Ica Stones: About The Purpose Of The Pyramids - Alternative View

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Ica Stones: About The Purpose Of The Pyramids - Alternative View
Ica Stones: About The Purpose Of The Pyramids - Alternative View

Video: Ica Stones: About The Purpose Of The Pyramids - Alternative View

Video: Ica Stones: About The Purpose Of The Pyramids - Alternative View
Video: A Skeptical Analysis of the Ica Stones 2024, July

For all the sketchiness, the drawings tell a lot

As you know, modern scientific expertise of Ica stones (Peru) has indicated their ancient origin, while images on Ica stones were applied (by engraving) at different times. There are modern counterfeits, but most of the stones date back to 2700-6200 BC. Nevertheless, as we can see, the spread is quite large. But the image technique is different depending on the era! More ancient stones are of the highest quality and detailed, and made in the 2-3 millennium BC. already worse, the "pictures" are simplified and are clearly a copy from earlier stones. Some of the most interesting images tell about the original purpose of the pyramids …

One of the stones is engraved with a four-step pyramid, on either side of which two people are kneeling. There is no doubt that this is a depiction of praying priests wearing traditional feather headdresses. Their hands are folded in prayer in front of the chest. The thin lines emanating from their mouths obviously symbolize the process of saying a prayer or singing a hymn. The faces of the worshipers are turned to the sun. The sun, like the rest of the stones of Ica, is depicted as a human face. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the sun is connected by a "trunk" to the top of the pyramid, which clearly indicates both the presence of a solar cult in this ancient society, and the fact that the pyramids were associated with this cult.

It is even more remarkable that from the top of the pyramid two arrows radiate upward. We can safely assume that the arrows symbolically indicate the energy orientation of this structure. In recent years, a large number of researchers, based on practical experiments, have convincingly proved that the pyramids erected by the ancients in different parts of the world were not just ritual buildings, but were quite definite energy structures with their own technological functions.

It is already quite obvious that the pyramids worked with electromagnetic energy (the so-called "tellurgic currents of the Earth"), however, apparently, the pyramids could and could work with different types of energy, and not just one kind.

The stone described here clearly depicts the process of throwing energy accumulated by the pyramid into space. Despite all the conventionality of the drawing of the pyramid, the ancient artist singled out its third step. If the rest are simply shaded with a grid, then the penultimate step has a straight shading. And in the center of the step there is an engraved figure in the form of cones of different sizes interconnected. Inside this figure, as well as inside the “pillar” connecting the sun with the top of the pyramid, there are small strokes. They can be correlated with the symbolic depiction of energy flows.

Another Ica stone (which also contains drawings of the Earth's continents, but more on that later!) Also has a symbolic image of a stepped pyramid with energy rays radiating out from its center radially. Thus, ancient human civilizations, even having lost direct contact with the "gods" who created these miramids, still had a clearer idea of their structure than modern science …

Interesting video about Ica stones:

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