Black Sea "dragon" - Alternative View

Black Sea "dragon" - Alternative View
Black Sea "dragon" - Alternative View

Video: Black Sea "dragon" - Alternative View

Video: Black Sea
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In 1921, the Black Sea fishermen unexpectedly rebelled: they refused to go to sea, because "the dragon dragged several people under the water." The message was taken seriously - the authorities sent a company of Red Army soldiers to fight the sea serpent. Their command launched a vigorous activity to capture the sea dragon, which was witnessed by the poet Maximilian Voloshin, but it was never found. 15 years later, the story received an unexpected continuation. In January 1936, off the Crimean coast, a "horse-headed monster" was caught in a fishing net. Frightened fishermen hastened to release the dragon into their native element.

According to experts, the Black Sea is one of the most mysterious on the planet. Scientists at Columbia University recently came to a sensational conclusion about its origin: rumors that mysterious monsters are found at its bottom, it turns out, are close to reality. It turns out that even 7000 years ago the Black Sea was an enclosed freshwater lake. After the onset of warming, when the glaciers began to melt, and the level of the oceans rose rapidly, the Mediterranean Sea overflowed and poured into the territory of what is now Turkey. This is how the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles arose. Scientists believe that it was this grand catastrophe that formed the basis of the biblical legend of Noah.

Scientists believe that the mythological roots of the unique reservoir are by no means accidental: the Black Sea is the only one on the planet where the salinity of surface waters one to one corresponds to some characteristics of human blood: about 17 g of salts are accounted for 1 g of sea water.

Another thing is known: the waters of the Black Sea are polluted with a poisonous gas, hydrogen sulfide, and its level is constantly growing. According to some foreign ecologists, the reservoir may one day explode. And this is 467 km3! We can say - the end of the world! But one of the leading hydrobiologists of Ukraine Viktor Zaika (1936–2014) believed that such an apocalypse would not threaten us. “The hydrogen sulfide environment of the Black Sea is poorly understood,” he says. - But now we have already reached the 150-meter depth and found out completely unexpected things. If earlier we were sure that in the depths saturated with poisonous vapors there could be nothing living, now we know: how can it be! There are some very unusual organisms that can do … without oxygen."

Ukrainian scientists are proud of the unique pictures of miraculous creatures that they managed to get using high-precision technology. At a depth of more than 2000 m, microorganisms leading an attached lifestyle were recorded. In biology, they have not yet managed to get a name - before such creatures were simply not observed. Surprisingly, as the concentration of hydrogen sulfide increases, they only feel better!

There are a huge number of legends associated with the appearance of a giant fantastic creature with a tail off the Crimean coast. Irina Setuntseva from Evpatoria has collected a dossier on the sea dragon. Here are some excerpts: “… On March 14, it appeared on the horizon and swam 100 meters at a speed of about 80 kilometers per hour, then disappearing under water. The phenomenon was also observed by the fisherman Denisov and his fourteen-year-old son. Frightened, they decided to return to the shore, but did not have time: a creature that looked like a lizard emerged right in front of them, eight to ten meters away, creating a giant wave with its tail. The boat almost capsized."

The Denisovs describe the monster as black, with a small head, but with huge paws, a creature without hair, in an open mouth there are several rows of sharp teeth, like a shark, it makes guttural sounds similar to the cries of an elephant, red eyes, bluish scales are visible on the body. The fishermen froze with horror, expecting the worst. But the creature suddenly went under water …

But the "miracle Yudo" really tried to attack a resident of Evpatoria Olga Ryapushkina. She was standing on the parapet, when suddenly she saw a huge mouth in front of her (Olga says that she even felt the smell of raw fish emanating from her), bloodshot eyes, then the monster made an attempt to grab the woman with a black paw-paw. She miraculously dodged and ran with a cry …

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From time to time, fishermen catch large fish and dolphins with teeth marks of an animal unknown to science: “The width of the bite is about a meter, the size of the tooth mark is about 40 mm,” a local newspaper quotes the research of one of the amateur scientists. “The dolphin’s belly is bitten out with ribs, so the spine is clearly visible…” It is clear that none of the known creatures of the world's oceans, including giant sharks, can commit such atrocities.

The sea lizard was allegedly seen off the coast of Feodosia, near Sudak, and in Alupka … That is, there is more than enough evidence. Many believe that the Black Sea Nessie has been found here since time immemorial, that it is a descendant of a plesiosaur that hatched from an egg several million years old. Scientists at the South Sea Biology Institute are skeptical about these stories. If the sea is only 7000 years old, which is considered a proven fact, then where can the eggs of ancient lizards appear on its bottom? And if they were "carried" by that terrible ice stream from the Mediterranean, then, according to Victor Zaika, the "dragons" could not survive here.

“But it used to be thought that there could be no recently discovered organisms on the seabed,” says Elena Sovga, PhD in Geology and Mineralogy, from the Marine Hydrophysical Institute. “However, it turned out that hydrogen sulfide is a mysterious, little-studied environment with a huge life potential. It is not without reason that sulfur, like oxygen, is in the sixth group of the periodic table. It can be assumed that some mutations occurred in the hydrogen sulphide environment, as a result of which unknown forms of life appeared in the Black Sea …"

Pernatiev Yuri Sergeevich. Brownies, mermaids and other mysterious creatures
