Meetings With Werewolves In Russia - Alternative View

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Meetings With Werewolves In Russia - Alternative View
Meetings With Werewolves In Russia - Alternative View

Video: Meetings With Werewolves In Russia - Alternative View

Video: Meetings With Werewolves In Russia - Alternative View
Video: Top 10 Werewolf Caught On Camera & Spotted In Real Life 2024, September

There is hardly a person today who has no idea who a werewolf is. Science fiction novels, hundreds of horror films and computer games are the main sources of information. In reality, werewolves are not met so often, but whoever happens - they never forget it … Although they would like to. Including such cases are enough in our country.

Classics of the genre

This incident occurred in the late 1980s in a missile unit near Irkutsk. In the middle of the night, the senior lieutenant was summoned to the scene. A soldier from his platoon, Private Meters, was on guard. Walking around the territory entrusted to him, he noticed a huge figure in the light of a lantern behind a wire fence. Outwardly, the intruder looked like a strange hybrid of a man and a wolf, only about two meters tall.

His body was covered with long gray hair, his eyes burned with an unkind fire, and his long muzzle crooked in a fanged grin. When the monster made an attempt to climb over the fence, the frightened, but not bewildered, sentry began to shoot from a machine gun. To his horror, the soldier realized that the bullets do no harm to the beast, as if bouncing off a gray skin. Nevertheless, after the noise was raised, the monster turned and disappeared into the forest.

Co-workers found Petrov in a state close to hysterics. The senior lieutenant who arrived at the scene with difficulty made out his incoherent speech, but the picture of the incident was supplemented by strange finds at the place where, according to the private, the beast appeared. Blood was not really found there, but the traces of large animal paws were there, and it seemed that the animal moved on two legs. In addition, to the great embarrassment of the chief of the guard, a clump of gray-black wool hung from the barrier wire.

At that time, the case, of course, was hushed up, but the fact of the appearance in the taiga garrison of a creature that, according to the description, fully corresponded to the ghoul, does not cancel it. Moreover, meetings with similar or other creatures that can be attributed to the same category continue.

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Beast girl

Many years after the incident, a resident of Ivanova told about a similar meeting in the Kostroma region. At that time, Irina Govorkova was still a schoolgirl and spent her holidays with her grandmother in the village. An old woman named Taisiya lived in the same village.

Strong for her advanced years, the exact number of which no one knew, she cheerfully drove her goats to the pasture and back, coped around the house in such a way, “that in the village not everyone can do it. It was with her that Irina met in the meadow. The girl was riding a bicycle, but on the wet grass she could not brake in time and almost crashed into Taisiya.


Then the old woman began to behave rather strangely: having made a circle around the girl, she bared her teeth strangely. Her face seemed to be covered with gray hair, stretched out, and fangs appeared between her lips. This lasted for a very short time, but Irina managed to get scared. In a moment, the face was the same. The old woman looked at Irina and told her to forget everything as soon as possible, anyway no one would believe her.

Indeed, Irina grandmother attributed the whole story to a rich children's imagination. Although evil tongues claimed that they saw Taisia leave for the river in the evening, returns in the guise of a black boar, and has lived for more than a hundred years. In a word, they considered her a witch, capable of changing her appearance. Of course, where can a hundred-year-old grandmother keep up with her goats, it's another matter if she turns into a wolf or a dog …

These images are most typical of both werewolves and witches. However, the latter can take on other forms, such as horses.

Aunt horse

For the first time this strange horse was seen by the inhabitants of Ilyinka near Moscow. In the warm season, the young generation lingers on the street for a long time, and it is just such belated passers-by who began to face a gigantic horse with burning eyes after sunset. Quickly realizing that these were tricks of evil spirits, a group of activists began to figure out which of their fellow villagers was throwing into a horse and scaring the people at night. They suspected grandma Martha, after the incident with Nikolai Blinkov, these suspicions grew into confidence.

Nikolai came home late from work in his truck. At dusk, he noticed a horse standing on the road and tried to go around the side of the road, as the animal did not react to signals. But the horse turned and, flashing devilish eyes at the driver, galloped alongside.

Quite a long time the race continued with varying success: on the asphalt the car had an advantage, on the country road - on the contrary. And before entering the village, the horse jumped into the back with acceleration, so that the car shuddered, and turning back, Nikolai saw through the rear window a wildly laughing naked grandmother Martha. Fear gave him strength, but when he got out of the car, there was no one in the back.

The villagers decided not to leave such a thing unpunished and sent a delegation to the witch, persistently asking her to stop the nighttime outrages … For a week in the village it was quiet, and then someone trampled down the whole garden at Blinkov's and smashed the front door. Then a teenager got to the hospital, who was frightened by a three-meter horse. The guy started to hum and stutter from severe shock.

Now the local men have decided to take serious action. In the evening, they hid outside the house of a werewolf and saw how she came out onto the porch and turned into a monstrous mare. Several lassoes were thrown at the werewolf at once, but it was far from immediately possible to cope with the fierce resistance of the animals. The werewolf horse was brought to the horse yard, shod, as it should be in such cases, and released.

In the morning, all the men who participated in the capture of the witch were taken to the police at the request of Martha's grandmother, but then the whole village was outraged. The old woman was threatened that they would burn her house, and she herself, if still caught in the guise of a horse, would be sent to a meat processing plant. Grandma Martha had to pick up her application and look for other entertainment.

Pig act

In addition to the fact that witches can turn into animals, they also like to put damage. A resident of the Stavropol Territory had to face this in practice. Svetlana Titova's sister developed a tumor on her leg. In this case, medicine turned out to be powerless, so the sisters decided that this was the case of one of the local witches, most likely a neighbor, about whom notorious had long gone.

On the advice of old people who still remember the rituals, Svetlana prepared to settle scores with the witch. On the night of St. George's Day, she set the milk to boil. When the milk boiled at midnight, she threw 12 new unused needles into it, one for each beat of the clock. After that, she went outside the gate, recited a prayer and prepared, according to the rite, to throw out the liquid towards the house of the one whom she suspected of witchcraft.

After that, it was necessary, backing up, to return to the house and wait for the next day when the suspect came and asked to give her something, or, conversely, offered to take some object. You can neither take nor give anything, otherwise the warding off of damage will not work.

And at the stage of splashing milk, Svetlana noticed a large, light animal not far from her and at first took it for a dog. But in the sudden silence on the asphalt, hooves rattled - a pig stood in front of the woman and angrily drilled her eyes. Svetlana began to move back to the house, and at the moment when she touched her gate, the ominous pig disappeared into the air.

And the next day the same neighbor whom Svetlana suspected came to her and offered to taste her pies, which in itself was strange. The woman, of course, refused, and after a few days the swelling on her sister's leg disappeared.