapon on the territory of their former colony, a UFO landed on the island, contact with the exhaust gases of an alien aircraft, or the aliens themselves killed German geologists …

In 1982, the Invitenet swallowed new victims. Foreign tourism is developed in Kenya, there are many national parks, where Europeans come to see wild animals and pristine nature. Newlyweds from Holland Martha and Mark Van Merzen came to Kenya for their honeymoon. Mark was the heir to the multi-million dollar fortune of his father, the owner of a large chain of stores. Martha won a Dutch beauty pageant. The newlyweds visited the famous Tsavo and Sibilon parks and decided to look for a more secluded and quiet place. Unfortunately, one of the guides advised them to choose Invitenet. Perhaps the guide wished the young couple evil.

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The young Dutch went to Lake Rudolph. They intended to rest in comfort, and therefore five motor boats, loaded with many things necessary for life in the field, headed to the lake at once. Van Mer-prices took with them a local guide, who only for a lot of money agreed to go to the lost place, and four servants, among whom was even a cook.

The newlyweds planned to spend a week on the Invitenet. On March 7, five motorboats hit the road. The guide, as agreed, showed the tourists a convenient cove and immediately returned. Subsequently, he said that he was struck by the strange silence on the island. There were no birds singing or insects chirping.

As in previous cases, after a week the newlyweds and their servants did not return. A representative from a Kenyan travel agency that received tourists from Holland sent a representative to the island. He had to sail there alone, as the locals flatly refused to accompany him. The representative of the travel agency found tents with things on the shore, but there were no people. They disappeared without a trace. In a small cove, there were four boats tied to rocks. The fifth disappeared.

Van Merzen organized a search expedition. The island has even been visited by Kenyan and Dutch police officers. They searched literally every centimeter there, but did not find any traces of the presence of people.

And again those who arrived on the island noticed the strange silence and absence of birds. Police officers from Holland suggested that it was a kidnapping, but no one made any demands on the family of the millionaire. The Europeans, who took part in the search for a couple on the island, subsequently fell ill. The disease manifested itself in the form of weakness and dizziness, coughing fits. The victims' skin became covered with red blisters. The doctors couldn't make a diagnosis. One of the patients, a personal friend of Mark Van Merzen, died.

The newlyweds, despite months of searches throughout Kenya, were never found. The Dutch newspapers wrote about this case. It has been suggested that there is a rift in the earth's crust under the island. From there, cyanic gases may rise and paralyze breathing. However, this can explain the illness and death of people, but not their disappearance. In addition, back in 1964, when German geologists were working in the vicinity of the lake, they concluded that there were no geological anomalies here.

Belgian researcher of anomalous phenomena Alexander Novo has no doubts that there is an anomalous zone on the Inveitenet island. He believes that there is a hole in space, the so-called teleportal, through which you can get to other worlds parallel to the earthly world. Apparently the Blue Eyed Tribe knew this. Perhaps even they themselves got to the island from another world, where they later left. Novo emphasizes that there are many teleportals on Earth. Examples of the most famous can be cited: the Bermuda Triangle, the Aconcagua peak in the Andean Cordilleras, the Mountain of the Dead in the northern Urals, the Valley of Death in the Chinese province of Xihuan.
